Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children

No, but you don't kick them when they're down either. Lollipop, big deal.

Why is this happening and who is behind it?
Refugee Resettlement in Metropolitan America | migrationpolicy.org

It happens all the time, in rushes similar to this one, this is why we have laws on how to handle refugees...read the link, it is long but very informative...mind blowing to a degree...

Actually, the influx began right after Obama issued an executive order for amnesty for illegal immigrant children.

Obama is responsible for this.
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Shitstain...playing up the naturalized US troops around the 4th of July when he is also supporting an invasion of illegals in this country is pathetic.

Who gives a fuck if he does what is expected like hosting some troops around certain holidays....big fucking deal. Adding in the illegal/amnesty angle "right now" is pure evil.

Of course a bunch of idiots being used by Obama when he is trying to sell the American public on letting 12-20 million illegals become so-called Americans. :eusa_whistle:

Low class for Obama to pull this stunt when he is sneaking in thousands of illegals into border states....

It's the 5th year he has hosted a military families pic nic at the White House on July 4th. He has made it a tradition of his term in office.
Why is this happening and who is behind it?
Refugee Resettlement in Metropolitan America | migrationpolicy.org

It happens all the time, in rushes similar to this one, this is why we have laws on how to handle refugees...read the link, it is long but very informative...mind blowing to a degree...

Actually, the influx began right after Obama issyed an executive order for amnesty for illegal immigrant children.

Bet you just made that up. Lets see the link that show the President has the power to grant amnesty let alone a link to show he actually did what you say.
Of course a bunch of idiots being used by Obama when he is trying to sell the American public on letting 12-20 million illegals become so-called Americans. :eusa_whistle:

Low class for Obama to pull this stunt when he is sneaking in thousands of illegals into border states....

It's the 5th year he has hosted a military families pic nic at the White House on July 4th. He has made it a tradition of his term in office.

Obama also visited a mosque this morning and invited some imams who believe in sharia law to the pic nik. Cool, huh. We can all be pals, huh.
Refugee Resettlement in Metropolitan America | migrationpolicy.org

It happens all the time, in rushes similar to this one, this is why we have laws on how to handle refugees...read the link, it is long but very informative...mind blowing to a degree...

Actually, the influx began right after Obama issyed an executive order for amnesty for illegal immigrant children.

Bet you just made that up. Lets see the link that show the President has the power to grant amnesty let alone a link to show he actually did what you say.

You stupid pile of shit....Obama said he has Executive power to implement the "Dream Act" in a way he likes.

That has invited every fucking kid south of the border to get here until the door closes.

Refugee Resettlement in Metropolitan America | migrationpolicy.org

It happens all the time, in rushes similar to this one, this is why we have laws on how to handle refugees...read the link, it is long but very informative...mind blowing to a degree...

Actually, the influx began right after Obama issyed an executive order for amnesty for illegal immigrant children.

Bet you just made that up. Lets see the link that show the President has the power to grant amnesty let alone a link to show he actually did what you say.
Shitstain...playing up the naturalized US troops around the 4th of July when he is also supporting an invasion of illegals in this country is pathetic.

Who gives a fuck if he does what is expected like hosting some troops around certain holidays....big fucking deal

It's the 5th year he has hosted a military families pic nic at the White House on July 4th. He has made it a tradition of his term in office.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

Well which other Presidents did what you claim "they are supposed to do"?
You stupid pile of shit....Obama said he has Executive power to implement the "Dream Act" in a way he likes.

That has invited every fucking kid south of the border to get here until the door closes.

Actually, the influx began right after Obama issyed an executive order for amnesty for illegal immigrant children.

Bet you just made that up. Lets see the link that show the President has the power to grant amnesty let alone a link to show he actually did what you say.

You again, are just making shit up and expecting people to believe your made up shit. Your opinions are not fact. Your concepts aren't facts. Your day dreams aren't facts. No one is obligated to believe or respect your delusions.
asswipe....he is the POTUS, it is his FUCKING JOB to do so-called patriotic things today, Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Shitstain...playing up the naturalized US troops around the 4th of July when he is also supporting an invasion of illegals in this country is pathetic.

Who gives a fuck if he does what is expected like hosting some troops around certain holidays....big fucking deal

It's the 5th year he has hosted a military families pic nic at the White House on July 4th. He has made it a tradition of his term in office.

Well which other Presidents did what you claim "they are supposed to do"?[/QUOTE]
a dumbfuck like you illustrates how fucking stupid many liberals are when you are smart enough to use a computer, get on the internet and even remember a password to bloviate here unlike many liberals that are still licking shit from their shoes.

You stupid pile of shit....Obama said he has Executive power to implement the "Dream Act" in a way he likes.

That has invited every fucking kid south of the border to get here until the door closes.

Bet you just made that up. Lets see the link that show the President has the power to grant amnesty let alone a link to show he actually did what you say.

