Teamsters members overwhelmingly support Trump over Harris

I was a union worker my whole life. Me and most of my brothers voted Republican for the last 30 years, after Clinton gave up NAFTA. At that point, Democrats became useless to union workers. Democrats are good for the corrupt union leaders and slave loving corporations. Democrats are good for the rigged government unions, that shouldn't exist. But Democrats suck for union trade workers that compete for jobs. MAGA
But Reagan and Bush drafted NAFTA. Every Republican voted for it. Only Democrats voted against it. So you're like the Arabs now who aren't going to vote for Kamala because her and Biden didn't do enough for Palestine. But Trump will make it a parking lot.

You're just like them.
These blue collar workers are often stupid and lazy. Let's be honest. A lot of them had job security and pensions coming and they never dreamed GM would go bankrupt

Some retirees' pensions were cut by as much as 70%.

I know a guy who lost a shit ton of money in GM Stock too.

I don't know why Obama didn't bail GM out but I remember Mitt Romney encouraged it.

And in the Bush 2000's, lots of companies went bankrupt on purpose to renig on pensions then shipped manufacturing overseas.
This says that union pensions were protected and that salaried nonunion retirees had pensions cut by 30%.

I was a union worker my whole life. Me and most of my brothers voted Republican for the last 30 years, after Clinton gave up NAFTA. At that point, Democrats became useless to union workers. Democrats are good for the corrupt union leaders and slave loving corporations. Democrats are good for the rigged government unions, that shouldn't exist. But Democrats suck for union trade workers that compete for jobs. MAGA

Are you enjoying a pension?
This says that union pensions were protected and that salaried nonunion retirees had pensions cut by 30%.

It does?

The Russiaville resident, now 68, lost 30% of his retirement savings, his promised health care coverage and his faith in government.

Muffley is one of an estimated 20,000 Delphi workers hurt by the GM bankruptcy, and many have spent the past 13 years fighting to get back what they lost. After taking the issue all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which declined to hear their case this year, the retirees were cut off from their last legal remedy.

I'll keep reading.

The White House on Friday issued its own a statement in support of the bill, saying the administration “supports a secure retirement for affected workers.”

But there are skeptics. During House debate on Wednesday, Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., called the measure another “Democrat bailout bill by the sponsors of the nanny state.”

Part of the rationale at the time was the need to keep union workers from striking, while salaried workers were seen as more expendable.

And GM workers took pay cuts. Don't forget that.
I was a union worker my whole life. Me and most of my brothers voted Republican for the last 30 years, after Clinton gave up NAFTA. At that point, Democrats became useless to union workers. Democrats are good for the corrupt union leaders and slave loving corporations. Democrats are good for the rigged government unions, that shouldn't exist. But Democrats suck for union trade workers that compete for jobs. MAGA

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), which President Biden signed on March 11, 2021

Yes, some retirees have experienced pension cuts, but the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 helped restore pensions for many workers and retirees:

You're welcome
But Reagan and Bush drafted NAFTA. Every Republican voted for it. Only Democrats voted against it. So you're like the Arabs now who aren't going to vote for Kamala because her and Biden didn't do enough for Palestine. But Trump will make it a parking lot.

You're just like them.
Bad logic. In 1994 I depended on Democrats to prevent EVIL free trade agreements, and I depended on Republicans to secure the border and control immigration. Democrats failed and are getting worse. Republicans have succeeded, especially Trump, but it was touch and go for a while with that little asshole W. Like it or not, America first Republicans are the American worker's best bet. And as far as these Palestinian murderers, rapists and torturers go, I'm against people like that no matter what side they're on. MAGA
Bad logic. In 1994 I depended on Democrats to prevent EVIL free trade agreements, and I depended on Republicans to secure the border and control immigration. Democrats failed and are getting worse. Republicans have succeeded, especially Trump, but it was touch and go for a while with that little asshole W. Like it or not, America first Republicans are the American worker's best bet. And as far as these Palestinian murderers, rapists and torturers go, I'm against people like that no matter what side they're on. MAGA

Why didn't you come back to the Democratic party when Bush let you down?

