Survivor. Are you watching?

The mistake the alpha guys make right from the jump is building the tribe's shelter. The sissies and chicks get all PMSed when their suggestions are rightly ignored....that's where the early alliances always come from...the weaklings who resent getting "bossed around", not caring that otherwise they'd be sleeping on the beach with the jiggers and fleas. The smart guys go fish and forage....gets them away from the work and the gossip and makes them indispensible. Not wise to sit around being lazy...they can be lazy out fishing and foraging and nobody is around to notice.

Have I mentioned that I love your avatar Bull? Super cool. :)

But yeah. It always boggles my mind that these people are obviously long time Survivor fans. Who would go on the show who isn't? And it isn't likely that once they know they are chosen for a series that they have to get on the very next plane to report for duty. They have some time. If you were going on that show, wouldn't you KNOW the components of building a shelter? Wouldn't you KNOW how to start a fire and would have practiced it until you could do it? Wouldn't you study up on what was edible and where to look for it or how to catch it in that part of the world? All before you even got there? I am always amazed at how helpless some are when they arrive.

And then yeah, my immediate strategy would be to make myself so valuable for the comfort and well being of the tribe that they would not even think about voting me out at least in the early going. :)
So yeah. Tyson was by far the one I wanted to win least just because he was such a jerk at times--not sharing food or whatever--but I'll have to admit he did play a brilliant game. I was pulling for Ciera because I think she also played a shrewd game but in the end, she had to have Monica flip and Monica refused to do so. Which could have cost Monica the win, actually, as she deserved it as much as anybody. But unwilling to make the big more--that probably cost her. The Jury may have agreed that she was Gervase and Tyson's 'lapdog' trying to ride their coattails instead of playing her own game.

I also was surprised that they didn't award the America's favorite prize. Isn't that the first time ever they passed over that tradition? But in all honesty, I don't know who deserved it the most. My two favorites in the game were Caleb and Hayden just because they were the least annoying and seemed to be the least calculating, but then again, I have not been the best judge out there as to how Survivor would go. :)

Maybe they knew Calib would win and they didnt want Colton to get anything? lol
So yeah. Tyson was by far the one I wanted to win least just because he was such a jerk at times--not sharing food or whatever--but I'll have to admit he did play a brilliant game. I was pulling for Ciera because I think she also played a shrewd game but in the end, she had to have Monica flip and Monica refused to do so. Which could have cost Monica the win, actually, as she deserved it as much as anybody. But unwilling to make the big more--that probably cost her. The Jury may have agreed that she was Gervase and Tyson's 'lapdog' trying to ride their coattails instead of playing her own game.

I also was surprised that they didn't award the America's favorite prize. Isn't that the first time ever they passed over that tradition? But in all honesty, I don't know who deserved it the most. My two favorites in the game were Caleb and Hayden just because they were the least annoying and seemed to be the least calculating, but then again, I have not been the best judge out there as to how Survivor would go. :)

Maybe they knew Calib would win and they didnt want Colton to get anything? lol

Maybe. That was a lot of folks objection to Monica--married to a pro athlete who probably had lots and lots of money. It is our instinct to want those who are most needy as well as deserving to reap the reward. And who among us could admire Colton? But Caleb was personable and lovable and admirable. I felt strongly drawn to him. But alas, he was without alliances, so he was an easy target.
The mistake the alpha guys make right from the jump is building the tribe's shelter. The sissies and chicks get all PMSed when their suggestions are rightly ignored....that's where the early alliances always come from...the weaklings who resent getting "bossed around", not caring that otherwise they'd be sleeping on the beach with the jiggers and fleas. The smart guys go fish and forage....gets them away from the work and the gossip and makes them indispensible. Not wise to sit around being lazy...they can be lazy out fishing and foraging and nobody is around to notice.

