Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children

You again, are just making shit up and expecting people to believe your made up shit. Your opinions are not fact. Your concepts aren't facts. Your day dreams aren't facts. No one is obligated to believe or respect your delusions.

I gave you the link. Did you want to say something, you ignorant twit.

Your link does't confirm the President gave anyone amnesty. It is a commentary by a conservative group suggesting that in their opinion the President's E.O. gave what they believe amounts to a type of temporary amnesty. They ignore the fact that the President's still leaves the immigrants in question open to a long list of other potential legal ramifications that they would not have if actual amnesty were granted.

You leave the door ajar, and you don't think the felon will push it open?

[ame=http://youtu.be/fgORPegzSPk]New Obama Policy, Not Law, Orders Border Agents to Not Deport Illegal Aliens! - YouTube[/ame]

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Murrieta Town Hall a la Raza short - YouTube

Open border supporters at the Murrieta town hall last night chanted, “Viva la Raza!” outside the meeting.

The activists threatened locals leaving the town hall meeting.

The odds are running 150 to 1 that Stephanie has no clue as to what "la Raza" means. That and the fact she makes a claim sans evidence is classic Stephanie.
Murrieta Town Hall a la Raza short - YouTube

Open border supporters at the Murrieta town hall last night chanted, “Viva la Raza!” outside the meeting.

The activists threatened locals leaving the town hall meeting.

The odds are running 150 to 1 that Stephanie has no clue as to what "la Raza" means. That and the fact she makes a claim sans evidence is classic Stephanie.

She is as ignorant as the day she was born and wears it like a badge of honor
Normally such a god-fearing, masturbatory piece of patriotism would bring a tear to my AMERICAN eyes; but coming from somebody that has openly praised Putin over her own president, it means diddly squat.

At least Putin loves his country and is a Patriot. He's not a fraud who wants to bring down his own country. Shame on you.

How do Putin's balls taste?

What? I can't understand you while your mouth is full of Obama's crap sandwich.
Idiot, it's called moving the goalposts.

He says one thing one day then changes the rules down the road.

He is not enforcing the border right now, that is by choice...idiot.

He will try to sell stupid people like you that "It would be racist to turn our backs on these 'new' illegals and we also need to bring their parents here to take care of them."

He hasn't given AMNESTY to anyone...he has directed his employees on who should be deported immediately and those who are not deported immediately and all of these children in the USA before 2012 and for 5 years already in 2012....to not put them at the front of the line for deportation...this is because when and if immigration reform is passed, these are the illegal immigrants that may be allowed to stay and work towards citizenship....And a BIG IF, immigration reform is passed. Along with those illegals that may have served our country in the military. In the mean time there are a gazillion illegal immigrants that don't meet the criteria that can be and are being deported or need to be deported....

That does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for any of these refugee children, who are handled through refugee policies verses illegal immigration policies and does nothing, absolutely nothing for any new illegal immigrant that had not already lived in the USA for 5 years PRIOR to 2012.

no one AFTER that point....that was very clear in the Obama directive.
The only meetings you go to are detox and psych ward meetings.

Camp is the stupid fuck that shows up at a meeting clueless about the facts and spews his bullshit while the group looks on in laughter.

I seriously doubt that Camp goes to hate meetings!

That was pretty pathetic. Next time you go to a meeting...ask your grand wizard for a new playbook.
this is what you pay these people for? and what they aren't telling you is most of the people coming in are ADULTS
this woman is on HOMELAND security

The Furnace

Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children

Jul. 3, 2014 3:04pm Pete Kasperowicz

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said Thursday that she brought lollipops to immigrant children she was able to visit while in Texas this week.

“I always like to take things when I visit people who are detained for reasons that are not of a criminal nature, whether it is to visit with those in Darfur, or to be able to engage in Afghanistan, or to be able to talk to children wherever they are,” she said at a House Judiciary Committee field hearing in Texas. “Homeless children.”

House Homeland Security Committee member Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, said Thursday that she handed out lollipops to immigrant children that have been detained near the border. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

“These are lollipops,” she said as she held up a plastic bag. “I took lollipops along with my colleagues into those detention centers where children were. I wasn’t armed, I wasn’t fearful for my life
Republicans have continued to argue that border crisis is a national security threat to the nation.
But Jackson Lee rejected that, and said that while the U.S. needs to aggressively go after human traffickers, it needs to avoid treating detained children as criminals.

all of it here
Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children | TheBlaze.com

Yeah...those frikkin little spicks don't deserve a little gesture do they?
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There's no question this was a politically-motivated move by Rep. Lee. It doesn't seem that outrageous, though. What is outrageous is our border laws not being enforced, to the point that busloads of illegal immigrants can boldly enter our nation illegally without fear. Maybe we should pretend borders don't exist, or the laws regarding them.
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They should continue to come to the land of opportunity.

Stephanie and her family and its lineage are no more entitled to having become American then these children.

This superiority complex is kind of sickening.

I see no problem with their coming, as long as they come under the same rules and regulations as Stephanie and her forbears. That means, they have to pass a physical exam and prove they are disease-free, that they are not criminals, and that their overweening desire is to become useful, productive citizens and AMERICANS.
this is what you pay these people for?

Why do you hate Mexican children so much you'd begrudge them a fucking lollipop? You're a really bitter and hateful person. You must have failed miserably in life to get that way.

Those kids didn't make the trip for lollipops. So unless we can say welcome home to them handing them a lollipop before saying, now get the hell out of here, seems cynically hypocritical to me.

I'm not suggesting we should be unnecessarily hostile toward them. But holding out false hope and setting them up for disappointment is nothing more than self-serving, synthetic kindness.
They should continue to come to the land of opportunity.

Stephanie and her family and its lineage are no more entitled to having become American then these children.

This superiority complex is kind of sickening.

I see no problem with their coming, as long as they come under the same rules and regulations as Stephanie and her forbears. That means, they have to pass a physical exam and prove they are disease-free, that they are not criminals, and that their overweening desire is to become useful, productive citizens and AMERICANS.

Holy shit, the Pilgrims brought diseases and criminals - then, after Native Americans kept them from starving to death - they killed them and stole their lands. Today's immigrants are much more civilized and deserving of our kindness.
They should continue to come to the land of opportunity.

Stephanie and her family and its lineage are no more entitled to having become American then these children.

This superiority complex is kind of sickening.

I see no problem with their coming, as long as they come under the same rules and regulations as Stephanie and her forbears. That means, they have to pass a physical exam and prove they are disease-free, that they are not criminals, and that their overweening desire is to become useful, productive citizens and AMERICANS.

Holy shit, the Pilgrims brought disease and criminals - then, after Native Americans kept them from starving to death - they killed them and stole their lands. Today's immigrants are much more civilized and deserving of our kindness.

Good point......:(

By the way, it is the Altai region, DNA matches close between First Nations in this land, and those Eurasians.
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