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

And remember John McCain said they were only here doing jobs American's won't do? That was a LIE

john mccain offers $50/hr to pick lettuce..
Bad logic. In 1994 I depended on Democrats to prevent EVIL free trade agreements, and I depended on Republicans to secure the border and control immigration. Democrats failed and are getting worse. Republicans have succeeded, especially Trump, but it was touch and go for a while with that little asshole W. Like it or not, America first Republicans are the American worker's best bet. And as far as these Palestinian murderers, rapists and torturers go, I'm against people like that no matter what side they're on. MAGA
So you were disappointed that Dems did’t stop the EVIL Republican free Trade agreements (NAFTA)?

And looked for republicans to del its the border(they haven’t)?

You seem to have things backwards
Why didn't you come back to the Democratic party when Bush let you down?

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

And remember John McCain said they were only here doing jobs American's won't do? That was a LIE

john mccain offers $50/hr to pick lettuce..
I agree with all the criticisms of W and McCain. They both sucked. But it still wasn't an open border. Back then was when Republicans started to draw the line between America first and neocons. Ross Perot and Pat Buchanon were the precursors of the tea party and later America first. Today, there is a divide between Trumpers and neocons that won't be bridged. But Republicans aren't alone. Today's Democrat party is going through their own internal revolt, they're just much earlier in their evolution. Ds have rough days ahead of them and even though they vote as a monolith right now, they'll never keep it together with all the radical positions that continue to emerge. So, I'm going to stick with Trumpy. MAGA
So you were disappointed that Dems did’t stop the EVIL Republican free Trade agreements (NAFTA)?

And looked for republicans to del its the border(they haven’t)?

You seem to have things backwards
Yes I was pissed at Clinton for signing NAFTA but I believe NAFTA was a done deal. If Clinton wouldn't have signed it, enough Democrats would have gone along instead so it would have been a veto proof bill. NAFTA was going to happen.

But remember Clinton put worker and environmental protections in it before he signed it. Bush removed those protections.
Don't they realize Trump is against unions? Look how he refused to back them last year when Biden did. And listen to him and Elon talk about breaking the law and firing workers who go on strike.

IF this is true, vergognia. They are blue collar deplorables.
Very much voting against their own interests...

They don't see it and when they get screwed, there will be GOP blaming Democrats...
This is the playbook...

The Teamster leadership know this but can't seem to get it accross to their members... Just look internationally, more union participation the better the labour conditions.

This is how tribal it is.
Yes I was pissed at Clinton for signing NAFTA but I believe NAFTA was a done deal. If Clinton wouldn't have signed it, enough Democrats would have gone along instead so it would have been a veto proof bill. NAFTA was going to happen.

But remember Clinton put worker and environmental protections in it before he signed it. Bush removed those protections.
Worker protections protect US Jobs...

Think about it... Mexican Employers know they can exploit their workers and environment more than US (a 1st world country) would tolerate.
The other thing is that NAFTA would have a court which supersedes the National Supreme Court (even the US one). So if Mexician worker has a issue they could bring a dispute to that court which has members fro each nation on it..
Worker protections protect US Jobs...

Think about it... Mexican Employers know they can exploit their workers and environment more than US (a 1st world country) would tolerate.
The other thing is that NAFTA would have a court which supersedes the National Supreme Court (even the US one). So if Mexician worker has a issue they could bring a dispute to that court which has members fro each nation on it..
Mexican workers are in unions. They strike. They won't work overtime. Their pay is going up. One reason now it makes sense to maybe bring jobs back home. Plus now the jobs aren't union jobs so they don't cost the employer as much as they did before. And you don't have to pay to ship the product back.

