TEA Party and Glenn Beck Blind and dumb, Bunker Morality leads us astray


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
by Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D. Tantrum Morality: TEA Party and Glenn Beck Blind and dumb, Bunker Morality leads us astray
Published on April 20, 2010

Ever watch a child have a tantrum? I don't mean the kind when a child is so distressed they need adult help to calm down. I mean the appearance of a "little Nero" who wants control at any cost. You know, the yelling and screaming, the endless demands and attempts at manipulation.

Hmm, this all sounds so familiar....right, I am talking about Glenn Beck ...and leaders in the TEA party...but I'm also talking about you and me.

Tantrum morality (a type of Bunker Security) is about raging against anything that you consider a threat to your power and privilege. So the TEA partiers, sponsored by the wealthy and promoted by Fox News, who earn more than average Americans, are concerned for their own well being, not necessarily that of anyone else. For example, they are more likely to think that the Obama administration favors the poor and blacks over others. You can see they want to continue tilting the social table towards the wealthy (see David Cay Johnston's books).

When you are raised and immersed in a culture that promotes insecurity (as our culture does), you are likely to be attracted to the rhetoric of blaming (discounted) others for any problem you have. Hence, Glenn Beck's success. The Bunker Security world view is that you have to be aggressive to keep a sense of control. Witness the tragic bullying of Phoebe Prince (which became vicious morality).

Glen Beck's Tantrum Morality is highly destructive because he appears on a news network and the naïve viewer thinks he is only telling them what is true (after all, it is on TV and on a news channel). Find someone convenient to blame for your troubles and have at it. People who look or act differently are especially attractive (e.g., Obama, immigrants).

So when you are mad for not getting your way, you point to the "difference" in your opponent (race, sex, origin) or their area of vulnerability. You pull out the zinger that you know will strike at the heart. "I always knew you were weak." "My mother warned me about you people." You throw emotional Molotov cocktails to try to get your way

more at link:
Tantrum Morality: TEA Party and Glenn Beck | Psychology Today
How politicians use psychology, and what it means for democracy.
by R. Michael Alvarez Why is the "Tea Party" getting so much attention?Why is the "Tea Party" movement getting so much attention?
Published on October 15, 2010
One of the most important stories of the 2010 midterm elections is the "Tea Party" movement.

But a recent polling report from Project Vote--"What Happened to Hope and Change?"--raises some important questions about why the "Tea Party" movement is getting so much attention. This poll report, summarizing the results of surveys of those who voted in 2008 with over-samples of African-American, low-income, and young voters, noted that "Tea Party" sympathizers have experiences and opinions that are very different from the experiences and opinions of most Americans, and specifically African-Americans, lower-income and younger voters.

Here's the primary conclusion that I took from the Project Vote poll report:

By concentrating on the “Tea Party” minority, the media has amplified their voices. Overwhelmingly white, Tea Party sympathizers are almost universally dissatisfied, yet they have the least reason for dissatisfaction. A strong majority of them say their personal financial situation is fairly good or very good; they are more likely to be residentially stable and married, with no children living at home; three out of four went to college almost all are working or retired; and they make more money on average than the other groups. Only six percent reported having to worry about buying food for their families in the past year, compared to 14 percent of voters nation-wide, 37 percent of blacks, 21 percent of youths, and 39 percent of low-income voters. Virtually every Tea Party sympathizer plans to vote in 2010.
As should be clear from these responses, and the full report that follows, these “Tea Party” voters do not speak for all Americans, and they are severely disconnected from the experiences and views of lower-income, black, and young Americans. The fascination with the Tea Party on the part of reporters, pundits, and politicians does a disservice to our nation; it buries any discussion of the needs and concerns of the average American, and almost completely overlooks the views of younger, lower-income, and black voters who cast ballots in 2008 and will play an increasingly important role in American democracy in the future.
So if the Tea Party sympathizers are so atypical, why are they getting so much attention? There are three reasons;

First, the Tea Party sympathizers are loud. This is literally true -- I've had a chance to see a couple of their events, and they are literally quite loud! But it is also true in a more rhetorical way -- they have been effective in getting their messages and candidates communicated to the public. But they also have a strident and divisive message, which contributes to their ability to get their arguments out into the mainstream media.

Second, the Tea Party is new and different. The media like to focus on new and different narratives, and the Tea Party is providing a fresh angle for the media's attention. Rather than having to concentrate primarily on the Democratic and Republican parties, the Tea Party gives reporters and their editors something different to cover as they develop content to sell to readers and viewers.

Third, the Tea Party has been successful. Candidates associated with the Tea Party have beaten incumbents in states like Alaska and Utah, and been able to dominate in Republican primaries in other states like Delaware and Nevada. These successes have surprised the political establishment, and of course these surprises have fueled the attention of reporters and the media at the local, state and national levels

More at:
Why is the "Tea Party" getting so much attention? | Psychology Today
What a bunch of dribble....

Does she remember the years from 2001 to 2008? When all the moonbat libs were marching and screaming in the streets.

:cuckoo: What short memories these idiots have.

Let her try to debunk what Glenn says and I will listen, but until then, she can whine all she wants to.
"They outnumber you.

If lower income blacks and young people continue toward the policies with which Democrats have made them poorer, that's not the Tea Party's fault.

If you want entitlement, the Tea Party is not for you." he quipped.
A psychologist calling a significant portion of the American population names? Why does Dr. Narveaz resort to infantile attacks unbecoming of her profession?

The second article cited explains why:
Third, the Tea Party has been successful.
This is a DR now folks, not my little insignificant opinion.

Her opinion mental issues ought to be just as valid as Rand Pauls is on eye balls. Or politics.
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A psychologist calling a significant portion of the American population names? Why does Dr. Narveaz resort to infantile attacks unbecoming of her profession?

The second article cited explains why:
Third, the Tea Party has been successful.

classic out of context quoting.
Successful in what way?
A psychologist calling a significant portion of the American population names? Why does Dr. Narveaz resort to infantile attacks unbecoming of her profession?

The second article cited explains why:
Third, the Tea Party has been successful.

classic out of context quoting.
Successful in what way?

At simply stirring the average American who normally never thinks about politics to sit up and pay attention.
Trust me.... there are people out there mobilized to make a difference, that two years ago were watching American Idol and worried about who was going to survive on Survivor.

Yep, they have been pretty successful at that anyway.... we will have to wait till Nov 3rd to know for sure though.
classic out of context quoting.
Successful in what way?

From your own post:

Third, the Tea Party has been successful. Candidates associated with the Tea Party have beaten incumbents in states like Alaska and Utah, and been able to dominate in Republican primaries in other states like Delaware and Nevada. These successes have surprised the political establishment, and of course these surprises have fueled the attention of reporters and the media at the local, state and national levels

Dr. Narveaz cannot comprehend how a political movement that opposes her personal beliefs would gain power, and so she resorts to educated namecalling. These sorts of hack-jobs are common in academia, particularly in the social sciences and humanities.

Such a lack of professionalism is rarely tolerated in the hard sciences.
This is a DR now folks, no my little insignificant opinion.

Her opinion mental issues ought to be just as valid as Rand Pauls is on eye balls. Or politics.


You must be afraid of Rand Paul.

I am becoming more convinced that Rand Paul cannot stand the pressure of the senate and is not extremely bright. But that seems to be a plus with some voters.

I fear nothing.

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