Synagogue Fire


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
Palestinians throwing rocks or firing rockets make for better headlines that a synagogue was set fire.

Synagogue Arson: 'Israeli Media is Anti-Semitic' - Jewish World - News - Arutz Sheva

A synagogue in Petach Tikvah was set afire on Shabbat afternoon. The Beit Yaakov synagogue was empty of worshippers at the time of the fire, police said.

An initial investigation indicated that the perpetrator entered the building unnoticed and poured a flammable liquid next to the Holy Ark, where the Torah Scrolls are kept. The arsonist then set the Ark on fire and ran away. The Ark, made of steel, was damaged, but the Torah scrolls inside were safe. However, there was much damage to the rest of the building.

One of the synagogue's veteran congregation members said bitterly that if the attackers had only written "price tag," indicating a possible Jewish nationalist crime, there would have been a media storm over the incident. As it is, he noted, most of the press is not reporting the incident.
So sad! Maybe someone with a grudge? or a mental problem?

Can you explain the remark about "price tag." I don't understand that part. How does writing "price tag" indicate a Jewish nationalist crime? And what is Jewish nationalism if not Zionism?
I cannot agree more about what the worshiper said. I found out about this arson by mistake. If it was a "price tag" th media would have talked about it day and night.

It turned into a joke in Israel. One of my friends needed the police but they sayd they have no vehicles, he called again saying he has a spray and wall infront.

It took the police less than 5 minutes to arrive...
A spray and wall? I'm totally in the dark, please help me out.

Your story of a friend reminds me of a friend who says to go to the Energency Room for everything and just tell them you are having chest pain so you can jump the line. Problem is, someone who is really having a heart attack could die because you are hogging all the resources!
You can google "price tag" of the Israeli Palestinian conflict and get a background.

But from an authentic prespective, 'Tag Mehir', known in English as "Price Tag", is the known way of Jewish group to respond to Arab crimes against Jews in the settlements or in general.

It due to the settlers thinking that to each Jew killed by Palestinians there is a "price" to be payed by the ones who harmed him or her, or the ones supporting those who harmed him or her.

It is best known in mosques and Arab cities, if an Israeli or Jew is killed somewhere, the settlers will spray "price tag" on a wall or a street corner, at some point they started calling them "The graffiti youth", because they'd spray on walls and houses and schools, etc.

The media calls it "a nationalist hate crime", hypocritically so, because "price tag" is only an answer to greatest crimes being committed, those which started the bloodbath.

After the Israeli toddler Adelle Biton was stoned by Palestinians, and the settlers sprayed a mosque, they were more busy finding the vandalist kids than to find the one who almost killed the baby. After the Fogels were butchered, the preventing of "price tag" was way more important than finding the bloodthirsty beasts who did this.

Price Tag at some cases involved physical attacks, and those, the police indeed is right to call "nationalist crimes". But at some cases (most of them) it over-reacts.
So sad! Maybe someone with a grudge? or a mental problem?

Can you explain the remark about "price tag." I don't understand that part. How does writing "price tag" indicate a Jewish nationalist crime? And what is Jewish nationalism if not Zionism?

“Zionism is nothing more – but also nothing less – than the Jewish People’s sense of origin and destination in the land linked eternally with its name. It is also the instrument whereby the Jewish nation seeks an authentic fulfillment of itself.”

Abba Eban
So sad! Maybe someone with a grudge? or a mental problem?

Can you explain the remark about "price tag." I don't understand that part. How does writing "price tag" indicate a Jewish nationalist crime? And what is Jewish nationalism if not Zionism?

“Zionism is nothing more – but also nothing less – than the Jewish People’s sense of origin and destination in the land linked eternally with its name. It is also the instrument whereby the Jewish nation seeks an authentic fulfillment of itself.”

Abba Eban

So, it's Nationalism with delusions of grandeur.

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