Tea Party Group Demand Textbooks Say Nice Things About Slave Owners

When did I mention something about Cherokee Indians and slavery?

But I do understand your emotional plight; and lack of memory and focus.

Menopause is a terrible affliction on women your age. :doubt:

*sigh* Here's your post.
Oh, I forgot, you only target muslims and Islam.
Look, all I ever see you post is screeds about Muslims and Islam.

We don't want your do-gooder get in our business crap.

You are a dilatant busy body who thinks they know what's best for everyone else based on Western secular culture and mindset.

Please take your colonialistic and imperialistic ideas and put them on the history shelf where they belong.

You just need to find another hobby; like knitting or gardening to occupy your remaining years.

I think my hobby of protesting the murder of a child who was raped and charged with adultery and then stoned to death for adultery has absolutely nothing to do with secular culture. And protesting honor killings isn't what I'd consider a secular culture issue. And there are sadly too many issues I could list.

It's a good hobby.:eusa_angel:
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I've never figured out how anyone of faith ever thought it's a swell idea to "own" another human being.

My brain can't wrap around that whatsoever. And when I've given examples of Indians, Africans, Free Blacks and Muslims having owned slaves, I absolutely want to make it clear that I am not excusing white Christians but merely pointing out that at a certain time in our world history this was all aok by many cultures. I'll never understand it I guess.

They never considered Blacks as a human beings, nor Indians. For Indians they were savages.
For blacks they were inferior, not much further up than apes.
That is how they justified it.
They were not persons.
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I actually make some good out there. I got involved in muslim women rights way back in the 90's. I really do truly rock. And I really care. They are my girls and I love them so. Been a bit side tracked with this honor killing trial we've got going on up here, but we sojourn on.
"They are my girls" is typical colonialism speak for "I own you" because "I know what best for you because I am white and right".

Again, please get a life and leave the muslim people and Islamic culture alone. :doubt:
I actually make some good out there. I got involved in muslim women rights way back in the 90's. I really do truly rock. And I really care. They are my girls and I love them so. Been a bit side tracked with this honor killing trial we've got going on up here, but we sojourn on.
"They are my girls" is typical colonialism speak for "I own you" because "I know what best for you because I am white and right".

Again, please get a life and leave the muslim people and Islamic culture alone. :doubt:

And you're saying Muslim women are treated as equals?
Why can't we have a school system that teaches facts instead of left or right ideology?

Fact - Our Constitution says that it guarantees us a Republic form of Government
Fact - there was free blacks who fought in the Revolutionary War and Free Blacks owned slaves

Fact :clap2:
By Trymaine Lee

A little more than a year after the conservative-led state board of education in Texas approved massive changes to its school textbooks to put slavery in a more positive light, a group of Tea Party activists in Tennessee has renewed its push to whitewash school textbooks. The group is seeking to remove references to slavery and mentions of the country's founders being slave owners.

According to reports, Hal Rounds, the Fayette County attorney and spokesman for the group, said during a recent news conference that there has been "an awful lot of made-up criticism about, for instance, the founders intruding on the Indians or having slaves or being hypocrites in one way or another."

"The thing we need to focus on about the founders is that, given the social structure of their time, they were revolutionaries who brought liberty into a world where it hadn't existed, to everybody -- not all equally instantly -- and it was their progress that we need to look at," Rounds said, according to The Commercial Appeal.

During the news conference more than two dozen Tea Party activists handed out material that said, "Neglect and outright ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States. We seek to compel the teaching of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government."

And that further teaching would also include that "the Constitution created a Republic, not a Democracy."

The group demanded, as they had in January of last year, that Tennessee lawmakers change state laws governing school curricula. The group called for textbook selection criteria to include: "No portrayal of minority experience in the history which actually occurred shall obscure the experience or contributions of the Founding Fathers, or the majority of citizens, including those who reached positions of leadership."