Have I mentioned that I love your avatar Bull? Super cool. :)

But yeah. It always boggles my mind that these people are obviously long time Survivor fans. Who would go on the show who isn't? And it isn't likely that once they know they are chosen for a series that they have to get on the very next plane to report for duty. They have some time. If you were going on that show, wouldn't you KNOW the components of building a shelter? Wouldn't you KNOW how to start a fire and would have practiced it until you could do it? Wouldn't you study up on what was edible and where to look for it or how to catch it in that part of the world? All before you even got there? I am always amazed at how helpless some are when they arrive.

And then yeah, my immediate strategy would be to make myself so valuable for the comfort and well being of the tribe that they would not even think about voting me out at least in the early going. :)

That's how Ruppert and Ozzie did it....go spear a fish and get out the water before a shark comes calling. Remember the season when they got some chickens that got out? :lol: City slickers who couldn't watch when it came time to snap one's neck. They sure weren't shy when it came to eating one though. I've eaten some rank things, but never eyeballs or worms....saw Bear Gryls eat a big gooey SPIDER on one of his shows.....I'd eat some leaves before I'd eat a spider. That was part of Monica's charm on this season...she ate the bugs and worms and kept em down. Dang it...I wanted her to win...oh well.
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Some final thoughts on BvW . . . I was uncomfortable watching some the jurors ask those questions to Monica - did Dawn last year set a precedent where the woman in the F3 has to bleed all over the stage to satisfy a juror and then still get few or no votes?

If Monica had won one or both of those last two ICs, I would've wanted her to win the game. As for Gervase, he really is old school like he said at the final TC, Tyson was his shield for most of the game but this is 2013, not 2000 and juries now like people that play hard.

Ciera was doomed even at the TC before the rock . . . say she didn't go run to Tyson and his gang and blab about their plan to vote him out. She would've been stuck with Hayden, Caleb and Katie, and Katie is the only one she could've beated. And Ciera still would've probably been the fourth wheel in that alliance, although I think she could've persuaded Katie to go with a tie at F4 to get rid of one of the two guys, then lose to the one that stayed.

It was too late for Ciera last night, Tyson was immune and he was the one to gun for. I wonder why there was no America's Choice or whatever it's called, too, and I wonder who would've won it . . . probably Ciera, Hayden, or Tyson himself. The next season's promo confuses the hell out of me - "Brains v. brawn v. beauty"??? What if you have all three qualities, or none of them?
I hope the Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty doesn't mean that they'll be divided into 3 tribes...I don't care for that many teams.
So yeah. Tyson was by far the one I wanted to win least just because he was such a jerk at times--not sharing food or whatever--but I'll have to admit he did play a brilliant game. I was pulling for Ciera because I think she also played a shrewd game but in the end, she had to have Monica flip and Monica refused to do so. Which could have cost Monica the win, actually, as she deserved it as much as anybody. But unwilling to make the big more--that probably cost her. The Jury may have agreed that she was Gervase and Tyson's 'lapdog' trying to ride their coattails instead of playing her own game.

I also was surprised that they didn't award the America's favorite prize. Isn't that the first time ever they passed over that tradition? But in all honesty, I don't know who deserved it the most. My two favorites in the game were Caleb and Hayden just because they were the least annoying and seemed to be the least calculating, but then again, I have not been the best judge out there as to how Survivor would go. :)

Maybe they knew Calib would win and they didnt want Colton to get anything? lol

Maybe. That was a lot of folks objection to Monica--married to a pro athlete who probably had lots and lots of money. It is our instinct to want those who are most needy as well as deserving to reap the reward. And who among us could admire Colton? But Caleb was personable and lovable and admirable. I felt strongly drawn to him. But alas, he was without alliances, so he was an easy target.

Monica's husband is not only a ex nfl player but he is a lawyer as well. He is an idiot but the man is a lawyer. NOt mutually exclusive it seems. :)

That is kind of why I didnt want the doctors to win, Tina, Hayden etc. I wanted someone who never won before to win this thing.

