Terrorists Are Terrorists Under Any Name

There are far too many idiots on here ... who bleat on and on about utter bullshit and can never support a single word they say...

So don't be one of them.

What you said (paraphrased) is that Israel engages in daily terrorism against the Palestinians. I have asked to you define terrorism as the context for this statement.

See, I think you have a very broad definition of terrorism -- but only when discussing Israel. And a more narrow one when discussing others.

Retaliation is not terrorism. If you don't want dead Palestinians, don't kill any Israeli's.
There are far too many idiots on here ... who bleat on and on about utter bullshit and can never support a single word they say...

So don't be one of them.

What you said (paraphrased) is that Israel engages in daily terrorism against the Palestinians. I have asked to you define terrorism as the context for this statement.

See, I think you have a very broad definition of terrorism -- but only when discussing Israel. And a more narrow one when discussing others.

Retaliation is not terrorism. If you don't want dead Palestinians, don't kill any Israeli's.

Is that like saying... If you don't want dead Israeli's, don't occupy Palestinian territory?

You see the circle?

Nah you wouldn't, being a zionist that is...

But, thats ok, we just wait for the other dumbass zionuts to reply on your behalf, thinking that they 'understand' (hahaha) what both you and I are debating here!
There are far too many idiots on here ... who bleat on and on about utter bullshit and can never support a single word they say...

So don't be one of them.

What you said (paraphrased) is that Israel engages in daily terrorism against the Palestinians. I have asked to you define terrorism as the context for this statement.

See, I think you have a very broad definition of terrorism -- but only when discussing Israel. And a more narrow one when discussing others.

Retaliation is not terrorism. If you don't want dead Palestinians, don't kill any Israeli's.

Is that like saying... If you don't want dead Israeli's, don't occupy Palestinian territory?

You see the circle?

Nah you wouldn't, being a zionist that is...

But, thats ok, we just wait for the other dumbass zionuts to reply on your behalf, thinking that they 'understand' (hahaha) what both you and I are debating here!

When the do be sure to let us knw wont you, as at the moment the land is Jewish under international laws of 1923.

No I don't as there is not one, unless you are a muslim and see the whole worldas your land.

Again using the term in a RACIST manner and out of context

Do you even understand that today is Tuesday, as you don't understand a thing about Israel
There are far too many idiots on here ... who bleat on and on about utter bullshit and can never support a single word they say...

So don't be one of them.

What you said (paraphrased) is that Israel engages in daily terrorism against the Palestinians. I have asked to you define terrorism as the context for this statement.

See, I think you have a very broad definition of terrorism -- but only when discussing Israel. And a more narrow one when discussing others.

Retaliation is not terrorism. If you don't want dead Palestinians, don't kill any Israeli's.

Is that like saying... If you don't want dead Israeli's, don't occupy Palestinian territory?

You see the circle?

Nah you wouldn't, being a zionist that is...

But, thats ok, we just wait for the other dumbass zionuts to reply on your behalf, thinking that they 'understand' (hahaha) what both you and I are debating here!

Hey! Call me any names you want but don't call me a ZIONIST. I despise them for their treatment of Palestinians with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions keeping Palestinians captives in Israel under Zionist rule. When those ass holes learn from king Hussein how to deal with Palestinians, then there will be peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Is that like saying... If you don't want dead Israeli's, don't occupy Palestinian territory?

You see the circle?

We've gone back to trying to provide "just causes" for terrorism. There aren't any. Certainly the quest for more territory is NOT a just cause for terrorism. Nor is self-defense.
Is that like saying... If you don't want dead Israeli's, don't occupy Palestinian territory?

You see the circle?

We've gone back to trying to provide "just causes" for terrorism. There aren't any. Certainly the quest for more territory is NOT a just cause for terrorism. Nor is self-defense.

Nearly all of this so called "Palestinian territory" or land is stolen land by Palestinians with no titles or deeds to it whatsoever.
Of course there were deeds, and land ownership was recorded for taxation purposes. That's why we know that the Muslims and Christians owned over 90% of the land in Palestine in 1943.


Survey of Palestine Vol. 2 page 566

Available via the link below at the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at Stanford University.

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University
Of course there were deeds, and land ownership was recorded for taxation purposes. That's why we know that the Muslims and Christians owned over 90% of the land in Palestine in 1943.

View attachment 77395

Survey of Palestine Vol. 2 page 566

Available via the link below at the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at Stanford University.

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

WOW! Quite a lot of non Jewish land here in your post. for taxes. So, where does it show the purchase deeds to it?
Of course there were deeds, and land ownership was recorded for taxation purposes. That's why we know that the Muslims and Christians owned over 90% of the land in Palestine in 1943.

View attachment 77395

Survey of Palestine Vol. 2 page 566

Available via the link below at the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at Stanford University.

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

WOW! Quite a lot of non Jewish land here in your post. for taxes. So, where does it show the purchase deeds to it?

The deeds were the basis for the survey results. You would have to read the Survey, something you haven't done.
No back to the subject of terrorism.

Would this Kurdish bombing in Istanbul that killed 7 police and 4 civilians plus injured another 40 or so people be an act of terrorism or an action of Kurdish freedom fighters?

PKK blamed for bombing of Istanbul bus that left 11 dead
Would Israeli retaliation for acts of Islamic terrorism be a heroic resistance operation?

Of course. It's a requirement of a responsible government to protect its citizens from acts of war, acts of Islamic terrorism and acts intended to target its civilian population.
No back to the subject of terrorism.

Would this Kurdish bombing in Istanbul that killed 7 police and 4 civilians plus injured another 40 or so people be an act of terrorism or an action of Kurdish freedom fighters?

