Teatards in office 5 minutes and...

I too am offended that the time honored civility of this messageboard would be defiled by such language

I dont believe Soggy gave reason to believe he (she) was offended.

I believe he (she) simply finds it humorous that name calling is frequently used as a debate tactic.

I do too.

So pointing the finger at others for calling people names, all the while doing the same thing (i.e., whackaloon), is something you consider a good trait?

name calling and personal attacks are a favorite subject of the right on here. just look at anything (R)ighteous1 and pale rider post. when they cant support their argument, they resort to childish games.
I dont believe Soggy gave reason to believe he (she) was offended.

I believe he (she) simply finds it humorous that name calling is frequently used as a debate tactic.

I do too.

So pointing the finger at others for calling people names, all the while doing the same thing (i.e., whackaloon), is something you consider a good trait?

name calling and personal attacks are a favorite subject of the right on here. just look at anything (R)ighteous1 and pale rider post. when they cant support their argument, they resort to childish games.

You only see that on the right?
In one post exchange I was referrred to as a coward and a moron.
You really only see the right as guilty of this?
I mean....really?
So pointing the finger at others for calling people names, all the while doing the same thing (i.e., whackaloon), is something you consider a good trait?

name calling and personal attacks are a favorite subject of the right on here. just look at anything (R)ighteous1 and pale rider post. when they cant support their argument, they resort to childish games.

You only see that on the right?
In one post exchange I was referrred to as a coward and a moron.
You really only see the right as guilty of this?
I mean....really?

by no means i dont see this as only a tactic on the right. i just find it to be more widely used by the right than the left.
name calling and personal attacks are a favorite subject of the right on here. just look at anything (R)ighteous1 and pale rider post. when they cant support their argument, they resort to childish games.

You only see that on the right?
In one post exchange I was referrred to as a coward and a moron.
You really only see the right as guilty of this?
I mean....really?

by no means i dont see this as only a tactic on the right. i just find it to be more widely used by the right than the left.

I see it used equally by both sides.
and as a conservative...a far right if you will....I see it used on me by the left frequently...and you will be hard pressed to find me doing it to the left.

Now, one poster said that my referring to his actions of calling me a moron as immature was MY "name calling"....but I was not name calling...I was referring to his actions as immature seeing as it is widely understood that name calling is immature.

However, I did not call him names. I accurately descirbed his actions as immature.

His calling me a moron was an opinion based on him disagreeing with me...and THAT is name calling.
Perhaps, but I think they get more than 1/2 day to produce. It took the Dems 2 years to do a fucking budget.
They did a budget? When did that happen?

Well, did I miss something? I thought that was part of that last minute hurrah.

So.. we're still running the country on Omnibus Spending Bills?

Yep. I haven't looked it up, but this is the first time I can recall that a Congress has abrogated its responsibilities regarding our fiscal house.
So pointing the finger at others for calling people names, all the while doing the same thing (i.e., whackaloon), is something you consider a good trait?

name calling and personal attacks are a favorite subject of the right on here. just look at anything (R)ighteous1 and pale rider post. when they cant support their argument, they resort to childish games.

You only see that on the right?
In one post exchange I was referrred to as a coward and a moron.
You really only see the right as guilty of this?
I mean....really?

You only see that in others?
In that same exchange you referred to me childish and immature
You really only see others as guilty of this?
I mean....really?
You only see that on the right?
In one post exchange I was referrred to as a coward and a moron.
You really only see the right as guilty of this?
I mean....really?

by no means i dont see this as only a tactic on the right. i just find it to be more widely used by the right than the left.

I see it used equally by both sides.
and as a conservative...a far right if you will....I see it used on me by the left frequently...and you will be hard pressed to find me doing it to the left.

Now, one poster said that my referring to his actions of calling me a moron as immature was MY "name calling"....but I was not name calling...I was referring to his actions as immature seeing as it is widely understood that name calling is immature.

