Tennessee Bill Would Prohibit Voting Against Trump Immigration Policies

"A Tennessee state senator told Newsweek Thursday that representatives were afraid to vote against immigration policies, even if they could be deemed unconstitutional."

Seig Heil to the furor!

Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.

What it does is prevent local governments from making their own immigration policies, and keeps such policy decisions at the level of the State government.

Many State constitutions and laws prevent local governments from making local laws on certain issues.

"A Tennessee state senator told Newsweek Thursday that representatives were afraid to vote against immigration policies, even if they could be deemed unconstitutional."

Seig Heil to the furor!
It's all BS. As a Tennessee citizen, I can tell you, Trumps immigration policy is the least of concern.

SB 6002 by *Johnson

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(HB 6001) by *Lamberth

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Immigration - As introduced, creates within the department of safety the centralized immigration enforcement division, to be administered by the chief immigration enforcement officer; establishes a grant program for purposes of promoting the enforcement of federal immigration laws; creates criminal penalties for officials who adopt sanctuary policies and subsequently requires their removal from office upon conviction; requires department of safety to issue lawful permanent residents a temporary driver license, instead of a standard license, to aid in determining voter eligibility for someone who presents a Tennessee driver license as identification. - Amends TCA Title 2; Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 55.

We already have a law, forbidding sanctuary cities within our state. This just puts teeth in it, with penalties on local county and city government official if they tried to buck the law already signed. It also raises a red flag with alien permanent residents, that might attempt to use MotorVoter registration or use a license to register to vote, by making their license a temporary instead of a permanent.

I have no problem with the legislation, though doubt how much needed. We have no sanctuary cities, and as far as I can tell, have no issue weeding out aliens from getting voter ID or voting, even for local elections.
Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.

What it does is prevent local governments from making their own immigration policies, and keeps such policy decisions at the level of the State government.

Many State constitutions and laws prevent local governments from making local laws on certain issues.

Local laws must and already operate within the framework dictated by the state. When and where in the US have you ever heard of a law that says you'll be jailed if you decide to vote for a local policy the state may not agree with?

"A Tennessee state senator told Newsweek Thursday that representatives were afraid to vote against immigration policies, even if they could be deemed unconstitutional."

Seig Heil to the furor!

And which account do you belong to SOCK , phony-e-baloney, lol.

This has been so much fun since Trump got elected, I can NOT wait to take the rest of the socks down-)
Local laws must and already operate within the framework dictated by the state. When and where in the US have you ever heard of a law that says you'll be jailed if you decide to vote for a local policy the state may not agree with?

Not vote for, implement.
Not vote for, implement.

SECTION 6. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 7-68-103, is amended by designating the existing language as subsection (a) and adding the following new subsection (b): (b) It is unlawful for an official to violate subsection (a). A violation of subsection (a) is a Class E felony. For purposes of this subsection (b), each official who, in their capacity as a member of the governing body of a local government, votes in the affirmative to adopt a sanctuary policy is in violation of this section.

Yes, "votes for." This is fascism at it's core, not the fake made up stuff Maga always accuses democrats of, but actual fascism
And which account do you belong to SOCK , phony-e-baloney, lol.

This has been so much fun since Trump got elected, I can NOT wait to take the rest of the socks down-)

Please take your pills. They're there for a reason
SECTION 6. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 7-68-103, is amended by designating the existing language as subsection (a) and adding the following new subsection (b): (b) It is unlawful for an official to violate subsection (a). A violation of subsection (a) is a Class E felony. For purposes of this subsection (b), each official who, in their capacity as a member of the governing body of a local government, votes in the affirmative to adopt a sanctuary policy is in violation of this section.

Yes, "votes for." This is fascism at it's core, not the fake made up stuff Maga always accuses democrats of, but actual fascism

They know ahead of time not to pass laws that are against the rules of the State.
They know ahead of time not to pass laws that are against the rules of the State.

Which is precisely what I said earlier. That doesn't answer my question though.
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