Teamsters members overwhelmingly support Trump over Harris

Yup. As my OP showed, between 31% and 34% of teamsters support Harris. Between 58% and 59.6% support Trump.

I'd say that's probably the spread nationwide amongst the entire American middle class.

You can't see that because your little death cult won't allow it.

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Can you explain why the union released the above data when they weren't required to yet still refuses to back Trump for an announced silly reason?
May Bankrupt Anonymously

Why do you think some Sissy in a Suitcoat has the intelligence and objectivity to determine what his employees add to the value of his products? The motto of these sheltered superiors is, "It's not a job; it's a position."
11. they went to college.
2. they measure the line of qualified candidates waiting to take their jobs.
3. supply and demand.

They practice Management by Imagination. They are snobs whose worthless education makes them think that their employees are a bunch of dummies who'd be living under bridges without their self-appointed superiors' leadership.
I am a trained System Design Analyst from back in the day there was a specific field of study before it was included in Management school. We use statistics, data, and simulations, plus supply and demand to figure out this stuff. There is a Science to it. You aren't anti-Science, are you?
Our economy, way back when it was the wonder of the world, was managed by those who started as blue-collar and worked their way to the top through their ability to absorb on-the-job knowledge, not these Dogberts who ran away to college and popped up as bosses without any experience and smug indifference to learning what is going on at the ground-floor level.
Not really. Though, you can't design a good system or program without understanding the needs of those who really use them. There are stipulated methods for gaining that knowledge without spending years grinding your way to the top. The fact is, the average worker ain't going to have the skills necessary for Business operation or System design.

For those without a clue a designed system, is not a way to describe writing a computer program, but how to design a business system required to do with payroll, production, inputs, outputs, and customer sales and service. If a program is most efficient to do the job, you write one, but it is not necessary. A lot of "workers" think wrongly on this topic because they aren't trained to design or mange the system in which they are employed.
Again, you calling anyone an idiot is fucking comical.
My dad told me back in the 80's, most of the Red necks, White trash Blue collar workers at the Ford plant were Republicans. They all bite the hand that feeds them. Probably for the same reason you do. God, gays, guns and racism.

But at least they're smart enough to organize, strike and demand the wages they make today. They struck recently and won big. Trump stays silent but I bet Project 2025 has a page on unions.
Dude, 60% of his members are voting for Trump. The fact that union didn't endorse Trump is the corruption
I think that's probably always been true. Even Bush probably got that many.

We all know the unions loved Reagan.

Like I said, my dad worked with lots of LOUD AND PROUD Republicans in the 80's. Could you imagine what they'd be like if Trump were around back then? OMG! LOL.

They're idiots. I know lots of idiots. My cop turned politician buddy was in a union but he's a Republican. Lots of cops are Republicans. It's the type of person that becomes a cop. Plus they see the worst in society so they probably hate Americans more than most people. They see the worst every day. But anyways, my buddy turned into a county clerk. 4 year gig. He's running again unapposed. So in 4 years, get this. After only serving 8 years, he will have a politician pension ON TOP of his cop pension. AND, he gave himself a covid inflation raise and now makes over $100K. And he's telling you $50k a year is plenty. Or $20 hr is too much. Fuck you!
Head down to one of their halls during a meeting.
Get on the podium, grab the mic, and tell them this.
Use every detail you an think of.
Be sure to bring a big helping of condescension and Imbetterthanyouism.
To be clear I was referring to the MAGA teamsters. But the same can be said of MAGA anything.
May Bankrupt Anonymously

Why do you think some Sissy in a Suitcoat has the intelligence and objectivity to determine what his employees add to the value of his products? The motto of these sheltered superiors is, "It's not a job; it's a position."

They practice Management by Imagination. They are snobs whose worthless education makes them think that their employees are a bunch of dummies who'd be living under bridges without their self-appointed superiors' leadership.

Our economy, way back when it was the wonder of the world, was managed by those who started as blue-collar and worked their way to the top through their ability to absorb on-the-job knowledge, not these Dogberts who ran away to college and popped up as bosses without any experience and smug indifference to learning what is going on at the ground-floor level.

The market figures that out.
If they got paid = to their value, how does the employer make a profit, and why would they bother going into business. Pay should be based on supply and demand. If there is a long line of qualified people waiting to take your job, maybe you should be paid less. Want to get paid more, get some skills. Before you cite the cost of College, remember there are other ways to gain skills, experience in a job where experience matters and/or free internet courses. Do you know most Colleges have their curriculum posted online for free and passing them can be used towards college credit or assessment tests on online employment APs like Link In who will link you with employers?

There is always a percentage for overhead and profit, but that is usually calculated into the value added numbers.
My dad told me back in the 80's, most of the Red necks, White trash Blue collar workers at the Ford plant were Republicans. They all bite the hand that feeds them. Probably for the same reason you do. God, gays, guns and racism.

But at least they're smart enough to organize, strike and demand the wages they make today. They struck recently and won big. Trump stays silent but I bet Project 2025 has a page on unions.

Ah the old commie "voting against their class interests bullshit, with some added unearned coastal liberal hubris.
Ah the old commie "voting against their class interests bullshit, with some added unearned coastal liberal hubris.
The rich told FDR he was a traitor to his class for how much he did for the middle class.

