Survivor. Are you watching?

Monica's husband is not only a ex nfl player but he is a lawyer as well. He is an idiot but the man is a lawyer. NOt mutually exclusive it seems. :)

That is kind of why I didnt want the doctors to win, Tina, Hayden etc. I wanted someone who never won before to win this thing.

Eh, this season was interesting, but I am tired of returning players. I am tired of all the food they get and I am tired of them being handed shelter.

Brad Culpepper played 9 years in the NFL, dropped 80 pounds after he retired, and is now a successful "idiot" does that. And if he'd seen Gervice put his hands on Monica like he did, Gervice would still be in traction.

Are you saying that Brad is racist? Are you projecting your own feelings? How would you know how Brad would respond to Gervase hugging Monica?

STFU....he had his hands on her shoulders demanding she vote a certain way to intimidate her. Brad would have broken his fucking neck if he'd happened upon a scene like that.
Monica's husband is not only a ex nfl player but he is a lawyer as well. He is an idiot but the man is a lawyer. NOt mutually exclusive it seems. :)

That is kind of why I didnt want the doctors to win, Tina, Hayden etc. I wanted someone who never won before to win this thing.

Eh, this season was interesting, but I am tired of returning players. I am tired of all the food they get and I am tired of them being handed shelter.

Brad Culpepper played 9 years in the NFL, dropped 80 pounds after he retired, and is now a successful "idiot" does that. And if he'd seen Gervice put his hands on Monica like he did, Gervice would still be in traction.

He is a lawyer, I give you that but did you see him trying to explain things on survivor. 2 minus 3 is 5 more than 6....or some damn thing? He is an idiot who passed the bar. Oh and He saw Gervase at the reunion show. He could have manned up then but from what I saw, he only liked to push around women.

Fuck You brad Culepepper. The best line this season.

Got a problem with a white man who can toss you or Gervase around like a rag doll don't ya asshole? Maybe you should post your resume next to Brad Culpepper's and we'll decide who the "idiot" is.
I think Bull was refering to how Gervase was berating Monika to vote the way he wanted her to vote. Ciera. And she wanted Tina out. I agree with her. Ciera couldn't do diddly squat except switch sides and snitch on everything she heard, nor win immunity unless handed to her by producers. TINA was the threat. That woman is one tough cookie. So monika was correct in wanting Tina out first. Gervase really got in her face about it, too. THAT is what Bull is talkign about. I think.

Sure is, but these mutts never miss a chance to project their own racism on us Cons. Difference being we're not afraid of blacks and they're terrified of blacks. If the black man took a hard look at what party wanted him to get ahead instead of taking charity, they'd never vote for another stinkin democRAT in their life. :eusa_angel:

Let's don't start dragging politics and racism and stuff into this please. This has been a thread to discuss Survivor and we have had a good time doing that even though we don't all agree on every point. There is no need to start ragging on each other.

Let's don't start dragging politics and racism and stuff into this please. This has been a thread to discuss Survivor and we have had a good time doing that even though we don't all agree on every point. There is no need to start ragging on each other.

I agree and didn't start it....I will also not ignore taunts that I'm "racist". Every time these rats get away with it, they're empowered to keep doing it. Not with me around. :eusa_angel:
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Brad Culpepper played 9 years in the NFL, dropped 80 pounds after he retired, and is now a successful "idiot" does that. And if he'd seen Gervice put his hands on Monica like he did, Gervice would still be in traction.

He is a lawyer, I give you that but did you see him trying to explain things on survivor. 2 minus 3 is 5 more than 6....or some damn thing? He is an idiot who passed the bar. Oh and He saw Gervase at the reunion show. He could have manned up then but from what I saw, he only liked to push around women.

Fuck You brad Culepepper. The best line this season.

Got a problem with a white man who can toss you or Gervase around like a rag doll don't ya asshole? Maybe you should post your resume next to Brad Culpepper's and we'll decide who the "idiot" is. right back. I will look for the story about Brad kicking Gervase's ass for "intimidating" his wife.