However, I did not call him names. I accurately descirbed his actions as immature.

His calling me a moron was an opinion based on him disagreeing with me...and THAT is name calling.

Jarhead sees it used all over the place.....except when he's the one doing it. In his mind, his name calling is just "an accurate description"

But, for all his self-professed "style", he still won't explain why he said this thread didn't start out claiming that the teabaggers had gotten used when the OP mentions it in Post #1.

Your actions are accurately described as stupidly dishonest. That's why you refuse to back up your claim about how this thread "morphed into" a discussion of how the teabaggers are getting used
Bull shit... there's not a bigger bunch of ultra partisan hacks than the radical liberals that have been in control for the last two years. They have rammed their radical socialist agenda down the throats of Americans without so much as giving a flying fuck what anyone else wanted or had to say, so don't give me this "we need to work together now" bull shit. You sound like a goddamn idiot.

That's funny. A partisan hack referring to President Obama's agenda as "radical socialist" saying someone sounds like a "goddamn idiot".

What a riot these pseudo-cons are.

Really, moron? Well what's even funnier was that your little fucking pea brain was so over taxed just drooling out that pathetic oral puss, that you couldn't even elaborate as to why.

Shut up idiot, and get a life.

Let me rephrase that then. You are still a partisan hack and you are a riot! President Obama is no more a "Radical Socialist" than GW was. Try asking a real socialist how they feel about President Obama and his agenda!
If leftists didn't have hatred, they'd have no emotions at all.

Flattery is the sincerest form of flattery

dave just paraphrased a saying of mine. He follows me from thread to thread. dave's my newest bitch.
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Dumbass.

I don't follow you. I post where I like. Your overblown sense of your own importance has nothing to do with it.
And DiveTINOcon pipes in. Yes, don't feel left out: you are a minion, too. :lol:

haha, i feel like meddling.

divecon shuts down when challenged, but is actually open. you just have to be careful.

hey, jake is the same.

my first encounter with jake was about the spitting into the faces of vietnam veterans by protesters.

i challenged jake, and jake shut down.

so, you are both challenged. but your weak points are different.

the weak point of jake is the vietnam war, e.g.
divecon's weak point is that he very much likes his team, the right.

i, naturally, have no weak points.

All wingnuts retreat when challenged. daveman and diaperdon are the quickest to fold. It doesn't take long to reduce either of them to childish responses
You mean childish responses like "dave's my newest bitch"?

Hypocrite. :lol:
by no means i dont see this as only a tactic on the right. i just find it to be more widely used by the right than the left.

I see it used equally by both sides.
and as a conservative...a far right if you will....I see it used on me by the left frequently...and you will be hard pressed to find me doing it to the left.

Now, one poster said that my referring to his actions of calling me a moron as immature was MY "name calling"....but I was not name calling...I was referring to his actions as immature seeing as it is widely understood that name calling is immature.

However, I did not call him names. I accurately descirbed his actions as immature.

His calling me a moron was an opinion based on him disagreeing with me...and THAT is name calling.

Jarhead sees it used all over the place.....except when he's the one doing it. In his mind, his name calling is just "an accurate description"

But, for all his self-professed "style", he still won't explain why he said this thread didn't start out claiming that the teabaggers had gotten used when the OP mentions it in Post #1.

Your actions are accurately described as stupidly dishonest. That's why you refuse to back up your claim about how this thread "morphed into" a discussion of how the teabaggers are getting used

look..I am not interested in this bantering back and forth. I really dont know where I lost you and to be frank, it really doesnt matter.

In my post 283 I offered my exact sentiments in a way that i believed would meet all of your criteria of posting.

If that is not good enough for you, there is not much more I can do about it.

If you wish to man up and debate me, feel free. You can PM me and we can have a private debate...whatever you want.

If you prefer to simply play this "third person" game, go right ahead....but I see that as a sign of weakness.

