Teatards in office 5 minutes and...

Nobody. Just pointing out your hypocrisy. It really doesn't take much effort, either.

You really didn't learn anything from the last election, did you?

YOU didn't learn anything before OR after the last election.

That's how you got chumped. In fact the TeaGOP pawned you!
Not really, but I'm sure it eases your fears to play pretend.

So you never fell for the teaparty lies and voted for them? lmao! rIGHT!
YOU didn't learn anything before OR after the last election.

That's how you got chumped. In fact the TeaGOP pawned you!
Not really, but I'm sure it eases your fears to play pretend.

So you never fell for the teaparty lies and voted for them? lmao! rIGHT!
I didn't vote in November. I knew I'd be moving out of state early this year, so I didn't think it would be right for me to vote in an election that wouldn't affect me.

It makes a funny sound when lefty memes collide with reality.
Nobody believes a word you type, Little Diaper Dude... Ask around...

Go back to posting videos... You are truly out of your element here...


"Nobody"? You don't even speak for yourself ya stank twat let alone anyone else on this MB. Whatcha hiding from? There are a dozen women on this site that have more balls than you. Spare me your "lame" act bitch.

Ask around lame-o... There are 2 dozen women on this site who think you are a creepy lying sack of shit....

Huggy sucks dick in the homo cage...


Really?... I've never seen anything in a post remotely like that..... Provide a link. or was it two dozen of them?... You really are pathetic. Is that why you chose a gimp as your idol? I'm guessing you are Soggy's ugly brother. Close?:lol: :lol: :lol:
You know......the Tea Party was a corporate funded organization (i.e. astroturf) led by Dick Army.

Now........most people were pissed about the runaway government spending (under Bush Jr.) which is why they elected the Dems in 2008. And, because of the way the world has gotten (faster computers, microwaves, etc), the American people don't have that much patience.

Which is why the GOP was elected in 2010. They tapped into that anger and fed it with stuff like "taxed enough already" and "cut government spending". The GOP ran on that platform and won.

Next thing ya know? Some of the very people who promised to end earmarks this election are the very same people with some of the biggest piles.

If the GOP doesn't get their shit together in the next 2 years (remember, Americans are impatient), then they could very well see a repeat, if not a worse ass kicking, than what they had in 2008.

But.......based on what I've seen thus far, the GOP ain't doing it.


"Willow, weep for me . . . "

....and thats why being called Libtard makes me sad


Yanno........I used to respect and actually LIKE R. Lee Ermey, USMC. Loved him in the movie Full Metal Jacket, and also liked his Firepower show on History channel.

At least.......until I heard the vitriol he was spewing at a teabagger rally over the weekend.

Like he gives a hairy pigs ass what you like. :lol::lol::lol:

What does your sorry butt have to do with it?
Getting half the story from the libtard lame stream reuters... you ARE the chump.

In House, new Republican majority plans to act fast to undo Obama's agenda

Your denial is cute. The Teatardy is already scaling back their platform after 5 minutes.

You been chumped.
The Teaparty alone has more integrity than the dimwits. You guys were chumped when obamturd got elected, chump.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

You know......the Tea Party was a corporate funded organization (i.e. astroturf) led by Dick Army.

Now........most people were pissed about the runaway government spending (under Bush Jr.) which is why they elected the Dems in 2008. And, because of the way the world has gotten (faster computers, microwaves, etc), the American people don't have that much patience.

Which is why the GOP was elected in 2010. They tapped into that anger and fed it with stuff like "taxed enough already" and "cut government spending". The GOP ran on that platform and won.

Next thing ya know? Some of the very people who promised to end earmarks this election are the very same people with some of the biggest piles.

If the GOP doesn't get their shit together in the next 2 years (remember, Americans are impatient), then they could very well see a repeat, if not a worse ass kicking, than what they had in 2008.

But.......based on what I've seen thus far, the GOP ain't doing it.

Repeating lies do not make the lies true, GayBiker. You can repeat it all you want but it remains lies.

Like you saying you're only 28? :lol:

Maine's TEA-PARTIER governor just took office yesterday.

This is a guy whose said that he expects to tell Obama to "go to hell" frequently.

I just cannot wait to see how this all works out.
Maine's TEA-PARTIER governor just took office yesterday.

This is a guy whose said that he expects to tell Obama to "go to hell" frequently.

I just cannot wait to see how this all works out.

Hopefully, with all of the GOP promised "transparency", they will put this on C-SPAN for all of us to watch.
If leftists didn't have hatred, they'd have no emotions at all.

Flattery is the sincerest form of flattery

dave just paraphrased a saying of mine. He follows me from thread to thread. dave's my newest bitch.
And DiveTINOcon pipes in. Yes, don't feel left out: you are a minion, too. :lol:

haha, i feel like meddling.

divecon shuts down when challenged, but is actually open. you just have to be careful.

hey, jake is the same.

my first encounter with jake was about the spitting into the faces of vietnam veterans by protesters.

i challenged jake, and jake shut down.

so, you are both challenged. but your weak points are different.

the weak point of jake is the vietnam war, e.g.
divecon's weak point is that he very much likes his team, the right.

i, naturally, have no weak points.

All wingnuts retreat when challenged. daveman and diaperdon are the quickest to fold. It doesn't take long to reduce either of them to childish responses
haha, i feel like meddling.

divecon shuts down when challenged, but is actually open. you just have to be careful.

hey, jake is the same.

my first encounter with jake was about the spitting into the faces of vietnam veterans by protesters.

i challenged jake, and jake shut down.

so, you are both challenged. but your weak points are different.

the weak point of jake is the vietnam war, e.g.
divecon's weak point is that he very much likes his team, the right.

i, naturally, have no weak points.
LOL yeah, thats why you are doing the shit your doing here
you have weak points and they are very exposed

another weak point of yours is that you have trouble recognizing tongue-in-cheek comments. no matter how over the top in context they are, you still take them at face value.
granted, it is hard on a message board to sort serious shit from sarcasm, but we have interacted for quite a time now, you should be able to recognize that my concluding statement was facetious, inviting criticism.

If you think diaperdon's inability to recognize facetiousness is funny, then you have to read my thread. It's crammed full with diaperdon not getting it and responding with profundities like


and lying PoS

Last edited:
And DiveTINOcon pipes in. Yes, don't feel left out: you are a minion, too. :lol:

haha, i feel like meddling.

divecon shuts down when challenged, but is actually open. you just have to be careful.

hey, jake is the same.

my first encounter with jake was about the spitting into the faces of vietnam veterans by protesters.

i challenged jake, and jake shut down.

so, you are both challenged. but your weak points are different.

the weak point of jake is the vietnam war, e.g.
divecon's weak point is that he very much likes his team, the right.

i, naturally, have no weak points.

All wingnuts retreat when challenged. daveman and diaperdon are the quickest to fold. It doesn't take long to reduce either of them to childish responses

:lol::lol::lol::lol::eusa_whistle: I wake up dis mawning and whatta I see?" Coming for to carry me home? A band of liberals lying to themselves coming for to carry me home.:eusa_whistle: Don't look now but there's a fly on yer lip.

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