Syrian next, its all been planned for years. (Just taking a bit longer)

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General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991
As early as 2001, the "Pentagon" had plans totake down seven Islamic countries, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. - See more at: How the Illuminati are Reordering the Middle East -

Who do you think started the Arab Spring?
"According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: 'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.'

"According to Rabbi Fischmann, 'The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.'”
Young Arabs rioting against food prices and rich dictators played a prominent role in the Arab Spring; however, elites around the world quickly found ways to exploit the rising demands for democracy in the Middle East.

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research
Spare the conspiracies, the Arab Spring brought justice to those truly seek for it, and chaos to the radicals.

Come now, if this was about democracy the worst country, the Monarchy of Saudi Arabia would of been the first to go, the most depressed nation on earth. It as nothing to do with democracy , and its not a conspiracy either since Zionist and neocons wrote the plan. The Arab Spring was planned well in advance , before the Arabs even knew about it.
Spare the conspiracies, the Arab Spring brought justice to those truly seek for it, and chaos to the radicals.
The Arab Spring was hijacked before it was born.
Point out any conspiracies in the following:

"Israeli strategists viewed Iraq as their biggest strategic challenge from an Arab state.

"This is why Iraq was outlined as the centerpiece to the balkanization of the Middle East and the Arab World.

"In Iraq, on the basis of the concepts of the Yinon Plan, Israeli strategists have called for the division of Iraq into a Kurdish state and two Arab states, one for Shiite Muslims and the other for Sunni Muslims.

"The first step towards establishing this was a war between Iraq and Iran, which the Yinon Plan discusses.

"The Atlantic, in 2008, and the U.S. military’s Armed Forces Journal, in 2006, both published widely circulated maps that closely followed the outline of the Yinon Plan.

"Aside from a divided Iraq, which the Biden Plan also calls for, the Yinon Plan calls for a divided Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria.

"The partitioning of Iran, Turkey, Somalia, and Pakistan also all fall into line with these views.

"The Yinon Plan also calls for dissolution in North Africa and forecasts it as starting from Egypt and then spilling over into Sudan, Libya, and the rest of the region."

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research
It's all part of the Worldwide Jooooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya! :cuckoo:
Israel always had the intelligence and analysis superiority with the best brains in the middle east, but every idiot could've tell that countries like Saddam's Iraq will one day turn to living hell.
It's all part of the Worldwide Jooooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya! :cuckoo:

I see pretty red lines.

What do they mean?
They mean the dissolution of Iraq, among other Arab states, was planned over a generation ago; those pretty red lines are the borders of Greater Israel.

"At the outset of the nineteen eighties the State of Israel is in need of a new perspective as to its place, its aims and national targets, at home and abroad.

"This need has become even more vital due to a number of central processes which the country, the region and the world are undergoing.

"We are living today in the early stages of a new epoch in human history which is not at all similar to its predecessor, and its characteristics are totally different from what we have hitherto known.

"That is why we need an understanding of the central processes which typify this historical epoch on the one hand, and on the other hand we need a world outlook and an operational strategy in accordance with the new conditions.

"The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state will depend upon its ability to adopt a new framework for its domestic and foreign affairs."

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state depends on eternal war and endless misery for the people of the Middle East, in other words.
It's all part of the Worldwide Jooooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya! :cuckoo:

I see pretty red lines.

What do they mean?
They mean the dissolution of Iraq, among other Arab states, was planned over a generation ago; those pretty red lines are the borders of Greater Israel.

"At the outset of the nineteen eighties the State of Israel is in need of a new perspective as to its place, its aims and national targets, at home and abroad.

"This need has become even more vital due to a number of central processes which the country, the region and the world are undergoing.

"We are living today in the early stages of a new epoch in human history which is not at all similar to its predecessor, and its characteristics are totally different from what we have hitherto known.

"That is why we need an understanding of the central processes which typify this historical epoch on the one hand, and on the other hand we need a world outlook and an operational strategy in accordance with the new conditions.

"The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state will depend upon its ability to adopt a new framework for its domestic and foreign affairs."

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state depends on eternal war and endless misery for the people of the Middle East, in other words.

According to you Iraq, Syria and Jordan do not exist because no one handed the land over to the illegal immigrants. One generation ago Israel had just been formed and won its first war
It's all part of the Worldwide Jooooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya! :cuckoo:

I see pretty red lines.