Your choice.
I see it used equally by both sides.
and as a conservative...a far right if you will....I see it used on me by the left frequently...and you will be hard pressed to find me doing it to the left.

Now, one poster said that my referring to his actions of calling me a moron as immature was MY "name calling"....but I was not name calling...I was referring to his actions as immature seeing as it is widely understood that name calling is immature.

However, I did not call him names. I accurately descirbed his actions as immature.

His calling me a moron was an opinion based on him disagreeing with me...and THAT is name calling.

Jarhead sees it used all over the place.....except when he's the one doing it. In his mind, his name calling is just "an accurate description"

But, for all his self-professed "style", he still won't explain why he said this thread didn't start out claiming that the teabaggers had gotten used when the OP mentions it in Post #1.

Your actions are accurately described as stupidly dishonest. That's why you refuse to back up your claim about how this thread "morphed into" a discussion of how the teabaggers are getting used

look..I am not interested in this bantering back and forth. I really dont know where I lost you and to be frank, it really doesnt matter.

In my post 283 I offered my exact sentiments in a way that i believed would meet all of your criteria of posting.

If that is not good enough for you, there is not much more I can do about it.

If you wish to man up and debate me, feel free. You can PM me and we can have a private debate...whatever you want.

If you prefer to simply play this "third person" game, go right ahead....but I see that as a sign of weakness.

Your choice.

Of course you don't want to defend your own words. You're a wingnut, and wingnuts run when challenged, just as they are running away from their promise to cut $100B from the budget

And like true wingnuts, they are claiming the fiscal years is half over after only 4 months. :lol::lol:

Last time I looked, 1/2 year was SIX months
Jarhead sees it used all over the place.....except when he's the one doing it. In his mind, his name calling is just "an accurate description"

But, for all his self-professed "style", he still won't explain why he said this thread didn't start out claiming that the teabaggers had gotten used when the OP mentions it in Post #1.

Your actions are accurately described as stupidly dishonest. That's why you refuse to back up your claim about how this thread "morphed into" a discussion of how the teabaggers are getting used

look..I am not interested in this bantering back and forth. I really dont know where I lost you and to be frank, it really doesnt matter.

In my post 283 I offered my exact sentiments in a way that i believed would meet all of your criteria of posting.

If that is not good enough for you, there is not much more I can do about it.

If you wish to man up and debate me, feel free. You can PM me and we can have a private debate...whatever you want.

If you prefer to simply play this "third person" game, go right ahead....but I see that as a sign of weakness.

Your choice.

Of course you don't want to defend your own words. You're a wingnut, and wingnuts run when challenged, just as they are running away from their promise to cut $100B from the budget

And like true wingnuts, they are claiming the fiscal years is half over after only 4 months. :lol::lol:

Last time I looked, 1/2 year was SIX months

Fiscal year started 1 October making it three months

Poor teatards have a hard time with numbers
look..I am not interested in this bantering back and forth. I really dont know where I lost you and to be frank, it really doesnt matter.

In my post 283 I offered my exact sentiments in a way that i believed would meet all of your criteria of posting.

If that is not good enough for you, there is not much more I can do about it.

If you wish to man up and debate me, feel free. You can PM me and we can have a private debate...whatever you want.

If you prefer to simply play this "third person" game, go right ahead....but I see that as a sign of weakness.

Your choice.

Of course you don't want to defend your own words. You're a wingnut, and wingnuts run when challenged, just as they are running away from their promise to cut $100B from the budget

And like true wingnuts, they are claiming the fiscal years is half over after only 4 months. :lol::lol:

Last time I looked, 1/2 year was SIX months

Fiscal year started 1 October making it three months

Poor teatards have a hard time with numbers
and it will take 3 months for anything to be enacted
dumb libs dont fucking know anything
I said your actions were childish and pathetic...and immature.

Name caller is not name calling...it is defining you based on your actions of name calling. It is an accurate description.....you referred to me as coward and moron without anything to base it on. It was not a description of my actions....it was name calling.