Eh, this season was interesting, but I am tired of returning players. I am tired of all the food they get and I am tired of them being handed shelter.
I hope the Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty doesn't mean that they'll be divided into 3 tribes...I don't care for that many teams.

How would they know if they had brains if they weren't already on the show before....dammit! They freaking better not bring them back again. Its annoying.
So yeah. Tyson was by far the one I wanted to win least just because he was such a jerk at times--not sharing food or whatever--but I'll have to admit he did play a brilliant game. I was pulling for Ciera because I think she also played a shrewd game but in the end, she had to have Monica flip and Monica refused to do so. Which could have cost Monica the win, actually, as she deserved it as much as anybody. But unwilling to make the big more--that probably cost her. The Jury may have agreed that she was Gervase and Tyson's 'lapdog' trying to ride their coattails instead of playing her own game.

I also was surprised that they didn't award the America's favorite prize. Isn't that the first time ever they passed over that tradition? But in all honesty, I don't know who deserved it the most. My two favorites in the game were Caleb and Hayden just because they were the least annoying and seemed to be the least calculating, but then again, I have not been the best judge out there as to how Survivor would go. :)

It's really hard for us to guess who is going to win because we get to see a side of the players that the other players don't get to see.....(until after the game is over). I think one of the reasons we didn't like Tyson is because he came across as cocky and too sure of himself.

I would have rooted for Monica in spite of the fact that I didn't like her husband and she doesn't need the money, if she had flipped and showed that she wasn't the lap dog that Tyson might have implied she was. At the end, she did look like she was riding Tyson's coat tail, and probably why she didn't win in spite of her many individual victories.
Ciera is a female version of Colton. I hated her during the filming and I hated her at the reunion.

I hope they don't bring her back. Ever.

Concerning America's Favorite...I can't think of any that were my fav, except tyson. And he won. So....
Maybe they knew Calib would win and they didnt want Colton to get anything? lol

Maybe. That was a lot of folks objection to Monica--married to a pro athlete who probably had lots and lots of money. It is our instinct to want those who are most needy as well as deserving to reap the reward. And who among us could admire Colton? But Caleb was personable and lovable and admirable. I felt strongly drawn to him. But alas, he was without alliances, so he was an easy target.

Monica's husband is not only a ex nfl player but he is a lawyer as well. He is an idiot but the man is a lawyer. NOt mutually exclusive it seems. :)

That is kind of why I didnt want the doctors to win, Tina, Hayden etc. I wanted someone who never won before to win this thing.

Eh, this season was interesting, but I am tired of returning players. I am tired of all the food they get and I am tired of them being handed shelter.

Brad Culpepper played 9 years in the NFL, dropped 80 pounds after he retired, and is now a successful "idiot" does that. And if he'd seen Gervice put his hands on Monica like he did, Gervice would still be in traction.
Ciera is a female version of Colton. I hated her during the filming and I hated her at the reunion.

I hope they don't bring her back. Ever.

Concerning America's Favorite...I can't think of any that were my fav, except tyson. And he won. So....

Wow, I understand someone not liking Ciera -- if someone likes Tyson then seems chances are they wouldn't like Ciera, and vice versa -- but to call her the equivalent of Colton? That's a pretty heavy accusation.

Ciera was patient and deliberate and never gave up. She played well with others. She expressed frustration when other people were too negative to other players -- like Tina with Monica.

How was she like Colton?

To me she seems much more like Caleb if I had to pick anyone in Colton's sphere to compare her to.
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Maybe. That was a lot of folks objection to Monica--married to a pro athlete who probably had lots and lots of money. It is our instinct to want those who are most needy as well as deserving to reap the reward. And who among us could admire Colton? But Caleb was personable and lovable and admirable. I felt strongly drawn to him. But alas, he was without alliances, so he was an easy target.

Monica's husband is not only a ex nfl player but he is a lawyer as well. He is an idiot but the man is a lawyer. NOt mutually exclusive it seems. :)

That is kind of why I didnt want the doctors to win, Tina, Hayden etc. I wanted someone who never won before to win this thing.

