Ted Nugent Reveals His 5 Year Plan How To Protect America's Borders


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I like it. It is common sense and to the point. I believe that Americans could get behind a proposal like this. It would benefit us all, and preserve our American culture, heritage and traditions. Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

A must read article written by Ted Nugent
The 5-year Nuge Immigration Plan
So forced employment at a slaves wage is the answer? I'm relatively certain that would be a violation of international law, besides, who is to say they wouldn't intentionally sabotage the wall during construction? Would there be armed thugs overseeing the project? Would their shelter be shielded in razor wire? Would they be treated fairly? I seriously doubt it. Do the kids have to work too? Questions, questions.

Sounds a bit shady and not very well thought out or at least it seems so on the surface.
Ted Nugent makes no policy. No one voted for him and he isn't running for any office. He has an opinion which is as valid as any liberal's opinion.
I like it. It is common sense and to the point. I believe that Americans could get behind a proposal like this. It would benefit us all, and preserve our American culture, heritage and traditions. Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

A must read article written by Ted Nugent
The 5-year Nuge Immigration Plan
A real full-length boarder fence is a bit of an overkill when you consider that most illegal immigrants entered the country legally.
I like it. It is common sense and to the point. I believe that Americans could get behind a proposal like this. It would benefit us all, and preserve our American culture, heritage and traditions. Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

A must read article written by Ted Nugent
The 5-year Nuge Immigration Plan
A real full-length boarder fence is a bit of an overkill when you consider that most illegal immigrants entered the country legally.

And how did they do that?
This is the real Ted Nugent. I would not listen to anything that swine has to say.

snopes.com: Ted Nugent Dodged the Draft?

Actually you can't believe anything Snopes states. They are run by a democrat husband and wife team funded by George Soros. They have been wrong many times before. And they are wrong in that link too. But this thread is about how to protect America's borders. Have anything to say about if Nugents plan?
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I like it. It is common sense and to the point. I believe that Americans could get behind a proposal like this. It would benefit us all, and preserve our American culture, heritage and traditions. Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

A must read article written by Ted Nugent
The 5-year Nuge Immigration Plan
A real full-length boarder fence is a bit of an overkill when you consider that most illegal immigrants entered the country legally.

SHHHH! We will not tolerate common sense on this subject!
I like it. It is common sense and to the point. I believe that Americans could get behind a proposal like this. It would benefit us all, and preserve our American culture, heritage and traditions. Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

A must read article written by Ted Nugent
The 5-year Nuge Immigration Plan

Define "a real full-length, undefeatable border fence" and its cost. Miles, materials, methods...


Crossers climbing the 'triple fence' near San Diego, California
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I like it. It is common sense and to the point. I believe that Americans could get behind a proposal like this. It would benefit us all, and preserve our American culture, heritage and traditions. Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

A must read article written by Ted Nugent
The 5-year Nuge Immigration Plan
A real full-length boarder fence is a bit of an overkill when you consider that most illegal immigrants entered the country legally.

Not to mention that, like most of the haters, stooopid little wimp Nugent doesn't know we have three other borders.

His "plan" isn't. That makes it perfect for the haters.
I have advice for Terrible Ted.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvB5dQHvRSc]Frank Zappa - Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar - YouTube[/ame]
I like it. It is common sense and to the point. I believe that Americans could get behind a proposal like this. It would benefit us all, and preserve our American culture, heritage and traditions. Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

A must read article written by Ted Nugent
The 5-year Nuge Immigration Plan
A real full-length boarder fence is a bit of an overkill when you consider that most illegal immigrants entered the country legally.

And how did they do that?
They entered legally through boarder crossing and airports using visitor. worker visas, and student visas. They entered on these temporary permits and did not leave. Probably the biggest myth concerning illegal immigration is that most of our illegals swim the Rio Grande or cross through the deserts. This makes for good media coverage, but it's not how most illegal immigrants arrive.

Building fences around the country may seem to make sense till you look at the cost and effectiveness at solving the illegal immigration problem.


And a few years from now we'll need to spend 10 billion to build a little taller fence
That device, while clever, is of little use when the jeep high centers. Surely the Mexicans are intelligent enough to make Thermite for example.
I like it. It is common sense and to the point. I believe that Americans could get behind a proposal like this. It would benefit us all, and preserve our American culture, heritage and traditions. Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

A must read article written by Ted Nugent
The 5-year Nuge Immigration Plan

Define "a real full-length, undefeatable border fence" and its cost. Miles, materials, methods...


Crossers climbing the 'triple fence' near San Diego, California

Something like what they have over in Israel. It's one hell of a high wall. I would electrify it to keep the 'Wetb@cks' out As far as the cost, sometimes you have to spend money to protect America from being invaded by a people that doesn't respect our value system, culture, laws and traditions.



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Use a single strand of barbed wire. Back it up with snipers, drones, land mines and a few surprises.
I like it. It is common sense and to the point. I believe that Americans could get behind a proposal like this. It would benefit us all, and preserve our American culture, heritage and traditions. Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

A must read article written by Ted Nugent
The 5-year Nuge Immigration Plan

Define "a real full-length, undefeatable border fence" and its cost. Miles, materials, methods...


Crossers climbing the 'triple fence' near San Diego, California

Something like what they have over in Israel. It's one hell of a high wall. I would electrify it to keep the 'Wetb@cks' out As far as the cost, sometimes you have to spend money to protect America from being invaded by a people that doesn't respect our value system, culture, laws and traditions.



And how well would this have worked to stop the majority of illegal immigrants in this country who entered by foot, plane, motor vehicle at legal points of entry?
I like it. It is common sense and to the point. I believe that Americans could get behind a proposal like this. It would benefit us all, and preserve our American culture, heritage and traditions. Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

A must read article written by Ted Nugent
The 5-year Nuge Immigration Plan

Define "a real full-length, undefeatable border fence" and its cost. Miles, materials, methods...


Crossers climbing the 'triple fence' near San Diego, California

Concrete, 15' high, topped with 10' of razor wire humming with 50,000 volts at 100 amps, surrounded by a 100-yard no-man's land cleared of all cover and liberally sown with antipersonnel land mines. At the other side of the no-man's land is a 20' tangle of razor wire, also humming with 50,000 volts and 100 amps. 50 yards past that is MORE razor wire, also electrified (normal electric-fence power). Everything should be covered by machine guns on motion detectors and patrolled by helicopter gunships. ROE: shoot on sight, shoot to kill, leave the bodies for the scavengers. It should be built by rounding up all illegal aliens and shipping them to the border.

Cost: whatever it takes.
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Personally, I think having two electrified fences with a fair distance between them and land mines between the fences, would slow down anyone wanting to enter illegally.
Ted Nugent states:

We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.

Why is anybody giving serious thought to what Ted Nugent has to say about serious issues? We're doomed.

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