Manufacturing is a vital industry. Yes, protect our vital industries. Every other country does it. Why didn't the US? Because the corporations wanted to break the unions and send jobs overseas. In other words, purposely go bankrupt.

Isn't it great American companies can't exploit the environment as much as Mexican companies? Well, at least that used to be true. Didn't the Supreme Court deem the EPA unconstitutional? So now it's up to congress to regulate pollution? Gridlock Congress that can't get anything done? I see where this is going.

I remember in the 2000's Bush tried very hard to allow Mexican truck drivers and Mexican Trucks who don't have the same environmental regulations as American trucks in to America to deliver those cheap products from Mexico. Imagine what that would do to American truck drivers??? And I bet many of them vote for Trump/Republicans. I know my cousin does. He also has Valhalla Nazi tatoos.

9. Derrick Rose – $90 million

drafted first overall

named the NBA Rookie of the Year in 2009 and became the youngest player to win the NBA Most Valuable Player Award in 2011 at the age of 22 years and 7 months.

In 2009, an NCAA investigation revealed that Rose's SAT scores had been invalidated, and as a result, the NCAA vacated Memphis' entire 2007–08 season.
He was 36, but his knees were 86.
Mexican workers are in unions. They strike. They won't work overtime. Their pay is going up. One reason now it makes sense to maybe bring jobs back home. Plus now the jobs aren't union jobs so they don't cost the employer as much as they did before. And you don't have to pay to ship the product back.

Manufacturing is a vital industry. Yes, protect our vital industries. Every other country does it. Why didn't the US? Because the corporations wanted to break the unions and send jobs overseas. In other words, purposely go bankrupt.

Isn't it great American companies can't exploit the environment as much as Mexican companies? Well, at least that used to be true. Didn't the Supreme Court deem the EPA unconstitutional? So now it's up to congress to regulate pollution? Gridlock Congress that can't get anything done? I see where this is going.

I remember in the 2000's Bush tried very hard to allow Mexican truck drivers and Mexican Trucks who don't have the same environmental regulations as American trucks in to America to deliver those cheap products from Mexico. Imagine what that would do to American truck drivers??? And I bet many of them vote for Trump/Republicans. I know my cousin does. He also has Valhalla Nazi tatoos.
A lot I agree...

But Mexico's enforcement can leave a lot to desire at times... I think we are agreeing...

I am looking at from a EU perspective... EU says that if we want free trade then we all have to be competing from the same base generally and we are not picking the lowest standards possible.
European Union legislation mandates that all 27 member states must by law grant all employees a minimum of 4 weeks of paid vacation.

That is the minimum and that is on top of 10 - 11 public holidays...

This where EU says we work to live not live to work.

So all EU workers have to get this to so they can have free trade. If they don't an citizen can bring a case up locally and appeal it to ECJ (European Court of Justice) win and the severe penalties are handed out..
That's the take part of the give and take nature of private sector union negotiations.

And that's what is missing from public sector union negotiations that make them a bad idea.
I don't mind Public Service Unions... They desrve to get the best rates for the services too..

I want some of our best working in Government or Government turns to shite and we all suffer. A good Public Service is the cornerstone of a good economy.
I don't mind Public Service Unions... They desrve to get the best rates for the services too..

I want some of our best working in Government or Government turns to shite and we all suffer. A good Public Service is the cornerstone of a good economy.

The reason they are a bad idea is they don't include the true nature of two sided negotiations.

The government people negotiating for the government are often beholden to the very unions they are negotiating against.

How is that a good idea?
The reason they are a bad idea is they don't include the true nature of two sided negotiations.
The government people negotiating for the government are often beholden to the very unions they are negotiating against.
How is that a good idea?
Take school systems / unions
The unions negotiate contracts with the elected BoEd.
Every contract negotiation is held in the context that 'if you do not give us what we want, we'll elect someone who will'.
This negates the ability of the BoEd to freely negotiate with the union, and demonstrates the sway public sector unions have over their employers that private sector unions do not.

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