As I said...you have a reading comprehension issue.

And please...you are quite obviously out of your league with me. I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself.

When Jarhead uses derogatory language to describe others, it's not "name calling"; it's an "accurate description"

My description of you as cowardly and dishonest was an accurate description. You are still too cowardly to discuss the subject of this thread (it's about how the teabaggers got used. maybe someday, you'll have something to say about this) and too dishonest to admit that you were wrong to say that this thread "morphed into" a discussion about how the teatards gots used when the truth is that the OP mentioned the teatards being used in the first post of the thread

Let me know when you have the guts to talk about the subject of this thread - how the teabaggers are, once again, getting used by the GOP. Finally, there's a teabag that can be used over and over again :lol:

Fair enough.

You did not clarify why you called me a coward until just now.

I actually did make it clear that the GOP used the tea partyers as tools.
There is nothing to debate there. Of course they did.
Just as the DEMS use the poor as tools.
Just as the GOP use business owners as tools.
JUst as the DEMS use the unemployed as tools.
Just as both sides use the miltary as tools.

But to clarify...I was not a coward for not willing top address the original topic of the thread. I simply addressed some of the more recent posts in the thread.

But as you can see, I agree wiuth the topic of the thread. The GOP use voter groups as tools.
So do the DEMS.

And the use of thrid person when referring to me...or debating me...is not necessary. You can freely talk doirectly TO me. I am quite approachable.

You just can't help but be dishonest

1) You still haven't explained why you falsely claimed that this thread "morphed into" a discussion of how the teabaggers got used when it was mentioned in Post#1. That's cowardly and dishonest

2) You are a coward because you had to be pressured by me to even mention the subjectof this thread, and even now you pay more attention to your irrelevant point

3) Your "addressing" of "more recent posts in the thread" was nothing more than an attempt to derail the discussion with a straw man (ie "All sides do it") that no one disputes.

Seriously? Do you really believe your assertion (ie "Everybody does it") is so profound that it took (and deserved) the many, many posts you have made by now about it? If so, I have to ask how stupid must you be in order to have such difficulty expressing an idea that a child can understand and no one in this thread disputes?
already caving in, breaking their word, backpeddling...

Republicans take over House, dilute cuts | Reuters

(Reuters) - Republicans scaled back plans for deep cuts in government spending as they took power in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, diluting a key promise that helped them to victory in November's election.

This was sooooo predictable. You been chumped!

4 years of democratic thuggery and you're complaining about two days? Would you like to have another 2 years of democratic thuggery?
look..I am not interested in this bantering back and forth. I really dont know where I lost you and to be frank, it really doesnt matter.

In my post 283 I offered my exact sentiments in a way that i believed would meet all of your criteria of posting.

If that is not good enough for you, there is not much more I can do about it.

If you wish to man up and debate me, feel free. You can PM me and we can have a private debate...whatever you want.

If you prefer to simply play this "third person" game, go right ahead....but I see that as a sign of weakness.

Your choice.

Of course you don't want to defend your own words. You're a wingnut, and wingnuts run when challenged, just as they are running away from their promise to cut $100B from the budget

And like true wingnuts, they are claiming the fiscal years is half over after only 4 months. :lol::lol:

Last time I looked, 1/2 year was SIX months

Fiscal year started 1 October making it three months

Poor teatards have a hard time with numbers

I thought it started in Sep. My bad
Of course you don't want to defend your own words. You're a wingnut, and wingnuts run when challenged, just as they are running away from their promise to cut $100B from the budget

And like true wingnuts, they are claiming the fiscal years is half over after only 4 months. :lol::lol:

Last time I looked, 1/2 year was SIX months

Fiscal year started 1 October making it three months

Poor teatards have a hard time with numbers
and it will take 3 months for anything to be enacted
dumb libs dont fucking know anything

dems passed legislation on Day 1 of the Obama admin. teatards take a lot longer

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