[Susan] Rice Lashes Out at Russia for Blocking U.N. Council From Tackling Climate Ch


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
[Susan] Rice Lashes Out at Russia for Blocking U.N. Council From Tackling Climate Change
FoxNews.com ^ | July 21, 2011

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice this week issued a blistering rebuke of Russia, China and other countries that blocked the Security Council from adopting a statement linking the threat of climate change to international peace and security.

During the Security Council’s first formal debate in four years on the environment Wednesday, Russia was not swayed by Western nations led by Germany, this month's council president, insisting that the 15-nation panel needs to respond to the effects that climate change has had on Sudan's Darfur region and in Somalia, where the United Nations say famine had struck two areas.

"We have dozens of countries in this body and in this very room whose very existence is threatened," Rice said without naming the countries. "They've asked this council to demonstrate our understanding that their security is profoundly threatened.

"Instead, because of the refusal of a few to accept our responsibility, this council is saying, by its silence, in effect, 'Tough luck.' This is more than disappointing. It's pathetic. It's shortsighted, and frankly it's a dereliction of duty."

Moscow's was "skeptical" about efforts to have the council address climate change, Russian envoy Alexander Pankin said, according to Reuters.

"We believe that involving the Security Council in a regular review of the issue of climate change will not bring any added value whatsoever and will merely lead to further increased politicization of this issue and increased disagreements between countries," Reuters quoted him as saying.

India and Brazil, both temporary members of the council, also express reservations about getting the body involved.
Rice Lashes Out at Russia for Blocking U.N. Council From Tackling Climate Change - FoxNews.com
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One of Russia's primary exports is oil. And they burn a lot of coal. They are not going to support any substantive efforts to reduce GHG's any more than we are.
One of Russia's primary exports is oil. And they burn a lot of coal. They are not going to support any substantive efforts to reduce GHG's any more than we are.

Dude the entire point is the fact they are trying to use theoretical AGW as a political bargaining chip. YOU of all people should see the problem with that. Is it a political tool or is it a real issue regarding the climate of this planet?

You think it is a good thing to allow the UN Security council to use environmental policies to dictate what country is a security threat? If so you can start to kiss the freedoms that allow you to voice your opinion in a web forum good bye cause that will be one of the next things to be a security threat.
It is not theoretical. It is an established fact, and we are already seeing the consequences of the warming induced by the GHGs from fossil fuels. The fact that you cannot accept reality will not change that reality one whit.

Another year of the kind of damage to agriculture that we have seen in the past twelve months, and there will be a lot more starving people in the world. And, even here, a lot of marginal middle class will be pushed into the ranks of the working poor by the food prices.

But then, we all them thar pointy head scientists are too stupid to know anything, right, g-string?
It is not theoretical. It is an established fact, and we are already seeing the consequences of the warming induced by the GHGs from fossil fuels. The fact that you cannot accept reality will not change that reality one whit.

Another year of the kind of damage to agriculture that we have seen in the past twelve months, and there will be a lot more starving people in the world. And, even here, a lot of marginal middle class will be pushed into the ranks of the working poor by the food prices.

But then, we all them thar pointy head scientists are too stupid to know anything, right, g-string?

Dude stop lying and exaggerating... Its an extreme exaggeration based on loose scientific data and a great deal of circumstantial and even misleading evedence. The oceans haven't risen 7 meters, there is no evacuation of low-lying coastal areas, florida is still there, the polar bear population has been increasing since the 50's, and the polar ice caps are still there.

The middle-class are in trouble because of ignorant financial decisions by the very people who you try and pretend are right about AGW. Thank the liberals for the trade and and debt pal.

Can you even differentiate their claims from reality anymore? I am really starting to feel sorry for you...

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