More: Tea Party Groups In Tennessee Demand Textbooks Overlook U.S. Founder's Slave-Owning History

Supporting Links:

Tennessee Tea Parties demand textbooks contain no mean things about Founding Fathers - Tea Parties - Salon.com

Tea parties issue demands to Tennessee legislators » The Commercial Appeal

My position is that it is best to tell the truth, both good and bad, positive and negative in relevance, importance, context, and weight. I would do the same for you. The Left, being in control of Academics for Decades, is expert at rewriting history and indoctrinating. It seems more a requirement of the Progressive Statist.
Why can't we have a school system that teaches facts instead of left or right ideology?

Fact - Our Constitution says that it guarantees us a Republic form of Government
Fact - there was free blacks who fought in the Revolutionary War and Free Blacks owned slaves

I will agree with you. I don't recall being taught history with a politican spin. Perhaps I was too young to see it, if it was occuring.

KKK was taught as a negative part of our history, as it should have been. The Holocaust, was taught as a dark part of our history, as it should have been. So were the Salem Witch Trials...bad thing.

Why would we want to offend a population of minorities who have contributed so many positive things to this country? Awesome music. An African American played a HUGE part in creating and making commonplace the Blalock Procedure (for tetralogy of fallot)-which was once a death sentence to children born with this congenital heart defect. He didn't have the money, after the stock market crash (he was unable to withdraw his money from his bank, to attend medical school. It was a natural gift to him; and Dr. Blalock trusted him above all to assist him in bringing this to fruition. Not familiar with the story? Watch "Something the Lord Made"....great movie.

My stepfather was born with tetralogy of fallot, and wasn't expected to live past the age of 20, as he had three heart surgeries in the first 6 years of his life. He is now 50. He underwent the Blalock Procedure. It was so experimental at the time, that his parents had to sign a waiver.

Again, I place "slavery wasn't so bad" in the same category as saying "well, the Holocaust wasn't so bad!" Some of the Jews in the concentration camps were allowed to live.

It is ridiculous, and it embarrasses me that these people live in my state. And if I had a child in that school, and they decided to implement such nonsense, I would immediately either change the school that they were attending, or homeschool them.
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By Trymaine Lee

A little more than a year after the conservative-led state board of education in Texas approved massive changes to its school textbooks to put slavery in a more positive light, a group of Tea Party activists in Tennessee has renewed its push to whitewash school textbooks. The group is seeking to remove references to slavery and mentions of the country's founders being slave owners.

According to reports, Hal Rounds, the Fayette County attorney and spokesman for the group, said during a recent news conference that there has been "an awful lot of made-up criticism about, for instance, the founders intruding on the Indians or having slaves or being hypocrites in one way or another."

"The thing we need to focus on about the founders is that, given the social structure of their time, they were revolutionaries who brought liberty into a world where it hadn't existed, to everybody -- not all equally instantly -- and it was their progress that we need to look at," Rounds said, according to The Commercial Appeal.

During the news conference more than two dozen Tea Party activists handed out material that said, "Neglect and outright ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States. We seek to compel the teaching of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government."

And that further teaching would also include that "the Constitution created a Republic, not a Democracy."

The group demanded, as they had in January of last year, that Tennessee lawmakers change state laws governing school curricula. The group called for textbook selection criteria to include: "No portrayal of minority experience in the history which actually occurred shall obscure the experience or contributions of the Founding Fathers, or the majority of citizens, including those who reached positions of leadership."
More: Tea Party Groups In Tennessee Demand Textbooks Overlook U.S. Founder's Slave-Owning History

Supporting Links:

Tennessee Tea Parties demand textbooks contain no mean things about Founding Fathers - Tea Parties - Salon.com

Tea parties issue demands to Tennessee legislators » The Commercial Appeal

If they want to read nice things about slave owners (and the benign, almost altruistic aspects of slavery, in general), I could direct them to the on-line forum of a well known talk radio and Fox News TV personality.
By Trymaine Lee

A little more than a year after the conservative-led state board of education in Texas approved massive changes to its school textbooks to put slavery in a more positive light, a group of Tea Party activists in Tennessee has renewed its push to whitewash school textbooks. The group is seeking to remove references to slavery and mentions of the country's founders being slave owners.

According to reports, Hal Rounds, the Fayette County attorney and spokesman for the group, said during a recent news conference that there has been "an awful lot of made-up criticism about, for instance, the founders intruding on the Indians or having slaves or being hypocrites in one way or another."

