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If ciera makes it to final three she will win. She will have the jury votes.

Her move tonight made me change my mind about her. I thought she would be just another typical new player that sucks up to the savvy old players, but she didn't. Her move tonight really made an impression on the guys in the jury too, and if she does make it to the end, she'll probably win for making the gutsiest move ever. I'm rooting for her or Hayden - the previews show that Monica may have lost her admiration toward Tyson....we'll see!
I still want tyson to win...but I am now focused on Ciera. She did indeed make a gutsy move. That's a huge plus in my book. Monika needs to go. She is a big threat since she is a warrior woman. I admire that in her, but I don't want her to win. I also don't want Tina or her daughter to win, nor monika. So final two I would be happy with winning are tyson and ciera. I do NOT want one of the daughters, though. The jury will do the Mom thing. They should be judging on who did the best moves. So far, that is tyson and ciera.
I think Ciera lost the game last week when she flipped over to Gervase/Tyson/Monica and helped them all blindside Caleb. If she had just stuck to the Caleb/Katie/Hayden alliance, she would've been in the F4 at least for sure, and they could've successfully gunned for Monica this week, when she wasn't immune for once.

Now it's too late, because her and Tyson are the next slated to go by the now-majority alliance. Ciera needed Katie in the game to advance, but I don't think this ever dawned on her until last night when Ciera figured out beyond a doubt that she was number four in an alliance of four.

About RI, Jeff was soooooooooo irritating last night with his play-by-play commentary while Tina, Laura, and Caleb were trying to build cards but at least Laura didn't help Tina stay alive this time - that is something you never do to Tina because she has a way of riding coattails especially one-on-one. Laura may soon regret "helping" Tina.

Tyson's quote and his weird crying about his girlfriend reminded me of Bawstun Rawb and Kim's edits. Then there's Hayden's "don't let him win" spiel, it's getting pretty obvious . . .
I still want tyson to win...but I am now focused on Ciera. She did indeed make a gutsy move. That's a huge plus in my book. Monika needs to go. She is a big threat since she is a warrior woman. I admire that in her, but I don't want her to win. I also don't want Tina or her daughter to win, nor monika. So final two I would be happy with winning are tyson and ciera. I do NOT want one of the daughters, though. The jury will do the Mom thing. They should be judging on who did the best moves. So far, that is tyson and ciera.

First, I cant stand Ciera. She has never even came close to winning anything and waited too long to make a move. Finally she figured out she is number 4. They had a chance to get rid of the best player, Tyson.

Speaking of Tyson, who would vote for him in the end? Monica and maybe Gervice. That is not how to win a million bucks. He is a strategist, but he is at the level of Russel lickablity wise. I hope this post does not rustle his leaves. :)
If ciera makes it to final three she will win. She will have the jury votes.

So will Monica though. I hate..HATE her husband but I have to give her props for kicking ass in challenges.

Yeah, she has done that. And, I don't think she's alienated too many in the jury, either. The previews show Monica warming up to Ciera - so maybe Hayden still has a chance, if Ciera and Monica vote with him.....and they get rid of Gervase.

Only problem is Tyson has an immunity idol, and he hasn't shared with any of he's safe for next week - and he could very well win the challenge immunity....But who will he take with him? Almost anyone can beat his lousy attitude.
If ciera makes it to final three she will win. She will have the jury votes.

So will Monica though. I hate..HATE her husband but I have to give her props for kicking ass in challenges.

Yeah, she has done that. And, I don't think she's alienated too many in the jury, either. The previews show Monica warming up to Ciera - so maybe Hayden still has a chance, if Ciera and Monica vote with him.....and they get rid of Gervase.

Only problem is Tyson has an immunity idol, and he hasn't shared with any of he's safe for next week - and he could very well win the challenge immunity....But who will he take with him? Almost anyone can beat his lousy attitude.

Is this the last time he can use the immunity idol? He wasted it last time he had it when he played it and then didn't receive a single vote that night. But if he is targeted and plays it, that could throw the vote to somebody they didn't intend to leave tonight. We've seen that happen again and again. Then again, maybe he plays the calculated risk, doesn't play it, and gets blind sided.

Anything can happen in Survivor. :)
I don't _think_ this next tribal is his last chance. There are still six players -- counting whoever gets to come back from RI. I _think_ the idol would still be playable when there were only five people left.

But I don't really remember.
Damn, I hated to see Hayden get voted off. I hope he is able to beat Laura M, because I would rather he come back than her, but I will settle for either one....and Ciera kicked some butt, winning the immunity idol by finishing the puzzle before any of the others....who would've guessed since she was the last one to get across.

Monica just showed what a lap dog she really is by going ahead and staying with Tyson and Gervase....but I guess she figured if she goes to the end with either one, she will probably beat them because everyone in the jury has something against Tyson and considering the last few tribal meetings, Gervase has revealed a lot about his character, especially when Ciera mentioned the way he talked about Monica.
Damn, I hated to see Hayden get voted off. I hope he is able to beat Laura M, because I would rather he come back than her, but I will settle for either one....and Ciera kicked some butt, winning the immunity idol by finishing the puzzle before any of the others....who would've guessed since she was the last one to get across.

Monica just showed what a lap dog she really is by going ahead and staying with Tyson and Gervase....but I guess she figured if she goes to the end with either one, she will probably beat them because everyone in the jury has something against Tyson and considering the last few tribal meetings, Gervase has revealed a lot about his character, especially when Ciera mentioned the way he talked about Monica.

Did I miss something back when? Did Tyson and Gervase actually talk that way about Monica or did Ciera manufacture that story to get her to flip? And did Monica believe the story? Or did she correctlly interpret that Ciera was baiting her and only pretended to play along there for a bit? Ciera had to know that when it is 3 to 2, Hayden was the one to go with Ciera, unless she wins immunity, certain to go in the next two challenges. Whomever returns from Redemption Island won't be able to save her if Tysen, Monica, and Gervase are an unshakable alliance.
I'm predicting that Hayden will be the one returning from Redemption Island. After that ..... I'm going to guess it's Ciera who goes home, but I sure hope I'm wrong about that.
This Sunday is the finale. In two hours, they are going to whittle them down to three and then cast the final vote. It's been a long-standing rumor that Hayden was the last juror but then there's another rumor that it's Tina that returns.

Monica would've been crazy to go with Ciera and Hayden last time, she would've had to go to the F3 with two of the most well-liked players on the jury. But Tyson and Gervase are both polarizing players but it will still be hard for Monica to win, because of her husband and her financial situation. I think Ciera would've probably ended up narrowly beating Hayden if they were in the F3 with Monica, but those two lost the game at the rock.

The jurors are going to have to vote for someone they don't really like. If they're bitter enough, Monica could win, but I bet Tyson does because he's been given the best edit of the three.
What a repulsive final 3 that will be.

I'd be rooting for Gervase in that group but the jurors won't buy that he was playing the game as much as Tyson. Those idiots, marching to the end with Tyson.
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Yeah, we always hope for somebody who is at least lovable to win. But looking back over the series since its inception, how many winners do you actually remember? Everybody remembers Richard Hatch, and Tina is now more recognizable. Everybody remembers Parvati and Boston Rob because they were such strong personalities as well as unusual in appearance, and of course Cochran because he was such an unlikely winner. But can you even picture other winners? Much less recall their names?

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