Survivor. Are you watching?

Ozzy better have his game face on. Those aren't strength challenges and he hasn't always seemed the sharpest tool in the shed, so I don't really see where he has that much of an advantage.
what is with all this god squad stuff.......i noted the same thing in amazing race this week by the snowboarders

I don't know but I find it annoying because it seems fake. They've had religious types on in the past who would openly pray and thank Jesus and all but they were sincere and lived their life the Christian way, they didn't just 'find Jesus convenient' for a game. Coach, whose leading it, seems completely phony and is using the whole 'go God . . er, Father' thing to pull one over on his tribe.
Well being the type who prays for parking places myself, I don't have a problem with the prayer thing, but somehow I have a hard time imagining God being all that concerned about who wins Survivor. Nor do I think God is likely to be a willing participant in a game geared to promote lying and manipulation of people and that part coupled with the religious stuff I do find offensive.
Don't get me wrong. I love Survivor and never miss an episode. And I understand that lying, cheating, and manipulation is the way the game is played. And so long as it isn't malicious, I don't think God objects but I just don't think God is likely to be taking sides.
Well being the type who prays for parking places myself, I don't have a problem with the prayer thing, but somehow I have a hard time imagining God being all that concerned about who wins Survivor. Nor do I think God is likely to be a willing participant in a game geared to promote lying and manipulation of people and that part coupled with the religious stuff I do find offensive.

That's exactly what I was thinking during their God huddle.
Let's put it this way. It can't hurt.

No, but it could sort of leave a sour impression for folks that might otherwise find expressions of religious faith less offensive maybe? I dunno. No biggie in this case. But I do find it a bit wierd to see people who seem to be praying Dear God, let me cheat, lie, and manipulate better than everybody else in this game. :)
Next week is going to be so exciting! I am so going to be rooting for Christine! How many duels has she won...five?

Ozzie just thinks a little bit too much of himself. I hope Christine wins and gets back in the game next week, and Cochran gets to keep that immunity idol. :clap2:

Then Ozzie will have done something even dumber than when he had an immunity idol and didn't play it and got voted out in one of the previous Survivors. He will have actually asked his team to vote him out when he really doesn't want to leave the game. LOL

Well, he has certainly made the game entertaining for next week, I'll grant him that. :clap2:

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