Terry Garr Has Passed Away


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Reaction score
On The Way Home To Earth
She was 79. Reports say she died of multiple sclerosis.

I always liked her in her many roles especially her first TV role as Roberta Lincoln the confused secretary on Star Trek (which was actually shot as a spin-off pilot for a new show that did not sell).

RIP, Terry.

Sad to hear
She was a great comedic actress who could turn on the sexpot when needed.

I know she has struggled with MS in recent years and it is a tough fight.

She made her mark
Isn't it remarkable that actors are culturally frozen in time by their films. I will always think of her at her best - the Young Frankenstein character and such. Don't even want to think of her as a 79-year-old crone.
She was 79. Reports say she died of multiple sclerosis.

I always liked her in her many roles especially her first TV role as Roberta Lincoln the confused secretary on Star Trek (which was actually shot as a spin-off pilot for a new show that did not sell).

RIP, Terry.

She was great in Young Frankenstein.
Isn't it remarkable that actors are culturally frozen in time by their films. I will always think of her at her best - the Young Frankenstein character and such. Don't even want to think of her as a 79-year-old crone.

She put on a lot of weight and looked like a chunky grandmother in her elder years, no doubt due to illness.
I never saw the latter, it sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out. I saw Mom once and didn't care for it but I might like it more now.

One From the Heart is Coppola's love letter to the musicals of the 1940s. His studio, Zoetrope, almost went bankrupt on it. I'm a film geek, so I liked it, but it's not for everyone.
One From the Heart is Coppola's love letter to the musicals of the 1940s. His studio, Zoetrope, almost went bankrupt on it. I'm a film geek, so I liked it, but it's not for everyone.

Well, I read that it is about Terri and her boyfriend having a fight so going their own ways each exploring other relationships and that sounded like it might be interesting, plus, you just can't beat a 40s musical.

And there are a lot of good movies out there done by famous actors I never saw and TV keeps showing the same stuff--- so, it wouldn't hurt to see a new Terri Garr movie especially now that she is gone.
Jackie Gleasons daughter in The Sting 2

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