Teatards in office 5 minutes and...

Your denial is cute. The Teatardy is already scaling back their platform after 5 minutes.

You been chumped.
The Teaparty alone has more integrity than the dimwits. You guys were chumped when obamturd got elected, chump.

I am not an Obamatard, chump. I am not a libtard, a conservatard or a demtard.

The tea party began as a respectable populist wing of the Paul Clan. The more it grew into a mainstream org the less of it's original potency it retained.

By the time the election was held the Teatardy was diluted to the point of being just a camp of belching howler monkeys, stoopid enough to believe the empty promises that their amateur candidates were waving around like American flags.

Ron Paul is not impressed.

Yep, you are a Paulbot.
nasty little bunch they are.
"The Tea party are the Republicans."

They are now

You've got to give the Cons some credit. After all, they're the first people to create a teabag that can be used over and over and over (though they do get bitterer and bitterer as time goes on)
Urban Dictionary: teatard


buy teatard mugs, tshirts and magnets

A person who lets opportunist Republicans use the tea party movement for their own ends.

A politically naive conservative who is easily influenced.
Jim, the leader of the teaparty, recieved a personal visit by our conservative Republican congressman who wanted to use the teaparty movement as a platform for his campaign. Jim was impressed and did not see through the sham. It was on this day Jim became a TeaTard.
Isn't this interesting. When Obama took office and the GOP were whining within a week, the Dems insisted that he be given time. And what do we have now? The exact same scenario in reverse. This is really funny. Y'all make me laugh. You're so fucking desperate to be 'proved right' that you can't wait 24 fucking hours before you start the lynchings.

No wonder this country is a mess. Too many fucking morons voting.

really? because even before obama was elected we had people on the right claiming he was a failure. then we had it a week, month, and even year in.

Lynchings? Nobody is lynching anyone here. People where sold a bill of goods and it was all Fluff.Just like with hope and change, the Right ran on "hope and change", ironically enough.

You can run on the most extreme platforms you want. When you get into office you soon find out that you wont get very far.

The teabaggers are living a pipe dream if they thought the Republicans they voted for are going to do everything they want 100%.
This people are in it for power and money, not the will of the people. Those people got suckered.

you lost me with teabaggers. oh well, ho hum. yawn

You were lost long before the teabaggers
really? because even before obama was elected we had people on the right claiming he was a failure. then we had it a week, month, and even year in.

Lynchings? Nobody is lynching anyone here. People where sold a bill of goods and it was all Fluff.Just like with hope and change, the Right ran on "hope and change", ironically enough.

You can run on the most extreme platforms you want. When you get into office you soon find out that you wont get very far.

The teabaggers are living a pipe dream if they thought the Republicans they voted for are going to do everything they want 100%.
This people are in it for power and money, not the will of the people. Those people got suckered.

you lost me with teabaggers. oh well, ho hum. yawn

You were lost long before the teabaggers

awwww gosh darnit, you done went and urt me wittle fweeling, sniff sniff:eusa_whistle:
LOLing @ "minion"


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