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Is it just me or is anyone else getting bored with this season's Survivor?

I thought it one of the better ones and was enjoying it a lot early on. I think we have hit a bit of a lull though as the most interesting personalities are gone and we're having to get attached to or redevelop new interests going forward. But I'm still watching faithfully.

I hope that's it -- just a lull -- but I remember that lull when it hit in Survivor: One World. That was the season where Colton first appeared and Kim eventually won. That season was so boring down the stretch that I didn't even watch the whole finale. There was some other show on another channel which I decided was more interesting so I just checked in on the finale at the commercials.

This season promises to be at least slightly more interesting. In Kim's season the players weren't very good. This season should still have skillful play left in it even if it's not flashy.
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Is it just me or is anyone else getting bored with this season's Survivor?

I thought it one of the better ones and was enjoying it a lot early on. I think we have hit a bit of a lull though as the most interesting personalities are gone and we're having to get attached to or redevelop new interests going forward. But I'm still watching faithfully.

I hope that's it -- just a lull -- but I remember that lull when it hit in Survivor: One World. That was the season where Colton first appeared and Kim eventually won. That season was so boring down the stretch that I didn't even watch the whole finale. There was some other show on another channel which I decided was more interesting so I just checked in on the finale at the commercials.

This season promises to be at least slightly more interesting. In Kim's season the players weren't very good. This season should still have skillful play left in it even if it's not flashy.
The great thing about that finale was, they did NOT invite Colton to come back. That was cool but here is the thing. He shows up this damn season to give his scowl and crap again. Hopefully he wont show up for this reunion show again. Jeff actually seemed pissed how he quit.

Damn I cant stand Colton. Calib, run.....RUN!!!!
John and Laura B. went during the competition which sent Laura M. back to the newly merged tribes.

(John stuck it out on Redemption Island for awhile and went home three episodes after Candice.)
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John and Laura B. went during the competition which sent Laura M. back to the newly merged tribes.

(John stuck it out on Redemption Island for awhile and went home three episodes after Candice.)

That's the thing I don't like about Redemption Island. John had won several competitions, then along comes Laura B - and if she had won that competition over Laura M. she would have been the one to return to the game. It doesn't seem fair at all - they need to change it.
John and Laura B. went during the competition which sent Laura M. back to the newly merged tribes.

(John stuck it out on Redemption Island for awhile and went home three episodes after Candice.)

That's the thing I don't like about Redemption Island. John had won several competitions, then along comes Laura B - and if she had won that competition over Laura M. she would have been the one to return to the game. It doesn't seem fair at all - they need to change it.

Small feet. :(
John and Laura B. went during the competition which sent Laura M. back to the newly merged tribes.

(John stuck it out on Redemption Island for awhile and went home three episodes after Candice.)

That's the thing I don't like about Redemption Island. John had won several competitions, then along comes Laura B - and if she had won that competition over Laura M. she would have been the one to return to the game. It doesn't seem fair at all - they need to change it.

Small feet. :(

I get it that their small feet helped, what I don't like is that Laura B would have only had to win one challenge while John had already won 3 (I think).
Laura paid her dues by surviving longer in her tribe before she was booted.

Someone had to be the last to be booted before they rejoined the tribe. That person deserved a chance to get back into the game as much as John did.
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On the West Coast here, so I've got about four hours to go but I wonder who will get the boot tonight - Katie, maybe but more likely Laura, or Ciera I think. The remaining ones will want to split up the last pair and I bet Laura takes her daughter's place if Ciera gets voted out.

They should really focus on getting rid of Tyson and Hayden, especially Hayden - he will win the game if he is the final three.
On the West Coast here, so I've got about four hours to go but I wonder who will get the boot tonight - Katie, maybe but more likely Laura, or Ciera I think. The remaining ones will want to split up the last pair and I bet Laura takes her daughter's place if Ciera gets voted out.

They should really focus on getting rid of Tyson and Hayden, especially Hayden - he will win the game if he is the final three.

The ironic thing is that Ciera doesn't seem to mind the idea that her mom might get the boot. She has been pretty clear that she thinks "Mom" might screw up her game. I got the strong impression she didn't want her mom back in the game before.
On the West Coast here, so I've got about four hours to go but I wonder who will get the boot tonight - Katie, maybe but more likely Laura, or Ciera I think. The remaining ones will want to split up the last pair and I bet Laura takes her daughter's place if Ciera gets voted out.

They should really focus on getting rid of Tyson and Hayden, especially Hayden - he will win the game if he is the final three.

Katie and Ciera should both be gone. I cant stand monica but you have to give her props tonight. Good for her.

Laura M going losing tonight was no surprise. Not really but honestly, why does her daughter think she can beat her mother? She has NO game. None. Her or Katie.

Why is Tyson running this game? He is a moron really. Calib is going to win this thing. :)
On the West Coast here, so I've got about four hours to go but I wonder who will get the boot tonight - Katie, maybe but more likely Laura, or Ciera I think. The remaining ones will want to split up the last pair and I bet Laura takes her daughter's place if Ciera gets voted out.

They should really focus on getting rid of Tyson and Hayden, especially Hayden - he will win the game if he is the final three.

Katie and Ciera should both be gone. I cant stand monica but you have to give her props tonight. Good for her.

Laura M going losing tonight was no surprise. Not really but honestly, why does her daughter think she can beat her mother? She has NO game. None. Her or Katie.