Eh, this season was interesting, but I am tired of returning players. I am tired of all the food they get and I am tired of them being handed shelter.

Brad Culpepper played 9 years in the NFL, dropped 80 pounds after he retired, and is now a successful "idiot" does that. And if he'd seen Gervice put his hands on Monica like he did, Gervice would still be in traction.

Are you saying that Brad is racist? Are you projecting your own feelings? How would you know how Brad would respond to Gervase hugging Monica?
Brad Culpepper played 9 years in the NFL, dropped 80 pounds after he retired, and is now a successful "idiot" does that.

A very rich lawyer is approached by the United Way. The man from the United Way is concerned that the lawyer made over a million dollars last year but didn't donate even a cent to a charity.

"First of all", says the lawyer, "my mother is sick and dying in the hospital, and it's not covered by healthcare. Second, I had five kids through three divorced marriages. Third, my sister's husband suddenly died and she has no one to support her four children..."

"I'm terribly sorry", says the United Way man, "I feel bad about asking for money."

The Lawyer responds, "Yeah, well if I'm not giving them any money, why should I give you any?"
It's a game. It's a show. I don't like Ciera, Amelia. Period. No reason needed. I don't like Julia Roberts either. And no, I don't plan to explain why. It isn't necessary because it is not important.
That is kind of why I didnt want the doctors to win, Tina, Hayden etc. I wanted someone who never won before to win this thing.

Eh, this season was interesting, but I am tired of returning players. I am tired of all the food they get and I am tired of them being handed shelter.

It's a game. It's a show. I don't like Ciera, Amelia. Period. No reason needed. I don't like Julia Roberts either. And no, I don't plan to explain why. It isn't necessary because it is not important.

Fair enough. I was just surprised by you equating her to Colton. :dunno:
I think Bull was refering to how Gervase was berating Monika to vote the way he wanted her to vote. Ciera. And she wanted Tina out. I agree with her. Ciera couldn't do diddly squat except switch sides and snitch on everything she heard, nor win immunity unless handed to her by producers. TINA was the threat. That woman is one tough cookie. So monika was correct in wanting Tina out first. Gervase really got in her face about it, too. THAT is what Bull is talkign about. I think.
It's a game. It's a show. I don't like Ciera, Amelia. Period. No reason needed. I don't like Julia Roberts either. And no, I don't plan to explain why. It isn't necessary because it is not important.

Fair enough. I was just surprised by you equating her to Colton. :dunno:

She plays dirty. That is how she is similar to Colton. Twinsies.
And that is just my opinion and like I really isn't important.
Maybe. That was a lot of folks objection to Monica--married to a pro athlete who probably had lots and lots of money. It is our instinct to want those who are most needy as well as deserving to reap the reward. And who among us could admire Colton? But Caleb was personable and lovable and admirable. I felt strongly drawn to him. But alas, he was without alliances, so he was an easy target.

Monica's husband is not only a ex nfl player but he is a lawyer as well. He is an idiot but the man is a lawyer. NOt mutually exclusive it seems. :)

That is kind of why I didnt want the doctors to win, Tina, Hayden etc. I wanted someone who never won before to win this thing.

Eh, this season was interesting, but I am tired of returning players. I am tired of all the food they get and I am tired of them being handed shelter.

Brad Culpepper played 9 years in the NFL, dropped 80 pounds after he retired, and is now a successful "idiot" does that. And if he'd seen Gervice put his hands on Monica like he did, Gervice would still be in traction.

He is a lawyer, I give you that but did you see him trying to explain things on survivor. 2 minus 3 is 5 more than 6....or some damn thing? He is an idiot who passed the bar. Oh and He saw Gervase at the reunion show. He could have manned up then but from what I saw, he only liked to push around women.

Fuck You brad Culepepper. The best line this season.

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