You HATED that scene didnt ya. LOLOL
(By the way, I cant stand Brad, fuck him and I think Gerv was a pussy for not making any moves at all in the game. He coat tail rode.) Not sure why you are getting racial dude.


Thanks and God bless.
Gervase was being an asshole to Monika. Brad is an asshole. Problem is, Gervase put his hands on Monika, was threatening and Brad has every right to be angry at the bullying of his wife. And that goes for ANY man doing what Gervase, white, green, purple. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. Gervase fucked up. Period.
Gervase was being an asshole to Monika. Brad is an asshole. Problem is, Gervase put his hands on Monika, was threatening and Brad has every right to be angry at the bullying of his wife. And that goes for ANY man doing what Gervase, white, green, purple. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. Gervase fucked up. Period.

He touched her shoulder....ok. Some would say he went too far, obviously Brad had no problem with it and isn't he the one that matters in this particular instance?

Perhaps Gerv really didn't like Monika beacause it was her husband who voted out his niece.
I'm surprised nobody has called on Ciera's bullshit LIES that she told Monika that Tyson "called her his lap dog", "Said mean, filthy DISGUSTING things about her" and all her other bullshit she vomited during tribal council. This is why she is like colton. She didn't play the game by outwitting or outplaying. She played it with outright lies and nobody said a word. What makes her any different than Colton? both are rotten, both suck, both tried to slime through with bullshit and lies that will be though of as truth. Except Colton admitted he was a fucktard while Ciera is sitting there feeling all indignant and the silence about her bullshit is met with silence.

Which is why I hate her fucking guts. If survivor ever brings her back, it will be my first survivor ever that I will refuse to watch.
Gervase was being an asshole to Monika. Brad is an asshole. Problem is, Gervase put his hands on Monika, was threatening and Brad has every right to be angry at the bullying of his wife. And that goes for ANY man doing what Gervase, white, green, purple. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. Gervase fucked up. Period.

He touched her shoulder....ok. Some would say he went too far, obviously Brad had no problem with it and isn't he the one that matters in this particular instance?

Perhaps Gerv really didn't like Monika beacause it was her husband who voted out his niece.

Touched? Um. No. He had both hands on her shoulders, was in her face, and VERY intimidating. Dude touch me like he touched her, he would have been writhing on the ground from my knee in his balls. Other than that instance, he was ok. He just stepped over the line that time.
Gervase was being an asshole to Monika. Brad is an asshole. Problem is, Gervase put his hands on Monika, was threatening and Brad has every right to be angry at the bullying of his wife. And that goes for ANY man doing what Gervase, white, green, purple. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. Gervase fucked up. Period.

He touched her shoulder....ok. Some would say he went too far, obviously Brad had no problem with it and isn't he the one that matters in this particular instance?

Perhaps Gerv really didn't like Monika beacause it was her husband who voted out his niece.

Touched? Um. No. He had both hands on her shoulders, was in her face, and VERY intimidating. Dude touch me like he touched her, he would have been writhing on the ground from my knee in his balls. Other than that instance, he was ok. He just stepped over the line that time.
I felt uncomfortable a little as well, but like I said, Brad (the asshole) had no problem with it.

To me, it seems like Gerv (the coat tail rider and bragger who got his niece voted off) punked Brad in a sense? Again, he may have done that as payback for Brad voting off his niece?

