Systemic Racism - Black on White


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
This is the beginning of an ongoing thread documenting "systemic racism" of blacks robbing, murdering, raping and brutalizing whites, while getting privileges such as preferential entrance to colleges and universities with far lower SAT scores and GPAs than whites or Asians.
Please add instances of this pervasive systemic racism. I intend to create and update a website documenting
this widespread racism that is so costly and deadly.

Paralyzed woman to rob her.jpg
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Snotty looking bitch... 19 years old and already lost forever....
I heard about this crime, but the "News" never mentioned race.
Christian and Christopher.jpg

Raped, tortured and brutally murdered by a gang of blacks who got a few years in prison.

Christine Englehart murdered.jpg

Christine Englehart murdered.
Jayvon Hatchett stabs white man in Auto Zone.jpg
The OP doesn't know what systemic racism is. Furthermore cherrypicking stories like this proves nothing. The majority of these batteries are intraracial. Both blacks an whites experience intraracial attacks in pretty much the same percentages.

Half of Violent Victimizations Are Intra-racial

"Among black victims, 63 percent of violent victimizations were committed by black offenders, 11 percent by white offenders and 7 percent by Hispanic offenders. Among white victims, 57 percent of victimizations were committed by white offenders, 15 percent by black offenders and 11 percent by Hispanic offenders."


So this is just another white race bait thread that would be closed if blacks tried pulling a similar stunt using white attacks on black people.
Black on white homicides.jpg

White males between 14 and 24 accounted for 6% of the population but 16% of the homicide offenders. Thus they were 2.67 times as likely to murder as the general population.

Young black males accounted for 1% of the population but 27% of all homicide offenders, making them 27 times more likely to commit a homicide than a random selection would predict, or 10.1 times more likely than their white peers.



Letter: Knockout game evidence of black racism​

Staff Writer
December 2, 2013

Knockout game evidence of racism
According to Thomas Sowell, a black conservative columnist of the New York Post, there is a violent "game" being played in several major cities across the U.S. It's called "Polar Bear Hunting," or "Knockout Game."
Unprovoked physical attacks by young roving packs of black youths are being carried out against Jews, whites and Asian people. While rampant in St. Louis, these assaults have also occurred in Wisconsin and Massachusetts. I have to read about these crimes in a conservative paper — The Post — while it seems the "liberal" Massachusetts papers are "shielding" the rest of us from this racial violence. Why?

As Mr. Sowell reports, the term "White Girl Bleed Alot" is also the title of a book by Colin Flaherty, which documents both the obvious racial attacks across the U.S., and the lame media's attempts to cover them up, as well as some local political and police officials who try to say that "race had nothing to do with these attacks." Will Attorney General Holder, do something? Not.
Again, this "Polar Bear Hunting" game is hardly a "passing prank." People have been beaten unconscious, permanently disabled and some have been murdered. How is this not a national "60 Minutes" story? And where are Obama, Sharpton and Jackson on this?

Providing cover to hoodlums is a gross disservice to every race. Perhaps "political correctness" trumps human lives.
Stephen W. Fernandes
New Bedford


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She needs someone to show her how paralyzed people live... she surely has no regrets over injuring that woman... this bitch will be a problem for society the entire time she is alive....
They're fucking animals. We need to be rid of them. They'll never change.
Steven Amenhauser burned to death by two black teenagers.jpg

Burned to death by two black savages, 14 and 16.
Ariel Robinson.jpg


Hung jury on murder.jpg


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It’s kind of obvious that the violent black criminals are going to lash out at whitey, isn’t it? We have all the money and better looking women. These are 2 non-racial motivations.
View attachment 767652

White males between 14 and 24 accounted for 6% of the population but 16% of the homicide offenders. Thus they were 2.67 times as likely to murder as the general population.

This graph was skewed by a non-zero base, provided by the source.
I have precisely adjusted it to a zero-base graph.


These worthless animals should be burned at the stake. They have no value to humanity.

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