What do they mean?
They mean the dissolution of Iraq, among other Arab states, was planned over a generation ago; those pretty red lines are the borders of Greater Israel.

"At the outset of the nineteen eighties the State of Israel is in need of a new perspective as to its place, its aims and national targets, at home and abroad.

"This need has become even more vital due to a number of central processes which the country, the region and the world are undergoing.

"We are living today in the early stages of a new epoch in human history which is not at all similar to its predecessor, and its characteristics are totally different from what we have hitherto known.

"That is why we need an understanding of the central processes which typify this historical epoch on the one hand, and on the other hand we need a world outlook and an operational strategy in accordance with the new conditions.

"The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state will depend upon its ability to adopt a new framework for its domestic and foreign affairs."

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state depends on eternal war and endless misery for the people of the Middle East, in other words.
Who published this 'Zionist Plan for the Middle East'?

Are they reliable and objective and neutral?

Is there any substantial and credible evidence that the State of Israel is pursuing this so-called 'Plan'?

The Israeli evacuation of Sinai, decades ago, and the Israeli evacuation of Gaza, in recent years, seem to run contrary to such a Plan.

At first glance, I just don't believe it.
It's all part of the Worldwide Jooooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya! :cuckoo:

I see pretty red lines.

What do they mean?
They mean the dissolution of Iraq, among other Arab states, was planned over a generation ago; those pretty red lines are the borders of Greater Israel.

"At the outset of the nineteen eighties the State of Israel is in need of a new perspective as to its place, its aims and national targets, at home and abroad.

"This need has become even more vital due to a number of central processes which the country, the region and the world are undergoing.

"We are living today in the early stages of a new epoch in human history which is not at all similar to its predecessor, and its characteristics are totally different from what we have hitherto known.

"That is why we need an understanding of the central processes which typify this historical epoch on the one hand, and on the other hand we need a world outlook and an operational strategy in accordance with the new conditions.

"The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state will depend upon its ability to adopt a new framework for its domestic and foreign affairs."

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state depends on eternal war and endless misery for the people of the Middle East, in other words.
Who published this 'Zionist Plan for the Middle East'?

Are they reliable and objective and neutral?

Is there any substantial and credible evidence that the State of Israel is pursuing this so-called 'Plan'?

The Israeli evacuation of Sinai, decades ago, and the Israeli evacuation of Gaza, in recent years, seem to run contrary to such a Plan.

At first glance, I just don't believe it.

Can you imagine the Israelis wanting to be responsible for the millions and millions of Arabs in the Middle East -- Arabs who are taught to hate and kill the Jews?

General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991
As early as 2001, the "Pentagon" had plans totake down seven Islamic countries, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. - See more at: How the Illuminati are Reordering the Middle East -

Who do you think started the Arab Spring?
"According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: 'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.'

"According to Rabbi Fischmann, 'The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.'”
Young Arabs rioting against food prices and rich dictators played a prominent role in the Arab Spring; however, elites around the world quickly found ways to exploit the rising demands for democracy in the Middle East.

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

Very interesting article, too awhile to read but very enlightening.
It's all part of the Worldwide Jooooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya! :cuckoo:

It's all part of the Worldwide Jooooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya! :cuckoo:

I see pretty red lines.

What do they mean?
They mean the dissolution of Iraq, among other Arab states, was planned over a generation ago; those pretty red lines are the borders of Greater Israel.

"At the outset of the nineteen eighties the State of Israel is in need of a new perspective as to its place, its aims and national targets, at home and abroad.

"This need has become even more vital due to a number of central processes which the country, the region and the world are undergoing.

"We are living today in the early stages of a new epoch in human history which is not at all similar to its predecessor, and its characteristics are totally different from what we have hitherto known.

"That is why we need an understanding of the central processes which typify this historical epoch on the one hand, and on the other hand we need a world outlook and an operational strategy in accordance with the new conditions.

"The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state will depend upon its ability to adopt a new framework for its domestic and foreign affairs."

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state depends on eternal war and endless misery for the people of the Middle East, in other words.
Who published this 'Zionist Plan for the Middle East'?

Are they reliable and objective and neutral?

Is there any substantial and credible evidence that the State of Israel is pursuing this so-called 'Plan'?

The Israeli evacuation of Sinai, decades ago, and the Israeli evacuation of Gaza, in recent years, seem to run contrary to such a Plan.

