Teamsters members overwhelmingly support Trump over Harris

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), which President Biden signed on March 11, 2021

Yes, some retirees have experienced pension cuts, but the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 helped restore pensions for many workers and retirees:

You're welcome
More vote-buying to bail out their donors. They're not even bothering to hide it anymore.
I don't mind Public Service Unions... They desrve to get the best rates for the services too..

I want some of our best working in Government or Government turns to shite and we all suffer. A good Public Service is the cornerstone of a good economy.
Government employees should not be permitted to unionize. Even Franklin Roosevelt understood that!
I don't subscribe to class envy or thinking government can somehow create a perfectly equal society.
"Don't Let the Democrats' Masters Become Your Masters; Let the Republicans' Masters Become Your Masters"

Using the same predatory logic, those who oppose Affirmative Action can be dismissed as merely jealous of its beneficiaries. So Preppylovers don't believe in competition if they attack one unearned advantage and ignore the one on what they've been made to believe is their side.

"RichKids on Our Side" is a slogan of slavish sissy scabs. Liberals are unconconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. They purposely act disgusting to trick the common people into supporting the Leftists' Rightist classmates.
Yes I was pissed at Clinton for signing NAFTA but I believe NAFTA was a done deal. If Clinton wouldn't have signed it, enough Democrats would have gone along instead so it would have been a veto proof bill. NAFTA was going to happen.

But remember Clinton put worker and environmental protections in it before he signed it. Bush removed those protections.
Treason Runs Wild
What's the Reason
Treason Wins Only When
None Dare Call It Treason
Mexican workers are in unions. They strike. They won't work overtime. Their pay is going up. One reason now it makes sense to maybe bring jobs back home. Plus now the jobs aren't union jobs so they don't cost the employer as much as they did before. And you don't have to pay to ship the product back.

Manufacturing is a vital industry. Yes, protect our vital industries. Every other country does it. Why didn't the US? Because the corporations wanted to break the unions and send jobs overseas. In other words, purposely go bankrupt.

Isn't it great American companies can't exploit the environment as much as Mexican companies? Well, at least that used to be true. Didn't the Supreme Court deem the EPA unconstitutional? So now it's up to congress to regulate pollution? Gridlock Congress that can't get anything done? I see where this is going.

I remember in the 2000's Bush tried very hard to allow Mexican truck drivers and Mexican Trucks who don't have the same environmental regulations as American trucks in to America to deliver those cheap products from Mexico. Imagine what that would do to American truck drivers??? And I bet many of them vote for Trump/Republicans. I know my cousin does. He also has Valhalla Nazi tatoos.
College Is a Factory Making Broken Tools

It's not greed. It's because college "education" puts inferior people in superior positions, including the nepos who dominate their boytoy Diploma Dumbos. You are not allowed to figure out that economic oppression can be caused by the fact that incompetents cannot make a profit any other way than by wage-gouging. Those who get ahead only by birth or brown-nosing form a Suc-cesspool.
Union demands ended Hostess. The whole company closed.
Bizz Skule Bozos

You pathetic bootlickers childishly and desperately search for infallible father-figures, grasping at the delusion that those in management are far superior in ability to the lower-level employees. So with your idols on top, you babble that a company can fail only because of those on the bottom.
Bizz Skule Bozos

You pathetic bootlickers childishly and desperately search for infallible father-figures, grasping at the delusion that those in management are far superior in ability to the lower-level employees. So with your idols on top, you babble that a company can fail only because of those on the bottom.
Companies fail for many reasons. Some fail because they are covered with leeches who do not understand that it is possible to suck the host to death. That's what happened to Hostess. The unions were warned that their blood sucking had reached the point where the company was in peril. They didn't care so the company went under.
I don't mind Public Service Unions... They desrve to get the best rates for the services too..

I want some of our best working in Government or Government turns to shite and we all suffer. A good Public Service is the cornerstone of a good economy.
Limousine Libersls, Cadillac Conservatives, Rolls-Royce Radicals, and Ferrari Fascists

That's more proof of what only I dare say, that Liberals intentionally hire inferior government workers in order to give talking points to their Conservative fraternity brothers.
Take school systems / unions
The unions negotiate contracts with the elected BoEd.
Every contract negotiation is held in the context that 'if you do not give us what we want, we'll elect someone who will'.
This negates the ability of the BoEd to freely negotiate with the union, and demonstrates the sway public sector unions have over their employers that private sector unions do not.
Only Teachers Elect School Boards? What Retards Taught You Logic?
Companies fail for many reasons. Some fail because they are covered with leeches who do not understand that it is possible to suck the host to death. That's what happened to Hostess. The unions were warned that their blood sucking had reached the point where the company was in peril. They didn't care so the company went under.
Saying That the Rich Create Jobs Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood

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