Teamsters members overwhelmingly support Trump over Harris

Because they are stupid and have no education.

I can't believe after the 2000's and Republicans cheered as all those high paying union blue collar jobs went overseas, so many teamster members vote GOP. Makes me NOT feel sorry for half of the ones who lost their jobs and will NEVER make the kind of money they made before. NEVER.

Do the teamsters know Trump and Musk threatened firing striking workers on Elon's podcast? Trump doesn't support unions. Last year when all kinds of unions went on strike and won big, only Biden supported them. Trump stayed silent.

Ungrateful fucks.
I can't believe after the 2000's and Republicans cheered as all those high paying union blue collar jobs went overseas, so many teamster members vote GOP. Makes me NOT feel sorry for half of the ones who lost their jobs and will NEVER make the kind of money they made before. NEVER.

Do the teamsters know Trump and Musk threatened firing striking workers on Elon's podcast? Trump doesn't support unions. Last year when all kinds of unions went on strike and won big, only Biden supported them. Trump stayed silent.

Ungrateful fucks.
Hey, this is a sad day for humanity!

Derek Rose retired!
Hey, this is a sad day for humanity!

Derek Rose retired!

9. Derrick Rose – $90 million

drafted first overall

named the NBA Rookie of the Year in 2009 and became the youngest player to win the NBA Most Valuable Player Award in 2011 at the age of 22 years and 7 months.

In 2009, an NCAA investigation revealed that Rose's SAT scores had been invalidated, and as a result, the NCAA vacated Memphis' entire 2007–08 season.
Let's be honest. Teamsters arent MENSA candidates. While their leadership was smart enough to get elected into positions and recognize that Trump is disastrous for them, much of the rank and file are struggling to make complete sentences. No worries. Everyone gets their say at the ballot box and their vote counts as much as informed voters.

^^^Calling working people dumb isn't a winning strategy for your cult, just so you know.
11. they went to college.
2. they measure the line of qualified candidates waiting to take their jobs.
3. supply and demand.

I am a trained System Design Analyst from back in the day there was a specific field of study before it was included in Management school. We use statistics, data, and simulations, plus supply and demand to figure out this stuff. There is a Science to it. You aren't anti-Science, are you?

Not really. Though, you can't design a good system or program without understanding the needs of those who really use them. There are stipulated methods for gaining that knowledge without spending years grinding your way to the top. The fact is, the average worker ain't going to have the skills necessary for Business operation or System design.

For those without a clue a designed system, is not a way to describe writing a computer program, but how to design a business system required to do with payroll, production, inputs, outputs, and customer sales and service. If a program is most efficient to do the job, you write one, but it is not necessary. A lot of "workers" think wrongly on this topic because they aren't trained to design or mange the system in which they are employed.
In the Class-Biased Classes, Students Are Mere Walk-Ons

If students aren't recruited and paid to study, graduates aren't worth anything. Follow what baseball does with talented 18-year-olds.

Derek Jeter got a million dollars to put himself through baseball's equivalent of college education. The Yankees' return on that investment was $250 million.

Imagine if baseball imitated our indentured-servitude "education." He would've had to take out a loan to pay the minor leagues and lived miserably off low-wage off-season jobs. Inhuman disincentive, including studying for college while in high school.

The Scrooges' command-economy slogan is "To Get a Good Job...," not "To Do a Good Job."
My dad told me back in the 80's, most of the Red necks, White trash Blue collar workers at the Ford plant were Republicans. They all bite the hand that feeds them. Probably for the same reason you do. God, gays, guns and racism.
Partisan Fanatics Can't Come Up with Logical Solutions. They Rip What They Sew.

You're blindly repeating a mindless contradiction because your Masters told you it makes sense. If you were rational instead of ratfink, you'd see the solution to getting back the Reagan Democrats as dumping your brown-nosing education snobbery, along with your treating religion as some heresy to your Liberal superstitions, your childish fear of gunowners, and your toxic tolerance of dangerous perverts and feral races.
The Free Market Is a Fleece Market

In reality, instead of billionaire-financed propaganda, the Free Market means that the clique that controls a market is free to do whatever it wants. Laissez-faire is mob rule.

As opposed to oligarchical rule, which would be worse.

The market isn't the mob, the market is the equilibrium established between supply and demand.
We have created a new form of nobility, the federal bureaucrat.
Break the Ivies So Much They'll Have to Be Put on IVs

Oh, did they inherit their jobs? Typical of the guillotine-fodder RichKid Reich to change the meaning of "nobility."

Also, "aristocrat," when he is really a spoiled-putrid heiristocrat. A sports page said that "Kareem's criticisms should be listened to, because he is one of the aristocrats of the NBA." Did his father make the pros? The only aristocrats are Kareem's sons and grandsons, and Kareem isn't one at all.

"Noble savage"? They're both existential enemies of progress. But that grouping does indicate what class is behind White Replacement.
Actually, most normal people are not happy with what Israel is doing over there. They're acting a lot like Russia right now. But no one wants to offend the Jewish vote. The Daily Show called out the Biden administration for doing this. We are PISSED when Russia does something but only concerned when Israel does it.

Even Israeli's and American Jews want BIBI Netenyahoo to step down. Even his wife is corrupt. He's Trump on steroids. Trump times TWO.

View attachment 1018157
The Israelis Have Always Been a Decoy Against the Twentieth Century Jihad
Break the Ivies So Much They'll Have to Be Put on IVs

Oh, did they inherit their jobs? Typical of the guillotine-fodder RichKid Reich to change the meaning of "nobility."

Also, "aristocrat," when he is really a spoiled-putrid heiristocrat. A sports page said that "Kareem's criticisms should be listened to, because he is one of the aristocrats of the NBA." Did his father make the pros? The only aristocrats are Kareem's sons and grandsons, and Kareem isn't one at all.

"Noble savage"? They're both existential enemies of progress. But that grouping does indicate what class is behind White Replacement.

I don't subscribe to class envy or thinking government can somehow create a perfectly equal society.

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