Taylor Swift blunder?

That was one union. That didn't endorse Trump.

Correcting you guys' half truths and lies is a full time job.
Only problem for you is the majority of that unions membership did by a union authorized poll. That put the union in quite a bind, endorsement wise................ :biggrin:

It's probably highly representative of Trumps clout in many of the other unions. Love to see UAW do a poll.
Riiiight... you just squeal and genuflect and make yourself a human shield for him at every opportunity.

But not a fan.

Let me guess... you're about to sell me a timeshare.

I'll hold my nose and vote.

You'll pull down your panties and ejaculate

There is a distinct difference, bingo
Never seen Swift preform, & not sure we know any of her songs.
What worry's us is why would a president bother to hate a singer?
Swift has donated 50 million to Truckers.
30 million to food banks.
20 million for animals.
Why Hate? just because of voter choice??
How is that a problem for me? I'm not the embarrassing liar that tried to pass off the lie as all unions.
Not all unions, liar............just their memberships voting choice. You know, you can't have a union without members.

I'm not the embarrassing liar that tried to pass off the lie as all unions.

bullshit man.jpg

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