"The thing we need to focus on about the founders is that, given the social structure of their time, they were revolutionaries who brought liberty into a world where it hadn't existed, to everybody -- not all equally instantly -- and it was their progress that we need to look at," Rounds said, according to The Commercial Appeal.

During the news conference more than two dozen Tea Party activists handed out material that said, "Neglect and outright ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States. We seek to compel the teaching of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government."

And that further teaching would also include that "the Constitution created a Republic, not a Democracy."

The group demanded, as they had in January of last year, that Tennessee lawmakers change state laws governing school curricula. The group called for textbook selection criteria to include: "No portrayal of minority experience in the history which actually occurred shall obscure the experience or contributions of the Founding Fathers, or the majority of citizens, including those who reached positions of leadership."

More: Tea Party Groups In Tennessee Demand Textbooks Overlook U.S. Founder's Slave-Owning History

So you prefer that our Children are Taught that Slave Owners were all evil scum? With no context of the times? How Slaves were Treated, How many Slave Owners Freed there own Slaves?

Are you actually claiming there was nothing at all good to be said about anyone who ever owned a slave?


Any human being who would own another human is a despicable person and not deserving of any whitewash from history.
By Trymaine Lee

A little more than a year after the conservative-led state board of education in Texas approved massive changes to its school textbooks to put slavery in a more positive light, a group of Tea Party activists in Tennessee has renewed its push to whitewash school textbooks. The group is seeking to remove references to slavery and mentions of the country's founders being slave owners.

According to reports, Hal Rounds, the Fayette County attorney and spokesman for the group, said during a recent news conference that there has been "an awful lot of made-up criticism about, for instance, the founders intruding on the Indians or having slaves or being hypocrites in one way or another."

"The thing we need to focus on about the founders is that, given the social structure of their time, they were revolutionaries who brought liberty into a world where it hadn't existed, to everybody -- not all equally instantly -- and it was their progress that we need to look at," Rounds said, according to The Commercial Appeal.

During the news conference more than two dozen Tea Party activists handed out material that said, "Neglect and outright ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States. We seek to compel the teaching of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government."

And that further teaching would also include that "the Constitution created a Republic, not a Democracy."

The group demanded, as they had in January of last year, that Tennessee lawmakers change state laws governing school curricula. The group called for textbook selection criteria to include: "No portrayal of minority experience in the history which actually occurred shall obscure the experience or contributions of the Founding Fathers, or the majority of citizens, including those who reached positions of leadership."
More: Tea Party Groups In Tennessee Demand Textbooks Overlook U.S. Founder's Slave-Owning History

Supporting Links:

Tennessee Tea Parties demand textbooks contain no mean things about Founding Fathers - Tea Parties - Salon.com

Tea parties issue demands to Tennessee legislators » The Commercial Appeal

If they want to read nice things about slave owners (and the benign, almost altruistic aspects of slavery, in general), I could direct them to the on-line forum of a well known talk radio and Fox News TV personality.

Better yet, tell us more about Islam. Or, How about the Sex Slave Market?

So you prefer that our Children are Taught that Slave Owners were all evil scum? With no context of the times? How Slaves were Treated, How many Slave Owners Freed there own Slaves?

Are you actually claiming there was nothing at all good to be said about anyone who ever owned a slave?


Any human being who would own another human is a despicable person and not deserving of any whitewash from history.

That's a pretty broad brush there Sparky, from Earliest Recorded History to Today, that covers the population of most Cultures, at one time or another. Few are left out.
I actually make some good out there. I got involved in muslim women rights way back in the 90's. I really do truly rock. And I really care. They are my girls and I love them so. Been a bit side tracked with this honor killing trial we've got going on up here, but we sojourn on.
"They are my girls" is typical colonialism speak for "I own you" because "I know what best for you because I am white and right".

Again, please get a life and leave the muslim people and Islamic culture alone. :doubt:

And you're saying Muslim women are treated as equals?

It's a different culture, religion, and they have different values. Does it seem right to us? No. Does our way of life seem right to them? No.

