Teachers Bully Autistic Student!~


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvY597bxRQo]Parent: Teachers bullied my autistic son - YouTube[/ame]

It's really sad something like this happens in the US.
Oregon Mom Throws Autistic Son Off Bridge...

Oregon woman charged with murder after throwing 6-year-old son off bridge
Nov. 4, 2014 | The bridge is more than 100 feet over the water, making the chances of survival minimal and someone could only survive in the frigid water for 20 minutes.
An Oregon woman has been arrested for murder after she called police Monday to tell them she threw her 6-year-old son off a bridge into the frigid waters of Yaquina Bay. Jillian Meredith McCabe, 34, was charged after calling police Monday around 6:30 p.m. "saying she threw her child over the side," according to Newport Police Chief Mark Miranda. Two boats and a helicopter searched the area around the Yaquina Bay Bridge for hours before spotting the body.


A woman by the same name applied for financial assistance to take care of her autistic son, London, and her husband Matt who has multiple sclerosis. "I am taking care of our son London and now Matt full-time. I am applying for any and all assistance available... I NEED YOUR HELP. I love my husband and he has taken care of myself and my son for years and years and now it's time for me to take the helm. I am scared and I am reaching out. I hope I am not coming across trashy or over-reactionary. I must explore every avenue to take care of my family right now."

McCabe has been arrested for aggravated murder, murder and first degree manslaughter with bail set at $750,000. The bridge is more than 100 feet over the water, making the chances of survival minimal and someone could only survive in the frigid water for 20 minutes.

Woman tosses 6-year-old son into Yaquina Bay police say - UPI.com
The definition of autism has been expanded so much that teachers probably aren't aware of the special needs of students who are enrolled in ordinary classes.
Human trafficking of autistic woman leads to federal charges...

Feds: Louisiana family enslaved autistic woman, forced her to eat mother's ashes
JULY 29, 2018 -- Several members of a Louisiana family are facing federal charges of keeping an autistic relative locked up in a cage and forcing her to perform abusive and humiliating acts over a 10-month period, such as living in a cage outside and eating her mother's ashes.

U.S. attorneys in the Eastern District of Louisiana say Raylaine Knope, 42, and her husband, Terry J. Knope II, 45, conspired to keep the victim, referred to as "D.P." in the indictment, as a slave to perform household and yard work between 2015 and 2016. During that time, prosecutors say the Knopes and their children, Jody Lambert, 23, and Taylor Knope, 20, also put the victim through extreme physical and mental abuse.

The indictment says Raylaine Knope forced D.P. to perform various household tasks in her mobile home in Amite, La., including washing dishes and cleaning the bathroom. At first, D.P. was allowed to sleep on the floor of the mobile home, but prosecutors say Raylaine Knope and her family built a cage in the backyard and forced D.P. to live there, only coming inside the mobile home to do housework. "The cage consisted of an animal pen made out of chicken wire," the indictment states. "A plastic tarp was placed over the top of the cage. Jody Lambert cut three branches and placed them over the top of the cage. The defendants put a tent inside the cage. The defendants also put a bucket in the cage to be used as a toilet."

Prosecutors say D.P. attempted to escape once, but was caught, and Raylaine Knope told her she would be killed if she tried to escape again. Those charged were also accused of forcing the woman to perform tasks that were increasingly denigrating in nature -- like cutting the grass with a pair of scissors and cleaning out the septic tank without any gloves, tools or protective clothing -- and making her go without food. The woman was also subject to extreme physical abuse, prosecutors said, like being shot with a BB gun and being burned with a lighter.

The charges say on one occasion, Raylaine Knope made her open an urn containing her mother's ashes, pour them in to a bowl and eat them with a spoon. The indictment also accuses the Knopes and Lambert of forcing the woman to remove her clothing and make sexual advances to men who came to the property. The Knopes and Lambert are each charged with one count of conspiring to obtain forced labor, one count of forced labor and one count of using force and threats of force to interfere with the federal Fair Housing Act, due to the woman's disability.

