Teatards in office 5 minutes and...

already caving in, breaking their word, backpeddling...

Republicans take over House, dilute cuts | Reuters

(Reuters) - Republicans scaled back plans for deep cuts in government spending as they took power in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, diluting a key promise that helped them to victory in November's election.

This was sooooo predictable. You been chumped!

From your your article:
The incoming House budget chief, Republican Paul Ryan, told NBC's "Today" program a Republican campaign promise to cut $100 billion in spending this year had been "compromised" by the momentum of spending already under way.

The actual cuts put forward could be "substantially less" than $50 billion, a House Republican aide said, because the fiscal year will be halfway through by the time Republicans get a chance to affect spending.

You're pwned, moron sheep.

Nice spin. When did the R's know this, just yesterday? So they were ignorant of these matters when they promised to cut $100 billion in the first year?
What will they say a year from now? [I know] "It's Obama's fault" and the callous conservatives echo chamber will all agree.

btw, there is no Tea Party, they are the fringe of the Republican Party running under a different guise - in fact running from the albatross around their neck - George W. Bush.
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WIngnuts think that anyone who believes the teatards are tools must be an Obama supporter.:cuckoo:

Yeah...sure...thats exactly the premise of my posting.

Learn to comprehend. It may help your debating skills.

I got it 100% right and the proof is right in your post. You mentioned Obama in the 2nd sentence of your post.

Go ahead and deny it, you coward

I simply mentioned a politician on the left as many on this thread mentioned a politician on the right. I was showing those with solid reading comprehension skills how both sides lie when they campaign.

I do not deny using Obama's name. And I am by no means a coward and exactly how you came to that conclusion is beyond me.

But as I said, you need to hone up your comprehension skills. My post was one of comparison of right and left politicians and was by no means an attack on one indivual. I was simply citing an example as if I did not, then the next post would have been "give me an example as to when a politican on the left lied during a campaign".

So once again...hone up your reading comprehension skills. It will no doubt enhance your debating skills. THAT I am sure of.
Yeah...sure...thats exactly the premise of my posting.

Learn to comprehend. It may help your debating skills.

I got it 100% right and the proof is right in your post. You mentioned Obama in the 2nd sentence of your post.

Go ahead and deny it, you coward

I simply mentioned a politician on the left as many on this thread mentioned a politician on the right. I was showing those with solid reading comprehension skills how both sides lie when they campaign.

I do not deny using Obama's name. And I am by no means a coward and exactly how you came to that conclusion is beyond me.

But as I said, you need to hone up your comprehension skills. My post was one of comparison of right and left politicians and was by no means an attack on one indivual. I was simply citing an example as if I did not, then the next post would have been "give me an example as to when a politican on the left lied during a campaign".

So once again...hone up your reading comprehension skills. It will no doubt enhance your debating skills. THAT I am sure of.

Then you are moron who is just too deluded to realize that there is nothing hypocritical about a non-Obama supporter criticizing the teabagged for abandoning thier promises after a day in a thread about the teabaggers.
I got it 100% right and the proof is right in your post. You mentioned Obama in the 2nd sentence of your post.

Go ahead and deny it, you coward

I simply mentioned a politician on the left as many on this thread mentioned a politician on the right. I was showing those with solid reading comprehension skills how both sides lie when they campaign.

I do not deny using Obama's name. And I am by no means a coward and exactly how you came to that conclusion is beyond me.

But as I said, you need to hone up your comprehension skills. My post was one of comparison of right and left politicians and was by no means an attack on one indivual. I was simply citing an example as if I did not, then the next post would have been "give me an example as to when a politican on the left lied during a campaign".

So once again...hone up your reading comprehension skills. It will no doubt enhance your debating skills. THAT I am sure of.

Then you are moron who is just too deluded to realize that there is nothing hypocritical about a non-Obama supporter criticizing the teabagged for abandoning thier promises after a day in a thread about the teabaggers.