You again, are just making shit up and expecting people to believe your made up shit. Your opinions are not fact. Your concepts aren't facts. Your day dreams aren't facts. No one is obligated to believe or respect your delusions.
You stupid pile of shit....Obama said he has Executive power to implement the "Dream Act" in a way he likes.

That has invited every fucking kid south of the border to get here until the door closes.

Bet you just made that up. Lets see the link that show the President has the power to grant amnesty let alone a link to show he actually did what you say.

You again, are just making shit up and expecting people to believe your made up shit. Your opinions are not fact. Your concepts aren't facts. Your day dreams aren't facts. No one is obligated to believe or respect your delusions.

I gave you the link. Did you want to say something, you ignorant twit.
Camp is the stupid fuck that shows up at a meeting clueless about the facts and spews his bullshit while the group looks on in laughter.

You stupid pile of shit....Obama said he has Executive power to implement the "Dream Act" in a way he likes.

That has invited every fucking kid south of the border to get here until the door closes.

You again, are just making shit up and expecting people to believe your made up shit. Your opinions are not fact. Your concepts aren't facts. Your day dreams aren't facts. No one is obligated to believe or respect your delusions.

I gave you the link. Did you want to say something, you ignorant twit.
What an awful, hateful thread to start on Independence Day. My heart goes out to those immigrant mothers who fled hunger, poverty, and violence to protect their children. Americans have so much; they have so little. Native Americans kept the Pilgrims from starving to death. What goes around comes around.

Lollipops? Really?

OMG, Hillary Clinton said this?....The subversives will have their heads explode!

Hillary: Illegal immigrant children must be sent home - Washington Times
What an awful, hateful thread to start on Independence Day. My heart goes out to those immigrant mothers who fled hunger, poverty, and violence to protect their children. Americans have so much; they have so little. Native Americans kept the Pilgrims from starving to death. What goes around comes around.

Lollipops? Really?

OMG, Hillary Clinton said this?....The subversives will have their heads explode!

Hillary: Illegal immigrant children must be sent home - Washington Times

The Moonie Times? Really? Actually, you can thank George W. Bush for that act - The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, or TVPRA.
Camp is the stupid fuck that shows up at a meeting clueless about the facts and spews his bullshit while the group looks on in laughter.

You again, are just making shit up and expecting people to believe your made up shit. Your opinions are not fact. Your concepts aren't facts. Your day dreams aren't facts. No one is obligated to believe or respect your delusions.

I gave you the link. Did you want to say something, you ignorant twit.

I seriously doubt that Camp goes to hate meetings!
He hasn't given AMNESTY to anyone...he has directed his employees on who should be deported immediately and those who are not deported immediately and all of these children in the USA before 2012 and for 5 years already in 2012....to not put them at the front of the line for deportation...this is because when and if immigration reform is passed, these are the illegal immigrants that may be allowed to stay and work towards citizenship....And a BIG IF, immigration reform is passed. Along with those illegals that may have served our country in the military. In the mean time there are a gazillion illegal immigrants that don't meet the criteria that can be and are being deported or need to be deported....

That does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for any of these refugee children, who are handled through refugee policies verses illegal immigration policies and does nothing, absolutely nothing for any new illegal immigrant that had not already lived in the USA for 5 years PRIOR to 2012.

no one AFTER that point....that was very clear in the Obama directive.
What an awful, hateful thread to start on Independence Day. My heart goes out to those immigrant mothers who fled hunger, poverty, and violence to protect their children. Americans have so much; they have so little. Native Americans kept the Pilgrims from starving to death. What goes around comes around.

Lollipops? Really?

OMG, Hillary Clinton said this?....The subversives will have their heads explode!

Hillary: Illegal immigrant children must be sent home - Washington Times

The Moonie Times? Really? Actually, you can thank George W. Bush for that act - The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, or TVPRA.

Yes, and YOU know it was NEVER intended to be interpreted the way it has been.... Do you want to discuss why it was put into place, and who it was meant for... just do a Wiki on the act!:badgrin::badgrin:

Why not TRY a search engine and come up with a few other sites that have reported this story of Hillary throwing the Undocumented Democrat children under the bus, if you don't care for that site! I know, if you can't claim you don't like the site, you can always shout "I WIN!" :cuckoo:
You stupid pile of shit....Obama said he has Executive power to implement the "Dream Act" in a way he likes.

That has invited every fucking kid south of the border to get here until the door closes.

You again, are just making shit up and expecting people to believe your made up shit. Your opinions are not fact. Your concepts aren't facts. Your day dreams aren't facts. No one is obligated to believe or respect your delusions.

I gave you the link. Did you want to say something, you ignorant twit.

Your link does't confirm the President gave anyone amnesty. It is a commentary by a conservative group suggesting that in their opinion the President's E.O. gave what they believe amounts to a type of temporary amnesty. They ignore the fact that the President's action still leaves the immigrants in question open to a long list of other potential legal ramifications that they would not have if actual amnesty were granted.
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