Teatards in office 5 minutes and...

And DiveTINOcon pipes in. Yes, don't feel left out: you are a minion, too. :lol:

haha, i feel like meddling.

divecon shuts down when challenged, but is actually open. you just have to be careful.

hey, jake is the same.

my first encounter with jake was about the spitting into the faces of vietnam veterans by protesters.

i challenged jake, and jake shut down.

so, you are both challenged. but your weak points are different.

the weak point of jake is the vietnam war, e.g.
divecon's weak point is that he very much likes his team, the right.

i, naturally, have no weak points.
LOL yeah, thats why you are doing the shit your doing here
you have weak points and they are very exposed

another weak point of yours is that you have trouble recognizing tongue-in-cheek comments. no matter how over the top in context they are, you still take them at face value.
granted, it is hard on a message board to sort serious shit from sarcasm, but we have interacted for quite a time now, you should be able to recognize that my concluding statement was facetious, inviting criticism.
haha, i feel like meddling.

divecon shuts down when challenged, but is actually open. you just have to be careful.

hey, jake is the same.

my first encounter with jake was about the spitting into the faces of vietnam veterans by protesters.

i challenged jake, and jake shut down.

so, you are both challenged. but your weak points are different.

the weak point of jake is the vietnam war, e.g.
divecon's weak point is that he very much likes his team, the right.

i, naturally, have no weak points.
LOL yeah, thats why you are doing the shit your doing here
you have weak points and they are very exposed

another weak point of yours is that you have trouble recognizing tongue-in-cheek comments. no matter how over the top in context they are, you still take them at face value.
granted, it is hard on a message board to sort serious shit from sarcasm, but we have interacted for quite a time now, you should be able to recognize that my concluding statement was facetious, inviting criticism.
text alone does not convey sarcasm very well
And DiveTINOcon pipes in. Yes, don't feel left out: you are a minion, too. :lol:

haha, i feel like meddling.

divecon shuts down when challenged, but is actually open. you just have to be careful.

hey, jake is the same.

my first encounter with jake was about the spitting into the faces of vietnam veterans by protesters.

i challenged jake, and jake shut down.

so, you are both challenged. but your weak points are different.

the weak point of jake is the vietnam war, e.g.
divecon's weak point is that he very much likes his team, the right.

i, naturally, have no weak points.

Yep, you do: your memory. You failed the OP. I posted personal memoirs and objective, scholarly evidence that tanked the contention that the spitting never occurred. It sure did, and it was not simply random or minimal.

Anyone who argues to the counter simply does not know what happened or is carrying an agenda that does not match with reality.


you fucker. to this day i have not seen scholarly and objective evidence of spitting. and i do not categorically deny that it happened anecdotally. but i seriously doubt the extent. IF it happened to the extent as it was claimed, then there should be evidence.

you are free to link to the OP, as my memory is too weak to find it.
So, how is the excuse machine doing trying to cover for the back peddaling GOP?
exactly how have they backpedaled?

Some in the GOP now say the cuts could be as little as $30B, compared to the $100B promised in their "Contract on America". Let's just start there.
could that possibly be because the dem controlled lame duck congress spent even more than was already projected before the election?

A senior Republican also signaled the party could work with the administration of President Barack Obama, a Democrat, to avert a debt crisis in the coming months.

"Our spending has caught up with us, and our debt will soon eclipse the size of our entire economy. Hard work and tough decisions will be required," incoming House Speaker John Boehner said in excerpts of a speech due later in the day.

They been in office 5 minutes and they are already betraying the folks who elected them.....
holy shit man
grow a fucking brain
More substance from the 50-posts-per-day useful idiot.
Oh, what would the far dingbat right do without minions like daveman and divecon!, Go ahead and neg rep, daveman, the other loser divetinocon already has, so I don't want you to feel left out.
:lol: last time I negged you, you replied "Fuck you", you sissy bedwetter.
I remember a story when someone said that House was as stupid as daveman and divecon, and they both said together, "No wai, House is stupider."

Wasn't me. Jake's lying again.
Have the last word tonight, boys, cause I have to leave. Don't worry. Tomorrow I will take your names and kick your butts again. Tonight was priceless, you whiners. Thanks for the memories :lol:

exactly how have they backpedaled?

Some in the GOP now say the cuts could be as little as $30B, compared to the $100B promised in their "Contract on America". Let's just start there.
could that possibly be because the dem controlled lame duck congress spent even more than was already projected before the election?


Which has WHAT to do with Boehner's ability to keep his contract and cut $100B in spending?
Some in the GOP now say the cuts could be as little as $30B, compared to the $100B promised in their "Contract on America". Let's just start there.
could that possibly be because the dem controlled lame duck congress spent even more than was already projected before the election?


Which has WHAT to do with Boehner's ability to keep his contract and cut $100B in spending?
because its too late to stop HALF of it
you have to remember that it still takes time to enact legislation
could that possibly be because the dem controlled lame duck congress spent even more than was already projected before the election?


Which has WHAT to do with Boehner's ability to keep his contract and cut $100B in spending?
because its too late to stop HALF of it
you have to remember that it still takes time to enact legislation

You and I know that. Wouldn't you think the new Speaker should have known this too?
Ya gotta love this... 1 day on office and held to a higher standard then those in office since 2006.

That's awesome... you're ALL awesome.
Yeah, I think I will run for Congress. I promise I will slash the budget in half, and raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars while giving companys a 25% cut in taxes, build homes for all the homeless, give wall street a trillion, seal the borders, kick out all the illegals & cut off legal immigration, remove all corporate regulations, and workers regulations.

Now don't ask me any questions until after I am elected, OK?
If leftists didn't have hatred, they'd have no emotions at all.

yeah, I can feel the luv from the teatards on this thread.
So...you want the freedom to insult people all you like, and you expect them to respect you for it.

:lol: And you have the temerity to call other people retards? :cuckoo:

are you a teatard? Who insulted you?

BTW the "new" GOP has just scaled down their measly promise to cut 25 cents from the deficit to only 12 or 14 cents.

Within a few months they will be rationalizing why bigger deficits are unfortunate but necessary and your ilk will be eating it up.
Getting half the story from the libtard lame stream reuters... you ARE the chump.

In House, new Republican majority plans to act fast to undo Obama's agenda

They are not going to undo jack shit. Are you really so stupid that you think Obama is going to sign any bill undoing what he did? All that is going to happen is that The ChristoFascists like the orange Boner will waste time in full public view and insure Obamas re election.

Why are you and other flaming turds like you, predicting a 2012 0bama victory in January 2011? Right now my wife's potted fern has a good shot in the polls against your 0ssiah...

You people are dumb... You are really, really dumb... For real....

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