If this thread was strictly talking about how the tea partyers were hypocrites, I would agree. But asmany debtes, this one morphed int0o something more. Many started to refer to the tea partyers as tools of the politician so I smply showed how ALL VOTERS are tools of the politicians.

Seems you are more wrapped up in criticizing than you are debating. Thats your perogagtive. You are also into the name calling thing. You have now referred to me as a coward and a moron.

Hey, if that works for you and makes you feel better, I am fine with it. Personally, I see it as childish and pathetic, albeit, humorous. But I have had many immature posters call me names when they disagreed with my post...and it never bothers me at all. It simply defines the name caller.

So please, continue. I like to laugh.
I love watching you guys... what a meltdown.

Teatards, teabaggers, baggers.... the slurs, the slams, the insane rants against all not whackaloon left.

you guys are hillarious to watch.
I love watching you guys... what a meltdown.

Teatards, teabaggers, baggers.... the slurs, the slams, the insane rants against all not whackaloon left.

you guys are hillarious to watch.

I too am offended that the time honored civility of this messageboard would be defiled by such language
I love watching you guys... what a meltdown.

Teatards, teabaggers, baggers.... the slurs, the slams, the insane rants against all not whackaloon left.

you guys are hillarious to watch.

I too am offended that the time honored civility of this messageboard would be defiled by such language

I dont believe Soggy gave reason to believe he (she) was offended.

I believe he (she) simply finds it humorous that name calling is frequently used as a debate tactic.

I do too.
I simply mentioned a politician on the left as many on this thread mentioned a politician on the right. I was showing those with solid reading comprehension skills how both sides lie when they campaign.

I do not deny using Obama's name. And I am by no means a coward and exactly how you came to that conclusion is beyond me.

But as I said, you need to hone up your comprehension skills. My post was one of comparison of right and left politicians and was by no means an attack on one indivual. I was simply citing an example as if I did not, then the next post would have been "give me an example as to when a politican on the left lied during a campaign".

So once again...hone up your reading comprehension skills. It will no doubt enhance your debating skills. THAT I am sure of.

Then you are moron who is just too deluded to realize that there is nothing hypocritical about a non-Obama supporter criticizing the teabagged for abandoning thier promises after a day in a thread about the teabaggers.

If this thread was strictly talking about how the tea partyers were hypocrites, I would agree. But asmany debtes, this one morphed int0o something more. Many started to refer to the tea partyers as tools of the politician so I smply showed how ALL VOTERS are tools of the politicians.

Seems you are more wrapped up in criticizing than you are debating. Thats your perogagtive. You are also into the name calling thing. You have now referred to me as a coward and a moron.

Hey, if that works for you and makes you feel better, I am fine with it. Personally, I see it as childish and pathetic, albeit, humorous. But I have had many immature posters call me names when they disagreed with my post...and it never bothers me at all. It simply defines the name caller.

So please, continue. I like to laugh.

Umm, from the very beginning, this thread has been about how the teabaggers are being used. In post #1, the OP says "This was sooooo predictable. You been chumped! " You are not being honest when you say this thread "morphed into something more". It's been about the teatards being used from the very first post. So stop using made up descriptions of this thread to justify your pitiful attempt to derail this duscussion of how the teatards have been duped. If you want to talk about something else, such as how Obama supporters are being used (or anyone else) start a thread about it.

I think you are a coward because instead of addressing the subject of this thread, you are trying to distract from the teabaggers stupidity with your "profound insight" (AKA a straw man argument) that "both side do it"

No one has said otherwise. If you want to discuss the lies of some other political entity, start a thread. If you want to discuss how both sides lies, start a thread.This thread is about the lies of the teabaggers and how it proves they are being used. If you ever get the courage, you might want to discuss this.

Or maybe not.
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I love watching you guys... what a meltdown.

Teatards, teabaggers, baggers.... the slurs, the slams, the insane rants against all not whackaloon left.

you guys are hillarious to watch.

I too am offended that the time honored civility of this messageboard would be defiled by such language

I dont believe Soggy gave reason to believe he (she) was offended.