If the women are satisfied, who are we to tell them how they should live. As you know, Islam isn't like Christianity. It's a daily ritual to them. It's not church or Wednesdays and Sundays; or daily (if you choose) when you are Catholic.

I'm sure that there are some women who would like to get out from underneath the customs and culture of Islam. But surely it isn't all of them. If they are satisfied, it is none of our business to interfere.
"They are my girls" is typical colonialism speak for "I own you" because "I know what best for you because I am white and right".

Again, please get a life and leave the muslim people and Islamic culture alone. :doubt:

And you're saying Muslim women are treated as equals?

It's a different culture, religion, and they have different values. Does it seem right to us? No. Does our way of life seem right to them? No.

If the women are satisfied, who are we to tell them how they should live. As you know, Islam isn't like Christianity. It's a daily ritual to them. It's not church or Wednesdays and Sundays; or daily (if you choose) when you are Catholic.

I'm sure that there are some women who would like to get out from underneath the customs and culture of Islam. But surely it isn't all of them. If they are satisfied, it is none of our business to interfere.

Thats fine and dandy but sunni comes here busting Americas chops for it's evilness when he has the same thing and deny's it in his on Arab customs.
"They are my girls" is typical colonialism speak for "I own you" because "I know what best for you because I am white and right".

Again, please get a life and leave the muslim people and Islamic culture alone. :doubt:

And you're saying Muslim women are treated as equals?

It's a different culture, religion, and they have different values. Does it seem right to us? No. Does our way of life seem right to them? No.

If the women are satisfied, who are we to tell them how they should live. As you know, Islam isn't like Christianity. It's a daily ritual to them. It's not church or Wednesdays and Sundays; or daily (if you choose) when you are Catholic.

I'm sure that there are some women who would like to get out from underneath the customs and culture of Islam. But surely it isn't all of them. If they are satisfied, it is none of our business to interfere.

My issues are strictly with human rights violations. And sadly no religion or culture is immune from having crazy practices.

For example take Female Genital Mutilations. Practiced as part of "culture" although it has been outlawed I think just about everywhere.

In India even though Sati is banned, four brothers were just arrested for throwing their mother ALIVE on her husband's funeral pile.

Honor killings are considered cultural as well and I'm sorry that part of someone's culture I'm going to fight. And honor killings are across the board to many religions.

We just had a giant breakthrough on an honor killing in India of a Canadian woman who married someone her family didn't want. And this family is Sikh. Jassi Sidhu. She was killed in 2000. Most horridly. And her mother and her uncle are charged with paying for her honor killing. These are well to do and respected members of the BC Sikh community.

And then we come to Christians and Native Americans who truly believed slavery was a ok at one point in time.

And how many Christians felt it was crucial that they burn witches alive at a stake. What a way to go! Yikes.

Sheesh. It's a sickening list I'm rattling off. I think I'll leave it at that.
And you're saying Muslim women are treated as equals?

It's a different culture, religion, and they have different values. Does it seem right to us? No. Does our way of life seem right to them? No.

If the women are satisfied, who are we to tell them how they should live. As you know, Islam isn't like Christianity. It's a daily ritual to them. It's not church or Wednesdays and Sundays; or daily (if you choose) when you are Catholic.

I'm sure that there are some women who would like to get out from underneath the customs and culture of Islam. But surely it isn't all of them. If they are satisfied, it is none of our business to interfere.

My issues are strictly with human rights violations. And sadly no religion or culture is immune from having crazy practices.

For example take Female Genital Mutilations. Practiced as part of "culture" although it has been outlawed I think just about everywhere.

In India even though Sati is banned, four brothers were just arrested for throwing their mother ALIVE on her husband's funeral pile.

Honor killings are considered cultural as well and I'm sorry that part of someone's culture I'm going to fight. And honor killings are across the board to many religions.

We just had a giant breakthrough on an honor killing in India of a Canadian woman who married someone her family didn't want. And this family is Sikh. Jassi Sidhu. She was killed in 2000. Most horridly. And her mother and her uncle are charged with paying for her honor killing. These are well to do and respected members of the BC Sikh community.

And then we come to Christians and Native Americans who truly believed slavery was a ok at one point in time.