Terry Knope is additionally charged a hate crime, prosecutors say because he physically abused the woman, and one count of theft of government funds. He and Raylaine Knope are also charged with one count of attempted sex trafficking. A fifth relative, Bridget Lambert, 21, was separately charged in a one-count Bill of Information for conspiring to obtain forced labor.

Feds: Louisiana family enslaved autistic woman, forced her to eat mother's ashes
The definition of autism has been expanded so much that teachers probably aren't aware of the special needs of students who are enrolled in ordinary classes.

Yeah, right!

Dumbass! You wouldn't recognize an IEP is you trip and fell face first into one!
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Autistic children shouldn't be in school screwing things up for the kids who need the education. You don't fix the education system by sticking stupid people in classes they can't handle. Or by dumbing down the curriculum.
Autistic children shouldn't be in school screwing things up for the kids who need the education. You don't fix the education system by sticking stupid people in classes they can't handle. Or by dumbing down the curriculum.

Autistic does not mean stupid. If it did, you would be autistic for certain!
Autistic children shouldn't be in school screwing things up for the kids who need the education. You don't fix the education system by sticking stupid people in classes they can't handle. Or by dumbing down the curriculum.

Autistic does not mean stupid. If it did, you would be autistic for certain!
You can't teach 30 kids when one kids takes up all of your attention because of his antics. Stupid or not he doesn't belong in class.
Autistic children shouldn't be in school screwing things up for the kids who need the education. You don't fix the education system by sticking stupid people in classes they can't handle. Or by dumbing down the curriculum.

Autistic does not mean stupid. If it did, you would be autistic for certain!
You can't teach 30 kids when one kids takes up all of your attention because of his antics. Stupid or not he doesn't belong in class.

If that is the case, the child would be in a self-contained classroom and not in a mainstream setting. Want a good reference for stupid? Your posts on this topic are an excellent benchmark.
Autistic children shouldn't be in school screwing things up for the kids who need the education. You don't fix the education system by sticking stupid people in classes they can't handle. Or by dumbing down the curriculum.

Autistic does not mean stupid. If it did, you would be autistic for certain!
You can't teach 30 kids when one kids takes up all of your attention because of his antics. Stupid or not he doesn't belong in class.

If that is the case, the child would be in a self-contained classroom and not in a mainstream setting. Want a good reference for stupid? Your posts on this topic are an excellent benchmark.

You want to hear a good one? The idiot legislators in my state passed a "no restraint and seclusion law" that says unless there's an emergency, you cannot touch a child in crisis. Which means that when a special needs child (or any child) melts down in a classroom, you must just stand and watch them until it's over. You cannot help them stand and remove them (two adults taking one arm each and lifting them gently up. Very appropriate and professional, also efficient).

THis means the ENTIRE CLASS must evacuate their own classroom until the meltdown is over. That's right. Not the kid melting down--the other kids. With all these special needs kids in classrooms, this is not a rare occurrence.

I will just say the general public has no idea how much this happens now. I have been teaching long enough to see the pendulum swing too far from the side of "special ed kids are too isolated" to now, "special ed kids' needs are outweighing the needs of others".

I adore my special ed students, I really do. But Gen Ed parents MUST speak up to ensure their students' needs are getting met as well.
Damn, that's sad. I was lucky in that there was really only 2 bad teachers the whole time I was in school, and they both got routed fairly quickly.

Damn, that's sad. I was lucky in that there was really only 2 bad teachers the whole time I was in school, and they both got routed fairly quickly.

That is horrible what's on that tape. I'm always leery these days when anyone throws "bullying" around because it's so much overused now. But in this case it does fit. Needless to say the teacher was WAY over the line.

However, it is also true that teachers and even other students are often assaulted by special needs students at school--mostly teachers. This shows up at the beginning of the piece when the child was accused of punching a teacher. I have seen this and been assaulted myself by special needs students. My profession needs to put up with this a LOT less and for many reasons. It burns us out faster than we need to be, and we're one of the few professions that would even consider being assaulted as "part of the job". I understand the children can't help it and don't even mean harm. Still doesn't mean it's okay to be beat up at work.

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