Swifties vs Teamsters.

Swifties get their parents to cough up two thousand bucks so that they can go to Taylor's concerts. Teamsters are hardworking are struggling to make their monthly expenses. Swifties support Kamala, Teamsters support Trump.
I heard recently that about 1/4 of all Swifties will vote for President Trump because they cant afford the tickets of a Swift concert anymore.
Swifties get their parents to cough up two thousand bucks so that they can go to Taylor's concerts. Teamsters are hardworking are struggling to make their monthly expenses. Swifties support Kamala, Teamsters support Trump.
Yeah!! Capitalism sucks when you're on the receiving end!!

Dumbass... SMH
Yeah!! Capitalism sucks when you're on the receiving end!!

Dumbass... SMH
support working class.jpg
Oh, Good Gaea's Gargantuan Gazongas, are you projecting the left's love of Communism on normal people?

Just when I was thinking you couldn't get any more retarded.
The left's love of what?

You kids are the Putin fluffers, not us.
Only idiot leftists (pardon the redundancy) believe that.

Meanwhile, let's ask Putin himself:

Vladimir Putin throws his support behind Kamala Harris for president

It always makes a funny sound when leftist propaganda and reality collide. Sort of a "splut".
You know, I knew you weren't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I thought you were beyond falling for a simple reverse psychology stunt like that.

I guess I was too generous in my estimation of your brain power.
Swifties get their parents to cough up two thousand bucks so that they can go to Taylor's concerts. Teamsters are hardworking are struggling to make their monthly expenses. Swifties support Kamala, Teamsters support Trump.
It's rather funny to watch the left attack CEO's and Wall Street, saying that they get rich off the little guys' backs.

As if Taylor Swift and all of Hollywood don't do that. Taylor Swift didn't become a billionaire by winning the lottery. She got rich off the backs of the little people.
It's rather funny to watch the left attack CEO's and Wall Street, saying that they get rich off the little guys' backs.

As if Taylor Swift and all of Hollywood don't do that. Taylor Swift didn't become a billionaire by winning the lottery. She got rich off the backs of the little people.
Does Kamala's plan on "price gouging" include Taylor Swift's $2000 dollar concert tickets?
Swifties get their parents to cough up two thousand bucks so that they can go to Taylor's concerts. Teamsters are hardworking are struggling to make their monthly expenses. Swifties support Kamala, Teamsters support Trump.

While 45 per cent of Swift's US fans are millennials — like the 34-year-old herself — 21 per cent are Gen X and 25 per cent are Boomers, according to a 2023 survey. That means nearly half of her millions of fans are likely over 45.
I agree, a grown man falling for a stupid kids trick like that is just sad.
Putin didn't do anything aggressive to his neighbors during Trump's first term. Hardly the BFF behavior one would expect.

Biden, however, gave Putin permission to perform a limited invasion of Ukraine...and son of a bitch, Putin invaded Ukraine.

Of course Putin wants Harris. He knows she'll roll over for him just like Biden did.

Boy, you are dumb as a box of hammers and not nearly as useful.
Putin didn't do anything aggressive to his neighbors during Trump's first term. Hardly the BFF behavior one would expect.

Biden, however, gave Putin permission to perform a limited invasion of Ukraine...and son of a bitch, Putin invaded Ukraine.
Both of those are total lies.

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