Teamsters members overwhelmingly support Trump over Harris

You know how corrupt union president's are. You guys have been saying it for decades. Now this proves it. They can be bought.
Dude, 60% of his members are voting for Trump. The fact that union didn't endorse Trump is the corruption
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And now the rest of the story...

Every Teamsters union in Florida backs Kamala Harris for President (

The national Teamsters may not be taking a stance, but local chapters are backing the Democratic ticket.
Every Teamsters union in Florida just announced support for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

A half dozen unions issued endorsements, including Teamsters Local 79 — SW FL, Tampa, Teamsters Local 173 Bradenton, Teamsters Local 385 Orlando, Teamsters Local 512 Jacksonville, Teamsters Local 769 Miami and Teamsters Local 947 Jacksonville.

The endorsements were issued as part of a joint endorsement of unions from Florida, Georgia and Alabama.
And now the rest of the story...

Every Teamsters union in Florida backs Kamala Harris for President (

The national Teamsters may not be taking a stance, but local chapters are backing the Democratic ticket.
Every Teamsters union in Florida just announced support for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

A half dozen unions issued endorsements, including Teamsters Local 79 — SW FL, Tampa, Teamsters Local 173 Bradenton, Teamsters Local 385 Orlando, Teamsters Local 512 Jacksonville, Teamsters Local 769 Miami and Teamsters Local 947 Jacksonville.

The endorsements were issued as part of a joint endorsement of unions from Florida, Georgia and Alabama.

Yup. As my OP showed, between 31% and 34% of teamsters support Harris. Between 58% and 59.6% support Trump.

I'd say that's probably the spread nationwide amongst the entire American middle class.

You can't see that because your little death cult won't allow it.

Yup. As my OP showed, between 31% and 34% of teamsters support Harris. Between 58% and 59.6% support Trump.

I'd say that's probably the spread nationwide amongst the entire American middle class.

You can't see that because your little death cult won't allow it.
"Local chapters"...
Word is as many as 35% of Teamsters support Harris, so its not a surprise - or news - that some chapters endorse her.
Let's be honest. Teamsters arent MENSA candidates. While their leadership was smart enough to get elected into positions and recognize that Trump is disastrous for them, much of the rank and file are struggling to make complete sentences. No worries. Everyone gets their say at the ballot box and their vote counts as much as informed voters.
Let's be honest. Teamsters arent MENSA candidates. While their leadership was smart enough to get elected into positions and recognize that Trump is disastrous for them, much of the rank and file are struggling to make complete sentences. No worries. Everyone gets their say at the ballot box and their vote counts as much as informed voters.
Now Progs are throwing the teamsters under the bus. What the truth is, Progs are the party of extremists. And extreme agendas are normalized. They have forgotten the middle class. They show up at any privileged unionized rallies. However, a lot of people are not privileged. Progs are the real party of the rich.
Now Progs are throwing the teamsters under the bus. What the truth is, Progs are the party of extremists. And extreme agendas are normalized. They have forgotten the middle class. They show up at any privileged unionized rallies. However, a lot of people are not privileged. Progs are the real party of the rich.
derp derp
Nah, you idiots want people to do less work for more money, or get paid more than they add to the value of the product or service.

The only striking that should be illegal is by government employees.

However at some point in a strike, the owners should be able to cut bait and hire replacements.
May Bankrupt Anonymously

Why do you think some Sissy in a Suitcoat has the intelligence and objectivity to determine what his employees add to the value of his products? The motto of these sheltered superiors is, "It's not a job; it's a position."

They practice Management by Imagination. They are snobs whose worthless education makes them think that their employees are a bunch of dummies who'd be living under bridges without their self-appointed superiors' leadership.

Our economy, way back when it was the wonder of the world, was managed by those who started as blue-collar and worked their way to the top through their ability to absorb on-the-job knowledge, not these Dogberts who ran away to college and popped up as bosses without any experience and smug indifference to learning what is going on at the ground-floor level.
And then they scoff when Trump talks about tariffs, which are the mechanism to make the shipping over here part more expensive, and thus favoring making it here.
Scrooges Think Their Percentage of the Revenue Is Set in Stone

By trashing outsourcing, straitjacket Greenie regulations, and unproductive DEI pets, Trump wants to make it easier for the employees' company to make money and leaves it up to them to negotiate an acceptable division of the profits.
Yup. As my OP showed, between 31% and 34% of teamsters support Harris. Between 58% and 59.6% support Trump.

I'd say that's probably the spread nationwide amongst the entire American middle class.

You can't see that because your little death cult won't allow it.

View attachment 1017860
Break That Down by Race If You Want a Significant Statistic

The lazy and incompetent minorities the Dementiacrats forced business to hire are not going to vote any other way, ever.
You trivialize and denigrate union demands.

Trump’s support of manufacturing is a worthy policy discussion. It would cost American families more to pay for goods, but support domestic workforce. However, the opposition to unions would mean the benefits of that policy would flow to the capitalists, not the workers. In essence, it’s a policy of wealth transfer from poor and middle class to the wealthy.
1. I know a guy who vacationed in Florida in a second home for 6 months at a time for $16 an hour on voluntary layoff, in the 80s, to not tighten a bolt over and over again on an assembly line. He made $36 an hour when he worked. You wonder why cars were so expensive and imports were cheaper, making it more likely customers bought imports instead of American made. McDonald's employees made $3.52 an hour, back then, and worked harder.

2. I was a Union Shop Steward, in the mid to late 80s, and I spent most of my time defending employees who deserved to be fired. I had my Union boss bitch me out for allowing fellow Union members complaining about a lazy, worthless piece of shit the Managers never fired and never said why. Also, Disney refused to give anyone merit raises in trade for paying union wages, so everyone made the same, including the weak and the barely tolerable.

3. Government workers should not be permitted to be a union, since their jobs are essential. And if they are in a non-essential job, they should be laid off.

Unions were good, they no longer are. They may be needed again. They aren't needed now.
Nah, you idiots want people to do less work for more money, or get paid more than they add to the value of the product or service.

The only striking that should be illegal is by government employees.

However at some point in a strike, the owners should be able to cut bait and hire replacements.
If they got paid = to their value, how does the employer make a profit, and why would they bother going into business. Pay should be based on supply and demand. If there is a long line of qualified people waiting to take your job, maybe you should be paid less. Want to get paid more, get some skills. Before you cite the cost of College, remember there are other ways to gain skills, experience in a job where experience matters and/or free internet courses. Do you know most Colleges have their curriculum posted online for free and passing them can be used towards college credit or assessment tests on online employment APs like Link In who will link you with employers?
^^^Another death threat against a Trump supporter.

You people are unbelievable.
FYI Report on news a security guard investigating a vehicle in his territory was shocked to see the President of the US in it and since he was armed he moved away immediately. The USSS never stopped him coming or going, or knew he was there.
Unions are the primary reason jobs go overseas - they refuse to understand labor is a worldwide commodity, and at some point it is cheaper for a company to make something over there and bring it here than it is to make it here.
They wwant to he
And then they scoff when Trump talks about tariffs, which are the mechanism to make the shipping over here part more expensive, and thus favoring making it here.
Tariffs decreases imports and increases made in America. And, when tit-for-tat is applied, gets other countries to lower their tariffs, so our stuff sells cheaper over there. For example, US cars in China have a 100% tariff. Are you for or against those, and how would you make them lower them?

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