At first glance, I just don't believe it.

Can you imagine the Israelis wanting to be responsible for the millions and millions of Arabs in the Middle East -- Arabs who are taught to hate and kill the Jews?

There won't be Arabs there except to mow lawns and do labor work.
Israel always had the intelligence and analysis superiority with the best brains in the middle east, but every idiot could've tell that countries like Saddam's Iraq will one day turn to living hell.

Right, With Hussein they were graduating, marriage age was 18 and was fine till the sanctions, (now look at it)

Some may say "topple Hamas," but who would arise in its stead? Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas? Can anyone guarantee that? Is he even capable? He can't even control the West Bank without our help. It is only thanks to Israel that he has survived in power as long as he has. He enters Gaza on Israel's sword and that's it, problem solved? And if not him then who? Egypt? They managed to give us Gaza under the 1979 Camp David accords, based on the international border demarcated in 1906. So why would they want this headache now?

In a dry analysis, before the conflict erupted, it was concluded that this should be the objective of any confrontation, big or small: to hit Hamas' military capability, exacting a heavy toll, but keep Hamas in power, deterred but effective
Spare the conspiracies, the Arab Spring brought justice to those truly seek for it, and chaos to the radicals.
What "justice" has the Arab Spring brought to the Egyptians and Syrians? The same justice Israel brought to Gaza.
It's all part of the Worldwide Jooooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya! :cuckoo:

I see pretty red lines.

What do they mean?
They mean the dissolution of Iraq, among other Arab states, was planned over a generation ago; those pretty red lines are the borders of Greater Israel.

"At the outset of the nineteen eighties the State of Israel is in need of a new perspective as to its place, its aims and national targets, at home and abroad.

"This need has become even more vital due to a number of central processes which the country, the region and the world are undergoing.

"We are living today in the early stages of a new epoch in human history which is not at all similar to its predecessor, and its characteristics are totally different from what we have hitherto known.

"That is why we need an understanding of the central processes which typify this historical epoch on the one hand, and on the other hand we need a world outlook and an operational strategy in accordance with the new conditions.

"The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state will depend upon its ability to adopt a new framework for its domestic and foreign affairs."

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state depends on eternal war and endless misery for the people of the Middle East, in other words.
Who published this 'Zionist Plan for the Middle East'?

Are they reliable and objective and neutral?

Is there any substantial and credible evidence that the State of Israel is pursuing this so-called 'Plan'?

The Israeli evacuation of Sinai, decades ago, and the Israeli evacuation of Gaza, in recent years, seem to run contrary to such a Plan.

At first glance, I just don't believe it.
"A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties
by Oded Yinon

This essay originally appeared in Hebrew in KIVUNIM (Directions), A Journal for Judaism and Zionism; Issue No, 14–Winter, 5742, February 1982, Editor: Yoram Beck. Editorial Committee: Eli Eyal, Yoram Beck, Amnon Hadari, Yohanan Manor, Elieser Schweid. Published by theDepartment of Publicity/The World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem."

General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991
As early as 2001, the "Pentagon" had plans totake down seven Islamic countries, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. - See more at: How the Illuminati are Reordering the Middle East -

Who do you think started the Arab Spring?
"According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: 'From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.'

"According to Rabbi Fischmann, 'The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.'”
Young Arabs rioting against food prices and rich dictators played a prominent role in the Arab Spring; however, elites around the world quickly found ways to exploit the rising demands for democracy in the Middle East.

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

Very interesting article, too awhile to read but very enlightening.
The biggest of the many Big Lies Israel regularly tells the world is how badly it wants to live in peace with its neighbors. Yinon's plan reveals the Jewish state sees itself as a regional hegemon, and has behaved accordingly for the past four decades, at least. I'm afraid a majority of taxpayers aren't going to start paying critical attention to events in the Middle East until the car bombs begin going off on their blocks.
...The biggest of the many Big Lies Israel regularly tells the world is how badly it wants to live in peace with its neighbors. Yinon's plan reveals the Jewish state sees itself as a regional hegemon, and has behaved accordingly for the past four decades, at least. I'm afraid a majority of taxpayers aren't going to start paying critical attention to events in the Middle East until the car bombs begin going off on their blocks.

If Israel was intent on acquiring that sort of land-mass, they would never have given up Sinai nor Gaza.

And they would have long-since punched through the paper-thin Jordanian border.

I call bullshit.
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