And how many Christians felt it was crucial that they burn witches alive at a stake. What a way to go! Yikes.

Sheesh. It's a sickening list I'm rattling off. I think I'll leave it at that.

Slavery has nothing to do with religion - at least not Christianity - not for the last 300 years or so..

I won't argue that Christianity has been brutal in the past, however this is 2012 and Christianity lost their barbaric ways long ago, unlike Sharia Islam and other offshoots of mainstream religions (including Christianity)...
It's a different culture, religion, and they have different values. Does it seem right to us? No. Does our way of life seem right to them? No.

If the women are satisfied, who are we to tell them how they should live. As you know, Islam isn't like Christianity. It's a daily ritual to them. It's not church or Wednesdays and Sundays; or daily (if you choose) when you are Catholic.

I'm sure that there are some women who would like to get out from underneath the customs and culture of Islam. But surely it isn't all of them. If they are satisfied, it is none of our business to interfere.

My issues are strictly with human rights violations. And sadly no religion or culture is immune from having crazy practices.

For example take Female Genital Mutilations. Practiced as part of "culture" although it has been outlawed I think just about everywhere.

In India even though Sati is banned, four brothers were just arrested for throwing their mother ALIVE on her husband's funeral pile.

Honor killings are considered cultural as well and I'm sorry that part of someone's culture I'm going to fight. And honor killings are across the board to many religions.

We just had a giant breakthrough on an honor killing in India of a Canadian woman who married someone her family didn't want. And this family is Sikh. Jassi Sidhu. She was killed in 2000. Most horridly. And her mother and her uncle are charged with paying for her honor killing. These are well to do and respected members of the BC Sikh community.

And then we come to Christians and Native Americans who truly believed slavery was a ok at one point in time.

And how many Christians felt it was crucial that they burn witches alive at a stake. What a way to go! Yikes.

Sheesh. It's a sickening list I'm rattling off. I think I'll leave it at that.

Slavery has nothing to do with religion - at least not Christianity - not for the last 300 years or so..

I won't argue that Christianity has been brutal in the past, however this is 2012 and Christianity lost their barbaric ways long ago, unlike Sharia Islam and other offshoots of mainstream religions (including Christianity)...

We made it out of the stone age :lol: and yes Christians in the past have done some wacky zany not nice things but they weren't based on faith as you said.

I find it absolutely astonishing that in this day and age you can still buy a slave. In the here and now.

Crazy just crazy. And that the slave trade is flourishing.

ETA: we've not even touched the child sex slaves in Asia. yowzah. that's unreal.
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I won't argue that Christianity has been brutal in the past, however this is 2012 and Christianity lost their barbaric ways long ago, unlike Sharia Islam and other offshoots of mainstream religions (including Christianity)...
I would have to beg to differ on that one.

Germany was a predominately Christian nation when the general population was raising their right hands to salute Hitler.

And not to long ago in Rwanda the Christian Hutus were slaughtering the Tutsis.

Plus it wasn't that long ago that the Serbs, who are Orthodox Christians, were murdering every Croatian, Bosnian, and Albanian in sight.
I won't argue that Christianity has been brutal in the past, however this is 2012 and Christianity lost their barbaric ways long ago, unlike Sharia Islam and other offshoots of mainstream religions (including Christianity)...
I would have to beg to differ on that one.

Germany was a predominately Christian nation when the general population was raising their right hands to salute Hitler.

And not to long ago in Rwanda the Christian Hutus were slaughtering the Tutsis.

Plus it wasn't that long ago that the Serbs, who are Orthodox Christians, were murdering every Croatian, Bosnian, and Albanian in sight.

Northern Ireland.
During the news conference more than two dozen Tea Party activists handed out material that said, "Neglect and outright ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States. We seek to compel the teaching of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government."
Yes, the way that I read this, it is about education, in my home state. Now, of course we were also taught that Oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy (which I and most people don't believe). But it seems that we are regressing as a state, and it's frankly frightening.

I see it improving immediately after your departure
The only way these right wingers would see a problem with this is if someone told them to teach the good and bad of the holocaust.

They would shit a brick! All Germans in Hitlers army wasn't bad, right?

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