PKK blamed for bombing of Istanbul bus that left 11 dead
Would Israeli retaliation for acts of Islamic terrorism be a heroic resistance operation?

Of course. It's a requirement of a responsible government to protect its citizens from acts of war, acts of Islamic terrorism and acts intended to target its civilian population.

That is not the question, the question is, is Kurdish resistance to Turkish oppression terrorism or freedom fighting.
No back to the subject of terrorism.

Would this Kurdish bombing in Istanbul that killed 7 police and 4 civilians plus injured another 40 or so people be an act of terrorism or an action of Kurdish freedom fighters?

PKK blamed for bombing of Istanbul bus that left 11 dead

How are you differentiating terrorism from freedom fighting? A "just cause" suddenly makes intentional killing of innocents acceptable?

What makes "freedom fighting" acceptable and "terrorism" unacceptable, in your opinion?
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Of course there were deeds, and land ownership was recorded for taxation purposes. That's why we know that the Muslims and Christians owned over 90% of the land in Palestine in 1943.

Land ownership by ethnicity is not equivalent to sovereignty.
Is that like saying... If you don't want dead Israeli's, don't occupy Palestinian territory?

You see the circle?

We've gone back to trying to provide "just causes" for terrorism. There aren't any. Certainly the quest for more territory is NOT a just cause for terrorism. Nor is self-defense.

"just causes" clearly depends on what side of the fence one stands...

However, you are correct, there is NO just cause for terrorism... EVER!

I'm not sure that there is a "quest for more territory", rather, a quest to reclaim occupied territory... On that basis then one can consider there being 'freedom fighters' or, perhaps a 'resistance movement'...
"just causes" clearly depends on what side of the fence one stands...

However, you are correct, there is NO just cause for terrorism... EVER!

I'm not sure that there is a "quest for more territory", rather, a quest to reclaim occupied territory... On that basis then one can consider there being 'freedom fighters' or, perhaps a 'resistance movement'...

So, we agree that a "freedom fighter" who uses terrorism is nothing but a terrorist, then? Since terrorism is never acceptable there is no point in cleaning up the language we use. A terrorist committing terror attacks for a "just cause" is still a terrorist.

Sure, if you want to call it a RE-acquisition of territory, rather than the acquisition of territory, it makes little enough difference. (Though, of course, BOTH sides can justify using that terminology and we both know that, technically, Arab Muslim Palestinians never had any territory under their own self-rule). Still, for the Palestinians it is fundamentally about the acquisition of territory.

For Hamas -- it is the (re)acquisition of the entire remaining portion of the Mandate for Palestine. It is the belief that Arab Muslims should have sovereignty over 100% of the territory and the Jewish people should have sovereignty over none. They are not fighting for "freedom" or "resisting foreign rule". They have freedom, complete control over the territory they have. Freedom enough to use the resources available to them for purposes they choose. They are not under foreign rule. They rule Gaza. They don't even have a small Jewish influence there as Gaza has been deliberately made Judenrein. So, no, they are neither "freedom fighter" nor a "resistance movement" -- they are fighters demanding more territory and denying any sort of territory or self-determination for the other group for whom this place is a homeland.

For the PA -- it is the (re)acquisition of the territory to the 1967 lines, without compromise or exchanges or negotiations. And it requires this land, also, to be the Judenrein. And it requires the (re)acquisition of territory within Israel by the returnees. The PA, also has control over its own territory (Areas A and B). So no, neither "freedom fighters" nor a "resistance movement", but a drive to gain more territory.

The control that Israel has, especially over the West Bank/Judea & Samaria, is that of security. The only need Israel has in that territory is to ensure the safety of Israeli citizens and to ensure the sovereignty of Israel (on some territory).

But what is Israel fighting for? Israel is fighting an ideological and a physical war to defend itself, its citizens and its sovereignty. Israel isn't fighting for territory. Israel is fighting for its right to exist.

What I don't get about you, is why you occasionally insist that you support the rights of both peoples, yet continually support or argue for only the one side. Why do you support the acquisition of more territory by the Palestinists? Why aren't you arguing for a secure Israel?
Is that like saying... If you don't want dead Israeli's, don't occupy Palestinian territory?

You see the circle?

We've gone back to trying to provide "just causes" for terrorism. There aren't any. Certainly the quest for more territory is NOT a just cause for terrorism. Nor is self-defense.

"just causes" clearly depends on what side of the fence one stands...

However, you are correct, there is NO just cause for terrorism... EVER!

I'm not sure that there is a "quest for more territory", rather, a quest to reclaim occupied territory... On that basis then one can consider there being 'freedom fighters' or, perhaps a 'resistance movement'...

Good trick. "Reclaim occupied terrritory" when the Palestinians are the occupiers.
How can the Palestinians, who were the inhabitants of Palestine before the European Jews invaded, be occupiers?
How can the Palestinians, who were the inhabitants of Palestine before the European Jews invaded, be occupiers?

Eh, Monte, who was there on the land before Palestinians? Or was it Muslim or Christian Palestinians who built Solomon's Temple?
How can the Palestinians, who were the inhabitants of Palestine before the European Jews invaded, be occupiers?

Simple. There are two groups of Palestinians (as in people who have resided in the territory for a really long time) -- those who are culturally and ethnically Jewish and are the oldest surviving culture and ethnicity in the region and those who are culturally and ethnically Arab Muslim as a result of mixing with foreign invaders and colonizers.

The Jewish people were the inhabitants before the Arab Muslims invaded and are therefore the ones occupied by foreigners.

And yes, I know you are going to argue that adopting a foreign culture doesn't remove their nativeness -- but by the same token, adopting the "foreign" culture of the returned Jewish people doesn't remove their nativeness. If you argue its not a problem for the one, you have to allow it can't be a problem for the other.

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