Survivor. Are you watching?

I remember Kim ... but mostly because she was so very vanilla. I have been watching for a few years now, but not that long and she was my first experience with a boring, annoying end. So I remember her because the season was so disappointing.
I don't recall Kim at all and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't recognize her if shown a picture of her. Probably because she WAS so vanilla. :)
Yeah, I watch Survivor...have since the beginning because of Rudy (S.E.A.L.). Rudy would have survived by simply cutting throats (keeping one woman alive for company) while they slept and had all the rice to himself and his babe. They dynamic interests me because I once did it in real life with real danger about. It always amazes me how these dipshits reach into jungle nooks and crannies without a care in the world about what might be nesting in there. A possible strike by a fer de lance would liven things up for me.

I like Monica because she's the all-time MILF of Suvivor. Her bikini bottom is so loose-fitting I bet they got some outtakes that'd make a preacher bust through a stain-glass window to get at her. Tina has already won but I like her too. Tyson has enough charisma to win but the black dude is getting more aggressive and will probably abandon/betray him. The one I'm glad won't win is the junkie older brother of the kid who won before. He doesn't care about his younger brother any more than he ever did or ever will. Junkies learn how to use people and once they learn that, they never let go of it whether they still use or not. Yoga instructor...bullshit artist and hateful little prick is what he is.

I can never tell who will win....only who should win and this time around I believe my MILF Moncia has proved herself worthy of the title.
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I don't recall Kim at all and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't recognize her if shown a picture of her. Probably because she WAS so vanilla. :)

Yah -- she's very forgettable -- I just remember her because it was my first time with someone who seemed designed to be forgettable. Memory can be perverse sometimes.
The problem with Kim was that she was a game-bot - all strategy and little personality, but I think she played a straight-up game and went to the Final Three with not the easiest players of all to beat.

This season looks more like the one when Boston Rob finally won, the other RI one. I don't care for the concept of Redemption Island, since there's little point when the returnee is just soon voted out again. I wish they would go back to the F2 format.
Someone at the Big Brother site where we also chat about Survivor made a list of past winners.

I think this section of the list represents the seasons I watched. But I'm not totally sure because I don't recognize most of the names of the winners!

Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites (Season 26): John Cochran

Survivor: Philippines (Season 25): Denise Stapley

Survivor: One World (Season 24): Kim Spradlin

Survivor: South Pacific (Season 23): Sophie Clarke

Survivor: Redemption Island (Season 22): Rob Mariano

Survivor: Nicaragua (Season 21): Jud "Fabio" Birza

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains (Season 20): Sandra Diaz-Twine

Survivor: Samoa (Season 19): Natalie White​

I recognize the name of the winner of Season 16 -- Parvati -- but I'm pretty sure I didn't see season. I think I only know her from Heroes vs. Villains.
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Not really but since they took over CBS for tonight and The Good Wife won't be on, I suppose I'll watch the finale.
Comes on in 3 minutes but I know who won because I cheated at survivorsucks, lol.

I am ok with the final three...and the winner. They earned being there. All three of them.

I won't say more because the west coast hasn't even watched yet since it is coming on in 4...3...2...1....
Not suprised at all. Predictable ending that was mostly deserved.

What that gay redneck sees in Colton is a mystery on scale with why are we here. Cochran is still a bit weird but good for him. And that laura mom daughter combo is HOT
Ok. Done. YAY!!! I was hoping for a Tyson win!! Thrilled, in fact. He PLAYED.

Monika played her ass off too.

Gervase floated, but he did stay true to his alliance. Other than that...he didn't do much.

SO glad Tina did not win and ECSTATIC that nasty Ciera got booted.

Caleb is just weird. What the hell he sees in Colton, I just don't get.
Just as I predicted.....the one I least wanted to win won.....I should learn and root for the one I most dislike in the future.....:)

At the end though, I thought of the three, Tyson deserved it the most. I didn't like his attitude much during the whole season, but then, you have to do dirty tricks to get to the end...unless you are a floater, and he certainly wasn't a floater. He certainly was wise to keep the immunity idols he found secret....kept the target off his back and he won the individual immunities as just the right can't really take that from him.

Gervase and Monica probably didn't realize it but during their speech they were not very complimentary to the jury....the ones that are going to be voting for or against them! What idiots. At least Tyson didn't do that.

Next season is looking to be pretty exciting......Brains, Brawn and Beauty, oh my.......
The one I'm glad won't win is the junkie older brother of the kid who won before. He doesn't care about his younger brother any more than he ever did or ever will. Junkies learn how to use people and once they learn that, they never let go of it whether they still use or not. Yoga instructor...bullshit artist and hateful little prick is what he is.