Why is Tyson running this game? He is a moron really. Calib is going to win this thing. :)

Did you see the previews of next week....seems like the floaters are finally getting wind that Tyson is running the show - may be a surprise for him next week. He may be smart enough to pick up on it though, and he does have the idol, so, it may have to wait until the next week. I wouldn't mind seeing him gone. Either Hayden or Caleb is fine with me to win it.
Laura paid her dues by surviving longer in her tribe before she was booted.

Someone had to be the last to be booted before they rejoined the tribe. That person deserved a chance to get back into the game as much as John did.

Not really. Laura B was just floating, she did nothing to earn her stay other than that she was not a threat. John won challenges, more challenges than she would have, if she had won that one (which obviously she wasn't a good enough player to win even that). Laura M, deserved to win, too, she also had won difficult challenges.
Caleb is as worthless at comps as katie and sierra. Worthless. I wish all three of them would get the boot. Meanwhile...I am still rooting for Tyson. He is outwitting and outplaying...but I don't know if he will outlast due to the floaters finally pulling their heads out of their asses. I hate floaters. And they usually win just by tra la la-ing all the way to the end.
Caleb is as worthless at comps as katie and sierra. Worthless. I wish all three of them would get the boot. Meanwhile...I am still rooting for Tyson. He is outwitting and outplaying...but I don't know if he will outlast due to the floaters finally pulling their heads out of their asses. I hate floaters. And they usually win just by tra la la-ing all the way to the end.

The problem with that though is that I just can't bring myself to LIKE Tyson. He just isn't a likable personality to me. I do like Caleb. I find myself noticing him and feeling drawn to him. He may be nothing like what we see on the screen, but he seems like somebody I would be good friends with. But Colton? Not so much. They definitely appear to be a mismatch to me, but oh well. It's their life not mine. But I emotionally find myself pulling for Caleb.

I do agree that One World was the weakest and most boring Survivor ever. This year the dynamics have been more interesting.
Caleb is as worthless at comps as katie and sierra. Worthless. I wish all three of them would get the boot. Meanwhile...I am still rooting for Tyson. He is outwitting and outplaying...but I don't know if he will outlast due to the floaters finally pulling their heads out of their asses. I hate floaters. And they usually win just by tra la la-ing all the way to the end.

The problem with that though is that I just can't bring myself to LIKE Tyson. He just isn't a likable personality to me. I do like Caleb. I find myself noticing him and feeling drawn to him. He may be nothing like what we see on the screen, but he seems like somebody I would be good friends with. But Colton? Not so much. They definitely appear to be a mismatch to me, but oh well. It's their life not mine. But I emotionally find myself pulling for Caleb.

I do agree that One World was the weakest and most boring Survivor ever. This year the dynamics have been more interesting.

Looked like Tyson was stuffing two sandwiches into his mouth at once and gloating at the camera. It's as if he works on being unlikable -- and good for him because if that was his goal then he has succeeded. From my few years of watching Survivor and Big Brother, I understand that this will earn him a cadre of fiercely loyal fans and an opposing "how can you like Tyson" cadre. I'm in the 2nd one.

I can step back and force myself to be objective about where I'm standing and about how Tyson is a real person with a real friends and family and it's all a game, and the people who like him are real people too. (Edit: and he's a big boy so he needs the calories.) But on a gut level, he's repulsive to me. Bleagh. :D
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Caleb is as worthless at comps as katie and sierra. Worthless. I wish all three of them would get the boot. Meanwhile...I am still rooting for Tyson. He is outwitting and outplaying...but I don't know if he will outlast due to the floaters finally pulling their heads out of their asses. I hate floaters. And they usually win just by tra la la-ing all the way to the end.

The problem with that though is that I just can't bring myself to LIKE Tyson. He just isn't a likable personality to me. I do like Caleb. I find myself noticing him and feeling drawn to him. He may be nothing like what we see on the screen, but he seems like somebody I would be good friends with. But Colton? Not so much. They definitely appear to be a mismatch to me, but oh well. It's their life not mine. But I emotionally find myself pulling for Caleb.

I do agree that One World was the weakest and most boring Survivor ever. This year the dynamics have been more interesting.

Looked like Tyson was stuffing two sandwiches into his mouth at once and gloating at the camera. It's as if he works on being unlikable -- and good for him because if that was his goal then he has succeeded. From my few years of watching Survivor and Big Brother, I understand that this will earn him a cadre of fiercely loyal fans and an opposing "how can you like Tyson" cadre. I'm in the 2nd one.

I can step back and force myself to be objective about where I'm standing and about how Tyson is a real person with a real friends and family and it's all a game, and the people who like him are real people too. (Edit: and he's a big boy so he needs the calories.) But on a gut level, he's repulsive to me. Bleagh. :D

Yes. I think the more introspective of us know that these are people fully aware that they are playing a game and how they play it is not proof of who or what they are in real life or how we would perceive them in our world. Again using the football analogy, the tough, aggressive, stop-them-at-all-costs football player on the field is likely to be a gentle giant who loves puppies and cultivates flowers in real life.

But we spectators are caught up in the game. And we relate to the players as characters within the game, not as people who live otherwise normal lives. So I allow myself to judge the characters they play and try to leave everything else out of it. Makes it more fun for me. :)
That isn't the first time Tyson has been made out to look like a pig . . . remember Hayden's comments at the switch?

This season has already been spoiled for me - the only thing I don't know is exactly how the end vote is going to break down because the three at the end are all getting weird edits. And how the finally Three actually get there, and who the final RI returnee actually is.

The boot order until then, who knows? But, last night, did you notice the scene with the contestants pulling out the rocks? Foreshadowing, and then Tyson saying "Ciera got it!".

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