I believe he (she) simply finds it humorous that name calling is frequently used as a debate tactic.

I do too.

So pointing the finger at others for calling people names, all the while doing the same thing (i.e., whackaloon), is something you consider a good trait?
I too am offended that the time honored civility of this messageboard would be defiled by such language

I dont believe Soggy gave reason to believe he (she) was offended.

I believe he (she) simply finds it humorous that name calling is frequently used as a debate tactic.

I do too.

So pointing the finger at others for calling people names, all the while doing the same thing (i.e., whackaloon), is something you consider a good trait?

Actually, I missed that.
Yes, that was quite hypocritical of Soggy...and as I am sure you would agree, by no means my style of debating.
Name calling gets us nowhere.
It just defines the name caller in my eyes.
I too am offended that the time honored civility of this messageboard would be defiled by such language

I dont believe Soggy gave reason to believe he (she) was offended.

I believe he (she) simply finds it humorous that name calling is frequently used as a debate tactic.

I do too.

So pointing the finger at others for calling people names, all the while doing the same thing (i.e., whackaloon), is something you consider a good trait?

WHy ask Jarhead? S/he is just as guilty of name-calling as anyone else here
I simply mentioned a politician on the left as many on this thread mentioned a politician on the right. I was showing those with solid reading comprehension skills how both sides lie when they campaign.

I do not deny using Obama's name. And I am by no means a coward and exactly how you came to that conclusion is beyond me.

But as I said, you need to hone up your comprehension skills. My post was one of comparison of right and left politicians and was by no means an attack on one indivual. I was simply citing an example as if I did not, then the next post would have been "give me an example as to when a politican on the left lied during a campaign".

So once again...hone up your reading comprehension skills. It will no doubt enhance your debating skills. THAT I am sure of.

Then you are moron who is just too deluded to realize that there is nothing hypocritical about a non-Obama supporter criticizing the teabagged for abandoning thier promises after a day in a thread about the teabaggers.

If this thread was strictly talking about how the tea partyers were hypocrites, I would agree. But asmany debtes, this one morphed int0o something more. Many started to refer to the tea partyers as tools of the politician so I smply showed how ALL VOTERS are tools of the politicians.

Seems you are more wrapped up in criticizing than you are debating. Thats your perogagtive. You are also into the name calling thing. You have now referred to me as a coward and a moron.

Hey, if that works for you and makes you feel better, I am fine with it. Personally, I see it as childish and pathetic, albeit, humorous. But I have had many immature posters call me names when they disagreed with my post...and it never bothers me at all. It simply defines the name caller.

So please, continue. I like to laugh.

Jarhead would never engage in calling people names like "immature", "childish", "pathetic" and, best of all, "name caller"

That's just not his/her "style". Not by any means.
I love watching you guys... what a meltdown.

Teatards, teabaggers, baggers.... the slurs, the slams, the insane rants against all not whackaloon left.

you guys are hillarious to watch.

I too am offended that the time honored civility of this messageboard would be defiled by such language

My LOL moment of the day.

Thanks, RW.

I think we need to accept that some of us can fault POLs and policies of BOTH parties with equal contempt when the issue calls for it.

We are the radical NON-partisans of this board.

We're neither right nor left (although we probably have political inclinations in one direction or the other.

IN all likihood we are first and foremost nationalists who truly do care about the health and wealth of the nation and its people.

When we fault Obama, that doesn't make us REPS.

When we fault the REPS that doesn't mean we're DEMS.

The poltical grownups who post here understand this perfectly.

We are the NON TEAM players.

I understand that many of you lack a sense of self worth to STAND FOR SOMETHING without a team behind you to give you strength.

I also understand why people like us are an affront to your sense of self worth just because we do.

All this name calling nonsense, all this I pwned you! childish crap does nothing but prove to us what utter fools some of you folks really are.
Then you are moron who is just too deluded to realize that there is nothing hypocritical about a non-Obama supporter criticizing the teabagged for abandoning thier promises after a day in a thread about the teabaggers.