Please don't get me wrong, I do not like Gerv. He bravado made me sick especially when he was screaming like an idiot for a win he almost single handily lost for his team.
I agree with ya about Gervase, but not so much about his niece. HE is the one that got her voted out and Brad just followed thru with the plan. HIS (gervs)actions got her targeted.
I'm surprised nobody has called on Ciera's bullshit LIES that she told Monika that Tyson "called her his lap dog", "Said mean, filthy DISGUSTING things about her" and all her other bullshit she vomited during tribal council. This is why she is like colton. She didn't play the game by outwitting or outplaying. She played it with outright lies and nobody said a word. What makes her any different than Colton? both are rotten, both suck, both tried to slime through with bullshit and lies that will be though of as truth. Except Colton admitted he was a fucktard while Ciera is sitting there feeling all indignant and the silence about her bullshit is met with silence.

Which is why I hate her fucking guts. If survivor ever brings her back, it will be my first survivor ever that I will refuse to watch.

Her being a liar on this show (They are all) is not the same as Colton being a vile human being.

The only negative thing I can say about her is she made her move too late. She could have eliminated Tyson and went with Hayden. What did she do, run her mouth to Tyson. I laughed as I saw her against Tyson, Monika and Gerv. She caused that. She got what she deserved but that doesn't make her as vile as Colton. (Her mother called her a rock star...I dont think so..) Colton is a spoiled, out of touch racist asshole who is all about him and no one else. A bad human being.
I agree with ya about Gervase, but not so much about his niece. HE is the one that got her voted out and Brad just followed thru with the plan. HIS (gervs)actions got her targeted.

I agree. Add that to her calling out brad on day one. Brad is an ego driven asshole and the combination of her calling him out, and gerv being an ass after wins, she went.
What did Tyson do in his first season to earn his way to the Villains tribe on his 2nd go round?

How different was he on his third try?
Monica's husband is not only a ex nfl player but he is a lawyer as well. He is an idiot but the man is a lawyer. NOt mutually exclusive it seems. :)

That is kind of why I didnt want the doctors to win, Tina, Hayden etc. I wanted someone who never won before to win this thing.

Eh, this season was interesting, but I am tired of returning players. I am tired of all the food they get and I am tired of them being handed shelter.

Brad Culpepper played 9 years in the NFL, dropped 80 pounds after he retired, and is now a successful "idiot" does that. And if he'd seen Gervice put his hands on Monica like he did, Gervice would still be in traction.

He is a lawyer, I give you that but did you see him trying to explain things on survivor. 2 minus 3 is 5 more than 6....or some damn thing? He is an idiot who passed the bar. Oh and He saw Gervase at the reunion show. He could have manned up then but from what I saw, he only liked to push around women.

Fuck You brad Culepepper. The best line this season.

He could have "manned up" at the reunion show and what, smoked Gervase into a coma? He's a personal injury LAWYER, moron....not about to jump that idiot in a public place. And I don't doubt after Gervice saw what he looked like trying to mad dog Monica that he kept his head on a swivel when Brad was back around. In case you've forgotten or are still stupid (my bet)'s Brad Culpepper when he played Defensive Tackle for Tampa Bay....


276 pounds of bad motor scooter, dummy. :eusa_hand:
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This was a difficult challenge. They all thought they would battle as teams..blood teams. They were wrong. Threw them all for a loop. I hoped Rupert would have stayed in longer, but alas, not the case.

Frankly, I am tired of previous contestants and winners being allowed back. And quitters too.

Tyson played a good game. So did Monika. All of them did. Or tried. The two I was THRILLED to see go was Ciera and katie. If they can't win a challenge or make a move except sit around and float, they don't need to be there. However, both were new to the game. BUT, they are connected to people ALREADY GIVEN THE CHANCE. Burnett really needs to stop this second change crap. There are thousands of people who want to play...but nooooooooooo. They have to bring back people we already have seen. Enough!
Actually, I think Gervase realized what he did and how it came across. I think he even mentioned it at the reunion. Lots happens we don't hear about, but I am betting Gervase either told Monika he was sorry he got that rambunctious, or Monika shrugged it off and Brad did as well because it IS just a game and gervase didn't really do anyting totally bad..except crow at the wrong time which got his niece kicked out. I would have liked to see her stay. I think she would have gone far.

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