Teatards in office 5 minutes and...

could that possibly be because the dem controlled lame duck congress spent even more than was already projected before the election?


Which has WHAT to do with Boehner's ability to keep his contract and cut $100B in spending?
because its too late to stop HALF of it
you have to remember that it still takes time to enact legislation

Why did they make a promise they couldn't keep?
yeah, I can feel the luv from the teatards on this thread.
So...you want the freedom to insult people all you like, and you expect them to respect you for it.

:lol: And you have the temerity to call other people retards? :cuckoo:

are you a teatard? Who insulted you?

BTW the "new" GOP has just scaled down their measly promise to cut 25 cents from the deficit to only 12 or 14 cents.

Within a few months they will be rationalizing why bigger deficits are unfortunate but necessary and your ilk will be eating it up.

That's exactly what the GOP did the last time they controlled Congress, and the teatards cheered while the repubs spent their money like drunken sailors on leave
haha, i feel like meddling.

divecon shuts down when challenged, but is actually open. you just have to be careful.

hey, jake is the same.

my first encounter with jake was about the spitting into the faces of vietnam veterans by protesters.

i challenged jake, and jake shut down.

so, you are both challenged. but your weak points are different.

the weak point of jake is the vietnam war, e.g.
divecon's weak point is that he very much likes his team, the right.

i, naturally, have no weak points.

All wingnuts retreat when challenged. daveman and diaperdon are the quickest to fold. It doesn't take long to reduce either of them to childish responses

:lol::lol::lol::lol::eusa_whistle: I wake up dis mawning and whatta I see?" Coming for to carry me home? A band of liberals lying to themselves coming for to carry me home.:eusa_whistle: Don't look now but there's a fly on yer lip.

You read sangha posts......

They have to face reality.. Oabama is 16 blocks away sharpening up his veto pen, and the Senate only moves quicky when it comes time to adjurnment.

Both sides need to grow up a bunch. From the WAPO article, emphisis mine.
"This is a two-way street going on here, and results are going to be judged through the prism of whether jobs are created and whether spending is cut and the deficit is brought back under control," Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the incoming House majority leader, told reporters Tuesday. "And it is as much the responsibility of this administration as well as the Senate to join with us in echoing what we heard in the last couple months."

This is the post in the that was worth reading...

On page three.

But please continue the partisan poo throwing for the past 8 pages......I would hate for either dogma not to live up to a reputation of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic instead of turning the helm away from the icebergs.
because its too late to stop HALF of it
you have to remember that it still takes time to enact legislation

Why did they make a promise they couldn't keep?

To get elected.....simple as that!

Teatards are proving to be total tools

They were storming the streets when Fox News told them Obama was adding to the deficit. When deficit loading tax cuts go through before Christmas ...not a peep

As usual, their cut spending mantra proves hollow when they actually have to do it. $100 billion down to leass than $50 billion before they can even take office?

Pure tools
Why did they make a promise they couldn't keep?

To get elected.....simple as that!

Teatards are proving to be total tools

They were storming the streets when Fox News told them Obama was adding to the deficit. When deficit loading tax cuts go through before Christmas ...not a peep

As usual, their cut spending mantra proves hollow when they actually have to do it. $100 billion down to leass than $50 billion before they can even take office?

Pure tools

As of last night, new extimates by the GOP are as low as $30B. The Tea Baggers got PUNK'D...simple as that.
All wingnuts retreat when challenged. daveman and diaperdon are the quickest to fold. It doesn't take long to reduce either of them to childish responses

:lol::lol::lol::lol::eusa_whistle: I wake up dis mawning and whatta I see?" Coming for to carry me home? A band of liberals lying to themselves coming for to carry me home.:eusa_whistle: Don't look now but there's a fly on yer lip.

You read sangha posts......


It wasn't just Shanga it was a comglomeration. Shanga and ELK Elder and someone else. it just set me to singing. oh,,, it jake starkeyMalarkey.
already caving in, breaking their word, backpeddling...

Republicans take over House, dilute cuts | Reuters

(Reuters) - Republicans scaled back plans for deep cuts in government spending as they took power in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, diluting a key promise that helped them to victory in November's election.

This was sooooo predictable. You been chumped!

After two years of broken promises and a approval rating of 13% of Congress, I'd rather wait and see and see what they get done and then compare. Which Congress spends the most and which one cuts the most. What do you say... want to compare after two years?
already caving in, breaking their word, backpeddling...

Republicans take over House, dilute cuts | Reuters

(Reuters) - Republicans scaled back plans for deep cuts in government spending as they took power in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, diluting a key promise that helped them to victory in November's election.

This was sooooo predictable. You been chumped!

After two years of broken promises and a approval rating of 13% of Congress, I'd rather wait and see and see what they get done and then compare. Which Congress spends the most and which one cuts the most. What do you say... want to compare after two years?

Sure. We have already seen the GOP playbook:

Item #1: Extend tax cuts for the rich.
Item #2: Ensure Obama is a one term President.
To get elected.....simple as that!

Teatards are proving to be total tools

They were storming the streets when Fox News told them Obama was adding to the deficit. When deficit loading tax cuts go through before Christmas ...not a peep

As usual, their cut spending mantra proves hollow when they actually have to do it. $100 billion down to leass than $50 billion before they can even take office?

Pure tools

As of last night, new extimates by the GOP are as low as $30B. The Tea Baggers got PUNK'D...simple as that.

To be fair, cutting spending is never as easy as it looks. Any way you look at it, cutting spending hurts people. Tough decisions need to be made

Across the board tax cuts are easy and they help get you elected

End result= More debt

Nice job Teatards
Last edited:
already caving in, breaking their word, backpeddling...