If this thread was strictly talking about how the tea partyers were hypocrites, I would agree. But asmany debtes, this one morphed int0o something more. Many started to refer to the tea partyers as tools of the politician so I smply showed how ALL VOTERS are tools of the politicians.

Seems you are more wrapped up in criticizing than you are debating. Thats your perogagtive. You are also into the name calling thing. You have now referred to me as a coward and a moron.

Hey, if that works for you and makes you feel better, I am fine with it. Personally, I see it as childish and pathetic, albeit, humorous. But I have had many immature posters call me names when they disagreed with my post...and it never bothers me at all. It simply defines the name caller.

So please, continue. I like to laugh.

Jarhead would never engage in calling people names like "immature", "childish", "pathetic" and, best of all, "name caller"

That's just not his/her "style". Not by any means.

I said your actions were childish and pathetic...and immature.

Name caller is not name calling...it is defining you based on your actions of name calling. It is an accurate description.....you referred to me as coward and moron without anything to base it on. It was not a description of my actions....it was name calling.

As I said...you have a reading comprehension issue.

And please...you are quite obviously out of your league with me. I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself.
I love watching you guys... what a meltdown.

Teatards, teabaggers, baggers.... the slurs, the slams, the insane rants against all not whackaloon left.

you guys are hillarious to watch.

I too am offended that the time honored civility of this messageboard would be defiled by such language

I dont believe Soggy gave reason to believe he (she) was offended.

I believe he (she) simply finds it humorous that name calling is frequently used as a debate tactic.

I do too.

People that live in glass houses......

You have a moral high ground, Soggy does not
I love watching you guys... what a meltdown.

Teatards, teabaggers, baggers.... the slurs, the slams, the insane rants against all not whackaloon left.

you guys are hillarious to watch.

No doubt you are entertained watching grass grow; btw is calling out the "whackaloon left" an example of "slurs, the slams, the insane rants" of a right wing loon?
If this thread was strictly talking about how the tea partyers were hypocrites, I would agree. But asmany debtes, this one morphed int0o something more. Many started to refer to the tea partyers as tools of the politician so I smply showed how ALL VOTERS are tools of the politicians.

Seems you are more wrapped up in criticizing than you are debating. Thats your perogagtive. You are also into the name calling thing. You have now referred to me as a coward and a moron.

Hey, if that works for you and makes you feel better, I am fine with it. Personally, I see it as childish and pathetic, albeit, humorous. But I have had many immature posters call me names when they disagreed with my post...and it never bothers me at all. It simply defines the name caller.

So please, continue. I like to laugh.

Jarhead would never engage in calling people names like "immature", "childish", "pathetic" and, best of all, "name caller"

That's just not his/her "style". Not by any means.

I said your actions were childish and pathetic...and immature.

Name caller is not name calling...it is defining you based on your actions of name calling. It is an accurate description.....you referred to me as coward and moron without anything to base it on. It was not a description of my actions....it was name calling.

As I said...you have a reading comprehension issue.

And please...you are quite obviously out of your league with me. I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself.

When Jarhead uses derogatory language to describe others, it's not "name calling"; it's an "accurate description"

My description of you as cowardly and dishonest was an accurate description. You are still too cowardly to discuss the subject of this thread (it's about how the teabaggers got used. maybe someday, you'll have something to say about this) and too dishonest to admit that you were wrong to say that this thread "morphed into" a discussion about how the teatards gots used when the truth is that the OP mentioned the teatards being used in the first post of the thread

Let me know when you have the guts to talk about the subject of this thread - how the teabaggers are, once again, getting used by the GOP. Finally, there's a teabag that can be used over and over again :lol:
I love watching you guys... what a meltdown.

Teatards, teabaggers, baggers.... the slurs, the slams, the insane rants against all not whackaloon left.

you guys are hillarious to watch.

I too am offended that the time honored civility of this messageboard would be defiled by such language

My LOL moment of the day.

Thanks, RW.