Class warfare exists and has been happening since the country was founded. You say the middle class YOU are struggling today? That means you're losing. Because the rich are doing great dummy.
The rich told FDR he was a traitor to his class for how much he did for the middle class.

Class warfare exists and has been happening since the country was founded. You say the middle class YOU are struggling today? That means you're losing. Because the rich are doing great dummy.

FDR also said public sector unions were a terrible idea.

There's that envy you always see with the pathetic commie cucks.
This is like Arab Americans who won't vote for Kamala/Biden because they didn't stick up for Palestinians enough. Fine, see what Trump does to Palestinians.
Well Trump gave us the Abraham accords bringing peace to the Middle East. Under Trump there was no war in Palestine or Ukraine.
It's a great idea to unionize public employees. Then Trump can't just come in and fire them.

That's due to civil service protections, and those have outlived their usefulness.

We have created a new form of nobility, the federal bureaucrat.
Well Trump gave us the Abraham accords bringing peace to the Middle East. Under Trump there was no war in Palestine or Ukraine.

a. Don't blame Biden for what happens in GAZA. You think Trump would have thrwarted that terrorist attack by Hamas?

b. Trump warned Ukraine what would happen if they didn't dig up dirt on his political opponent. Then he met with Putin privately. Not even a translator was allowed in this meeting.

c. Remember Trump praised Putin for his invasion.

d. Trump would cut off support to Ukraine. Who you think Putin is Rootin for?
a. Don't blame Biden for what happens in GAZA. You think Trump would have thrwarted that terrorist attack by Hamas?

b. Trump warned Ukraine what would happen if they didn't dig up dirt on his political opponent. Then he met with Putin privately. Not even a translator was allowed in this meeting.

c. Remember Trump praised Putin for his invasion.

d. Trump would cut off support to Ukraine. Who you think Putin is Rootin for?
Israeli generals have said there’s a lack of US leadership in the Middle East and that’s contributing to the problem.

There’s “terrorists” in both Israel and Palestine. It’s been like that for a long time. Here’s the difference and this is the key to it. All when Trump was an office. There was no war in Ukraine or Gaza. And that’s in part because of the Abraham accords and other methods by Trump you cannot get around this fact. OK right now under Biden there has been two violent wars, one in Gaza one in Ukraine. Not to mention the human catastrophe in Haiti and the war in Somalia and Myanmar.

Trump meant Putin. Big deal …. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Bush shook hands with Putin. So what the Trump met with Putin privately for crying out loud he was the President of the United States. Trump did not praise Putin for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. You are of course, taking that way out of context. Trump has consistently said if he were still potus there would be no invasion of Ukraine… how can you then engage in the type of rhetoric above? I mean, isn’t that fascinating how you come to these conclusions

Russiagate again…. why are you still doing this. Talking about a nonsense propaganda point. What do you not like Russians or something. What do you think about Ronald Reagan reaching out to the Soviet union. Let’s have a world where Russia and America get along… we did get along in World War II to defeat the Nazis. Hillary Clinton pushed the reset button with Russia …..the USA and Russia have worked together in various aspects like fighting Al-Qaeda by the way.

another bottom line point for you and you can never get around this unless you lie. There was no invasion of Ukraine under Trump. That is the point. You’re just engaging in assumptions and hearsay. And you will continue to do this not only on this topic but other topics. Trump actually sent Ukraine weapons when he was president so you’re engaging in nonsense.
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Israeli generals have said there’s a lack of US leadership in the Middle East and that’s contributing to the problem.

There’s “terrorists” in both Israel and Palestine. It’s been like that for a long time. Here’s the difference and this is the key to it. All when Trump was an office. There was no war in Ukraine or Gaza. And that’s in part because of the Abraham accords and other methods by Trump you cannot get around this fact. OK right now under Biden there has been two violent wars, one in Gaza one in Ukraine. Not to mention the human catastrophe in Haiti and the war in Somalia and Myanmar.

Trump meant Putin. Big deal …. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Bush shook hands with Putin. So what the Trump met with Putin privately for crying out loud he was the President of the United States. Trump did not praise Putin for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. You are of course, taking that way out of context. Trump has consistently said if he were still potus there would be no invasion of Ukraine… how can you then engage in the type of rhetoric above? I mean, isn’t that fascinating how you come to these conclusions

Russiagate again…. why are you still doing this. Talking about a nonsense propaganda point. What are you not like Russians or something. What do you think about Ronald Reagan reaching out to the Soviet union. Let’s have a world where Russia and America get along I mean we did get along in World War II to defeat the Nazis.

another bottom line point for you and you can never get around this unless you lie. There was no invasion of Ukraine under Trump. That is the point. You’re just engaging in assumptions and hearsay. And you will continue to do this not only on this topic but other topics. Trump actually sent Ukraine weapons when he was president so you’re engaging in nonsense.

Actually, most normal people are not happy with what Israel is doing over there. They're acting a lot like Russia right now. But no one wants to offend the Jewish vote. The Daily Show called out the Biden administration for doing this. We are PISSED when Russia does something but only concerned when Israel does it.

Even Israeli's and American Jews want BIBI Netenyahoo to step down. Even his wife is corrupt. He's Trump on steroids. Trump times TWO.


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