Taylor Swift blunder?

You guys are still shitting yourselves because a Pop star rejected your guy, again.

She rejected Trump in 2020, and she was fine.
No. They hate that a female pop star rejected Trump. They think women have to “know their place”. I often worry about the unfortunate mates of the MAGA posters on this board. If they are 5% as crude as they are on here, I would imagine many of them fear for their safety daily.
Swift hates Trump only because the tremendous Kanye West loves the President.

West called out Swift for her racism at some awards banquet years ago, and she didn't like it.
Kanye west? Any other deviants you want?

PDiddy maybe
Funny, I could say the same thing about Trump... except people aren't walking out on the middle of Taylor's concerts out of confusion and boredom.
well they certainly are...and she also had a big drop in followers on social media when she endorsed Harris. These entertainers aren't smart enough to Shut UP and Sing. Where are you guys getting your news from? porn sites?
You guys are still shitting yourselves because a Pop star rejected your guy, again.

She rejected Trump in 2020, and she was fine.
But now we know that likely had a lot to do with her love of going to P Diddy parties. Which is just weird
The fan bases are split, but the big money players in the entertainment industry are not, and they still have a lot of influence over an entertainer's success or failure. Notice it is the established entertainers largely immune to outside influence who dare to espouse anything but the most slavish allegiance to liberal ideologies.
True, an 'entertainer' is nothing without a venue.
Not to make something out of nothing, but it is undeniable that many Americans - mainly older Americans - who didn't give a shit one way or another about the world's oldest living teenager (excepting maybe Howard Stern) now think of her in a negative light.

Her recent and widely-reported thoughts on the coming election have not endeared her to anyone.

Net negative, but neither she nor anyone else really gives a shit.

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