I think we need to accept that some of us can fault POLs and policies of BOTH parties with equal contempt when the issue calls for it.

We are the radical NON-partisans of this board.

We're neither right nor left (although we probably have political inclinations in one direction or the other.

IN all likihood we are first and foremost nationalists who truly do care about the health and wealth of the nation and its people.

When we fault Obama, that doesn't make us REPS.

When we fault the REPS that doesn't mean we're DEMS.

The poltical grownups who post here understand this perfectly.

We are the NON TEAM players.

I understand that many of you lack a sense of self worth to STAND FOR SOMETHING without a team behind you to give you strength.

I also understand why people like us are an affront to your sense of self worth just because we do.

All this name calling nonsense, all this I pwned you! childish crap does nothing but prove to us what utter fools some of you folks really are.

The primary focus of much of what is posted on this board is not polite, respectful political discourse.....it is talking SMACK

You say my guy is an inept, corrupt weasle
I call your guy a dimwitted, criminal moron

Once in a while, we get some honest respectful discussion between opposing points of view

But this thread is obvious Smack, so why expect anything else?
Jarhead would never engage in calling people names like "immature", "childish", "pathetic" and, best of all, "name caller"

That's just not his/her "style". Not by any means.

I said your actions were childish and pathetic...and immature.

Name caller is not name calling...it is defining you based on your actions of name calling. It is an accurate description.....you referred to me as coward and moron without anything to base it on. It was not a description of my actions....it was name calling.

As I said...you have a reading comprehension issue.

And please...you are quite obviously out of your league with me. I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself.

When Jarhead uses derogatory language to describe others, it's not "name calling"; it's an "accurate description"

My description of you as cowardly and dishonest was an accurate description. You are still too cowardly to discuss the subject of this thread (it's about how the teabaggers got used. maybe someday, you'll have something to say about this) and too dishonest to admit that you were wrong to say that this thread "morphed into" a discussion about how the teatards gots used when the truth is that the OP mentioned the teatards being used in the first post of the thread

Let me know when you have the guts to talk about the subject of this thread - how the teabaggers are, once again, getting used by the GOP. Finally, there's a teabag that can be used over and over again :lol:

Fair enough.

You did not clarify why you called me a coward until just now.

I actually did make it clear that the GOP used the tea partyers as tools.
There is nothing to debate there. Of course they did.
Just as the DEMS use the poor as tools.
Just as the GOP use business owners as tools.
JUst as the DEMS use the unemployed as tools.
Just as both sides use the miltary as tools.

But to clarify...I was not a coward for not willing top address the original topic of the thread. I simply addressed some of the more recent posts in the thread.

But as you can see, I agree wiuth the topic of the thread. The GOP use voter groups as tools.
So do the DEMS.

And the use of thrid person when referring to me...or debating me...is not necessary. You can freely talk doirectly TO me. I am quite approachable.
Jarhead would never engage in calling people names like "immature", "childish", "pathetic" and, best of all, "name caller"

That's just not his/her "style". Not by any means.

I said your actions were childish and pathetic...and immature.

Name caller is not name calling...it is defining you based on your actions of name calling. It is an accurate description.....you referred to me as coward and moron without anything to base it on. It was not a description of my actions....it was name calling.

As I said...you have a reading comprehension issue.

And please...you are quite obviously out of your league with me. I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself.

When Jarhead uses derogatory language to describe others, it's not "name calling"; it's an "accurate description"
My description of you as cowardly and dishonest was an accurate description. You are still too cowardly to discuss the subject of this thread (it's about how the teabaggers got used. maybe someday, you'll have something to say about this) and too dishonest to admit that you were wrong to say that this thread "morphed into" a discussion about how the teatards gots used when the truth is that the OP mentioned the teatards being used in the first post of the thread

Let me know when you have the guts to talk about the subject of this thread - how the teabaggers are, once again, getting used by the GOP. Finally, there's a teabag that can be used over and over again :lol:

Is that sorta like Rand Paul's ingenious idea to eliminate earmarks by simply calling them something other than earmarks?

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