TERRIBLE NEWS FOR MOSCOW! Armed Low-Cost Drones, Made by Turkey, Reshape Battlefields and Geopolitics around Moscow


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

TERRIBLE NEWS FOR MOSCOW! Armed Low-Cost Drones, Made by Turkey, Reshape Battlefields and Geopolitics around Moscow​

as i wrote many many times here ))) soon it will be over for Moscow empire (ULUS), we are in 1990 again )))

A soldier idles by a Russian T-72 tank. A moment later, a missile fired from a drone slams into the vehicle, exploding in an orange flash, blowing the man off his feet and leaving the tank a smoldering wreck.

The scene is one of dozens of aerial videos that were posted online in Azerbaijan last year showing off a new weapon. Over six weeks, it helped the nation regain territory in the Nagorno-Karabakh region that had been held by Russian-backed Armenian forces for more than two decades. The videos show attacks on tanks, trucks, command posts, mortar positions and radar installations....
Drones built in Turkey with affordable digital technology wrecked tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as air-defense systems, of Russian protégés in battles waged in Syria, Libya and Azerbaijan.

These drones point to future warfare being shaped as much by cheap but effective fighting vehicles as expensive ones with the most advanced technology.

If Russia wants Turks well sell them drones, too. Business is business.
Latvia next.

Latavian Deputy Defense Minister on the question when Latvia will purchase Turkish drones

It really doesn't matter what USA thinks. Sure, USA is powerful, still not powerful enough to overthrow Chavez although victory-parading Guaido throughout America.
Trump said Saudi King wouldn't last 2 weeks without US support, but US support was not decisive enough to overthrow Qatari leadership.
Back in the day when Americans sent people on to the moon such issues would've been dealt with swift and discret.
Nowadays all what Americans can do is dump trillions of US taxpayer money on wars abroad having the effect of having to retreat without any significant gains whilst foreign-language press is writing about crumbling US infrastructure or Texans dying from power-outages.
Not possible in Kennedy, Ike, Reagan, Clinton times, yet here we are !
What the fuck went wrong with you, you are surely no match to your grandfathers' or fathers' generation.
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Excuse me for being selfish but I thought the USMB "Military" forum was about the U.S. Military. Nobody gives a shit about drones over Moscow. There are a dozen other forums where you can vent your concern over Turkish drones floating on Russian airspace without taking up space in this forum. Isn't there something the USMB monitors can do about this?

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