Republicans take over House, dilute cuts | Reuters

(Reuters) - Republicans scaled back plans for deep cuts in government spending as they took power in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, diluting a key promise that helped them to victory in November's election.

This was sooooo predictable. You been chumped!

After two years of broken promises and a approval rating of 13% of Congress, I'd rather wait and see and see what they get done and then compare. Which Congress spends the most and which one cuts the most. What do you say... want to compare after two years?

Why wait? We already have the historical record which shows republicans spending so much, they almost doubled the national debt


Here's another chart that shows how spending increased while bush and the repubs were in charge of the budget

already caving in, breaking their word, backpeddling...

Republicans take over House, dilute cuts | Reuters

This was sooooo predictable. You been chumped!

After two years of broken promises and a approval rating of 13% of Congress, I'd rather wait and see and see what they get done and then compare. Which Congress spends the most and which one cuts the most. What do you say... want to compare after two years?

Sure. We have already seen the GOP playbook:

Item #1: Extend tax cuts for the rich.
Item #2: Ensure Obama is a one term President.

Obama is ensuring he is a one term president. He doesn't need any help.
After two years of broken promises and a approval rating of 13% of Congress, I'd rather wait and see and see what they get done and then compare. Which Congress spends the most and which one cuts the most. What do you say... want to compare after two years?

Sure. We have already seen the GOP playbook:

Item #1: Extend tax cuts for the rich.
Item #2: Ensure Obama is a one term President.

Obama is ensuring he is a one term president. He doesn't need any help.

Then someone should tell Mitch McConnell, so he can actually work for the people for a change.
you guys are funny.

Obama was going to chage the way things are done in Washington. So you voted for him. Well, he didnt do as he proimised. But you arew OK with this and are by no means tools.

WHen are both sides going to real;ize that we are ALL tools of ALL politicians.

I laugh when I see all of you damming the poiliticians of the other side for breaking their promises but supporting the politicians on YOUR side when they break THEIR promises.

And the beat goes on. Your politicans of choice lie to you and they have YOU fighting their battles.

Me? I argue and debate policy. I do not expect politicians to keep their campaign promises.
you guys are funny.

Obama was going to chage the way things are done in Washington. So you voted for him. Well, he didnt do as he proimised. But you arew OK with this and are by no means tools.

WHen are both sides going to real;ize that we are ALL tools of ALL politicians.

I laugh when I see all of you damming the poiliticians of the other side for breaking their promises but supporting the politicians on YOUR side when they break THEIR promises.

And the beat goes on. Your politicans of choice lie to you and they have YOU fighting their battles.

Me? I argue and debate policy. I do not expect politicians to keep their campaign promises.

Slow down there, JH. I blame the DEMOCRATIC party for standing in the way of the things Obama wanted to get accomplished. Obama, as President, had everything he needed to get every single measure he campaigned on brought to life, and his own party shot him in the foot. So, while I blame Obama for NOT changing the way Washington works, thanks to his shady backroom deals during the healthcare debate, the reason Obama went this direction was because of the infighting within his own party in Congress.

The members of the GOP who just got elected, are already backtracking on promises they made to get elected, on the very day they were sworn in. They haven't even TRIED to carry out their promises and they are already back peddaling. I do not see these two situations as similar.
you guys are funny.

Obama was going to chage the way things are done in Washington. So you voted for him. Well, he didnt do as he proimised. But you arew OK with this and are by no means tools.

WHen are both sides going to real;ize that we are ALL tools of ALL politicians.

I laugh when I see all of you damming the poiliticians of the other side for breaking their promises but supporting the politicians on YOUR side when they break THEIR promises.

And the beat goes on. Your politicans of choice lie to you and they have YOU fighting their battles.

Me? I argue and debate policy. I do not expect politicians to keep their campaign promises.

WIngnuts think that anyone who believes the teatards are tools must be an Obama supporter.:cuckoo:
you guys are funny.

Obama was going to chage the way things are done in Washington. So you voted for him. Well, he didnt do as he proimised. But you arew OK with this and are by no means tools.

WHen are both sides going to real;ize that we are ALL tools of ALL politicians.

I laugh when I see all of you damming the poiliticians of the other side for breaking their promises but supporting the politicians on YOUR side when they break THEIR promises.

And the beat goes on. Your politicans of choice lie to you and they have YOU fighting their battles.

Me? I argue and debate policy. I do not expect politicians to keep their campaign promises.

WIngnuts think that anyone who believes the teatards are tools must be an Obama supporter.:cuckoo:

Yeah...sure...thats exactly the premise of my posting.

Learn to comprehend. It may help your debating skills.
you guys are funny.

Obama was going to chage the way things are done in Washington. So you voted for him. Well, he didnt do as he proimised. But you arew OK with this and are by no means tools.

WHen are both sides going to real;ize that we are ALL tools of ALL politicians.

I laugh when I see all of you damming the poiliticians of the other side for breaking their promises but supporting the politicians on YOUR side when they break THEIR promises.

And the beat goes on. Your politicans of choice lie to you and they have YOU fighting their battles.

Me? I argue and debate policy. I do not expect politicians to keep their campaign promises.

WIngnuts think that anyone who believes the teatards are tools must be an Obama supporter.:cuckoo:

Yeah...sure...thats exactly the premise of my posting.

Learn to comprehend. It may help your debating skills.

I got it 100% right and the proof is right in your post. You mentioned Obama in the 2nd sentence of your post.

Go ahead and deny it, you coward

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