He said what could never get out. Bravo. And EXACTLY.
Aras needs to let Vytas go the wayside. Forever. Toxic people just toxify you.
I wonder why they didn't do an America's Favorite this season. Maybe because it would just have been a matter of who had the biggest twitter army? Or maybe it would have been a weird dynamic since people may have been fans of couples and the individual votes would get split weirdly. Surely it wasn't because of Tina and Katie's family. That sad news didn't come out until after they already would have set up numbers for calling in for your favorite, right?

I might have had a hard time deciding between Ciera and Hayden. Pretty sure I would have gone for Ciera. I liked her more and more over the last several weeks. Smart and spunky. And she did it all without having the benefit of two other Survivor appearances under her belt. When people come back time after time and finally win, well, duh ... of course they have some good Survivor skills. Ciera was a natural survivor.

But Tyson earned it in the end. The other players made their own bed for not taking Tyson out when they could. Like the sheep who didn't take out Boston Rob. Gervase had the best excuse for keeping him around until near the end, and when Tyson won the last two comps he sealed the deal. But Monica had no excuse for not flipping. She was a comp monster but a really sucky player beyond that.
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I wonder why they didn't do an America's Favorite this season. Maybe because it would just have been a matter of who had the biggest twitter army? Or maybe it would have been a weird dynamic since people may have been fans of couples and the individual votes would get split weirdly. Surely it wasn't because of Tina and Katie's family. That sad news didn't come out until after they already would have set up numbers for calling in for your favorite, right?

I would have had a hard time deciding between Ciera and Hayden. Pretty sure I would have gone for Ciera. I liked her more and more over the last several weeks. Smart and spunky. And she did it all without having the benefit of two other Survivor appearances under her belt. When people come back time after time and finally win, well, duh ... of course they have some good Survivor skills. Ciera was a natural survivor.

But Tyson earned it in the end. The other players made their own bed for not taking Tyson out when they could. Like the sheep who didn't take out Boston Rob. Gervase had the best excuse for keeping him around until near the end, and when Tyson won the last two comps he sealed the deal. But Monica had no excuse for not flipping. She was a comp monster but a really sucky player beyond that.

Great post. Monica was a beast but a bit nutty. (Paranoid) and Gerv played second fiddle for too long. In my opinion, he coat tail rode.
So yeah. Tyson was by far the one I wanted to win least just because he was such a jerk at times--not sharing food or whatever--but I'll have to admit he did play a brilliant game. I was pulling for Ciera because I think she also played a shrewd game but in the end, she had to have Monica flip and Monica refused to do so. Which could have cost Monica the win, actually, as she deserved it as much as anybody. But unwilling to make the big more--that probably cost her. The Jury may have agreed that she was Gervase and Tyson's 'lapdog' trying to ride their coattails instead of playing her own game.

I also was surprised that they didn't award the America's favorite prize. Isn't that the first time ever they passed over that tradition? But in all honesty, I don't know who deserved it the most. My two favorites in the game were Caleb and Hayden just because they were the least annoying and seemed to be the least calculating, but then again, I have not been the best judge out there as to how Survivor would go. :)
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The mistake the alpha guys make right from the jump is building the tribe's shelter. The sissies and chicks get all PMSed when their suggestions are rightly ignored....that's where the early alliances always come from...the weaklings who resent getting "bossed around", not caring that otherwise they'd be sleeping on the beach with the jiggers and fleas. The smart guys go fish and forage....gets them away from the work and the gossip and makes them indispensible. Not wise to sit around being lazy...they can be lazy out fishing and foraging and nobody is around to notice.
Ok. Done. YAY!!! I was hoping for a Tyson win!! Thrilled, in fact. He PLAYED.

Monika played her ass off too.

Gervase floated, but he did stay true to his alliance. Other than that...he didn't do much.

SO glad Tina did not win and ECSTATIC that nasty Ciera got booted.

Caleb is just weird. What the hell he sees in Colton, I just don't get.

Agree with everything you posted...just want to add, Monika....I remember the first time she played and all she could do was mention how she was a NFL wife. Over and over. That is all she will ever be really. She was a challenge monster though. Now she can go back to being a NFL wife. Good for her.

I did not like Tina the first time she won (she pulled a coat tail ride a la Gervise). Her daughter is an idiot for not taking out Tyson when she had the chance with Haydon. I don't buy that Calib/Colton thing at all. He is way way to nice to be with such a despicable human being.

Laura M was a beast as well and a hell of a milf, but I cant respect her as a human being because she actually idolizes Palin. I cant respect that and yes, part of the show is what a person is about on the inside. Her daughter is a joke.

Gervice....ya talk too damn much. I knew your mouth would get you in trouble and I was right. Dumb ass.

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