Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children

It doesn't sound as if taxpayer dollars went towards the lollipops. If she bought them herself, and did this in her free time, who gives a shit?

Free lollipops will draw thousands of brown moochers to the border.
You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.


The partisan right's ODS is so severe that they actually seek to harm innocent children and violate their civil liberties in an effort to attack the president.
this is what you pay these people for?

Why do you hate Mexican children so much you'd begrudge them a fucking lollipop? You're a really bitter and hateful person. You must have failed miserably in life to get that way.

Those kids didn't make the trip for lollipops. So unless we can say welcome home to them handing them a lollipop before saying, now get the hell out of here, seems cynically hypocritical to me.

I'm not suggesting we should be unnecessarily hostile toward them. But holding out false hope and setting them up for disappointment is nothing more than self-serving, synthetic kindness.

Self-serving, synthetic kindness is what Jackson-Lee and her compatriots specialize in.
These are future democrat voters. The poor ignorant useful idiots here still think they can fool some people. Obama certainly does, which is why you pitiful creatures are defending this.

The very fact that the "poor ignorant useful idiots" are defending this atrocious disregard for his oath of office and an absolute failure to execute the laws of the land should indicate that obama has apparently been able to completely bamboozle some portion of the electorate. The sheeple have bleated, please respect that...they are the "majority", after all!
These are future democrat voters. The poor ignorant useful idiots here still think they can fool some people. Obama certainly does, which is why you pitiful creatures are defending this.

The very fact that the "poor ignorant useful idiots" are defending this atrocious disregard for his oath of office and an absolute failure to execute the laws of the land should indicate that obama has apparently been able to completely bamboozle some portion of the electorate. The sheeple have bleated, please respect that...they are the "majority", after all!

You seem to be forgetting that little act that President George W. Bush signed in 2008.
Our entire country is made of immigrants save the indians.

This craving for being homogenous is new and a play on how fucking dumb and hate/fearful the retards can be.

No, the Indians are immigrants also. We all came from Africa, even the Indians.

American Indians likely came from Russia crossing the Bering Strait when it was still a solid landmass (before global warming caused the land to sink into the ocean). That would make the US actually Russian territory. Let's give it back!

USA belonging to russia would be a republican's dream. They'd automatically be under Vladimer Putin.
These are future democrat voters. The poor ignorant useful idiots here still think they can fool some people. Obama certainly does, which is why you pitiful creatures are defending this.

The very fact that the "poor ignorant useful idiots" are defending this atrocious disregard for his oath of office and an absolute failure to execute the laws of the land should indicate that obama has apparently been able to completely bamboozle some portion of the electorate. The sheeple have bleated, please respect that...they are the "majority", after all!

You seem to be forgetting that little act that President George W. Bush signed in 2008.

So because GW Bush made stupid decisions, your messiah should be given a pass for doubling down? Apparently you were raised by wolves, because most normal parents would have taught you that two wrongs do not make a right.
The very fact that the "poor ignorant useful idiots" are defending this atrocious disregard for his oath of office and an absolute failure to execute the laws of the land should indicate that obama has apparently been able to completely bamboozle some portion of the electorate. The sheeple have bleated, please respect that...they are the "majority", after all!

You seem to be forgetting that little act that President George W. Bush signed in 2008.

So because GW Bush made stupid decisions, your messiah should be given a pass for doubling down? Apparently you were raised by wolves, because most normal parents would have taught you that two wrongs do not make a right.

Duh, a law is a law until Congress amends or overturns it.
You seem to be forgetting that little act that President George W. Bush signed in 2008.

So because GW Bush made stupid decisions, your messiah should be given a pass for doubling down? Apparently you were raised by wolves, because most normal parents would have taught you that two wrongs do not make a right.

Duh, a law is a law until Congress amends or overturns it.

Couldn't prove that by d'ohbama. Rule by decree...
Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children
Who are entitled to due process of the law along with all other persons in the United States.

They are entitled to the same treatment we treat Mexicans, and Canadians if caught trying to enter the U.S. illegally, within 48 hours they are deported, no hearings, IF CAUGHT entering by our border patrol!
Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children
Who are entitled to due process of the law along with all other persons in the United States.

They are entitled to the same treatment we treat Mexicans, and Canadians if caught trying to enter the U.S. illegally, within 48 hours they are deported, no hearings, IF CAUGHT entering by our border patrol!

That's not what our current law says to do, maybe we should reform the law?
Who are entitled to due process of the law along with all other persons in the United States.

They are entitled to the same treatment we treat Mexicans, and Canadians if caught trying to enter the U.S. illegally, within 48 hours they are deported, no hearings, IF CAUGHT entering by our border patrol!

That's not what our current law says to do, maybe we should reform the law?

Congress makes law. That's Obama's problem, and that's why he's doing this.
If obama can force feed illegals here for the next two years, he thinks he can end up with his dictatorship.
Our entire country is made of immigrants save the indians.

This craving for being homogenous is new and a play on how fucking dumb and hate/fearful the retards can be.

Do we want to make the same mistake the Indians made with the lack of enforcement of immigration laws to protect their nations!
You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.

It least it shows us how compassionate conservatives really are. I mean, anyone who picks on children has got some issues that have nothing at all to do with politics.

Why is it picking on children to enforce the law?

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