Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children

The point asswipe, is that members of Congress should not be pandering to criminals that violated our border laws.

If she wants to build them an orphanage resort in their country with her own $$$, then go for it.

Don't bring them here and demand AMERICANS pay for them.

It doesn't sound as if taxpayer dollars went towards the lollipops. If she bought them herself, and did this in her free time, who gives a shit?
You are the idiot they are targeting for support...."Ahhh look at the little brown children.":eusa_whistle:

Their families back in their countries are playing that children and race card to make scum like you feel sad for them.

Honduras is the murder capital of the world, how many of those criminals are going to be brought here to be with their "children" once scum like you make them legit?

You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.

It least it shows us how compassionate conservatives really are. I mean, anyone who picks on children has got some issues that have nothing at all to do with politics.
Shitstain....they are future Democrap voters because they will be on welfare for life and have come from corrupt left-wing countries where the masses are bred to follow socialists off a cliff.

These are future democrat voters. The poor ignorant useful idiots here still think they can fool some people. Obama certainly does, which is why you pitiful creatures are defending this.

The main reason they would be future democrat voters is because of the way that conservative Republicans treat them. Namely, with contempt.
Shitstain....they are future Democrap voters because they will be on welfare for life and have come from corrupt left-wing countries where the masses are bred to follow socialists off a cliff.

These are future democrat voters. The poor ignorant useful idiots here still think they can fool some people. Obama certainly does, which is why you pitiful creatures are defending this.

The main reason they would be future democrat voters is because of the way that conservative Republicans treat them. Namely, with contempt.

I've known quite a few immigrants. Most of them work long hours for fairly low pay which is one of the reasons that American businesses love them so much. But your attitude is not lost on them. It also verifies my previous post. If conservatives think think they can talk about minority immigrants like this on a regular basis, and then stand a chance of appealing to them prior to an election, they they (you) are dreaming. Then after the election you guys will likely return to the mantra that they're lazy takers who just want free stuff, further alienating any chance you'll ever have that you can appeal to them for their votes in future elections.

The POINT is that it's CONSERVATIVES who are driving them away from ever voting for one of your candidates. Democrats don't have to do anything except stand back while someone sticks a microphone in conservatives faces and let you guys have your say. Don't worry, someone will translate it into Spanish so they'll all know what you're saying.
Asswipe, people that come here legally and speak English are the worst enemy of Democrap scum like you.

I dated a doctor from Romania, she and her family hated liberals like you because you are limp dick versions of what they escaped coming here LEGALLY.

Dumb illegals from south of the border with no skills, diseases and do not speak English are a fucking drain on this country. They will end up on welfare and it would take 2-3 generations for any of their breed to make here legitimately.

Scum like you know this thus feel that is 2-3 generations of Democrap voters that are reliant on "daddy" in the GOV to keep them alive with free shit paid for by real Americans.

Shitstain....they are future Democrap voters because they will be on welfare for life and have come from corrupt left-wing countries where the masses are bred to follow socialists off a cliff.

The main reason they would be future democrat voters is because of the way that conservative Republicans treat them. Namely, with contempt.

I've known quite a few immigrants. Most of them work long hours for fairly low pay which is one of the reasons that American businesses love them so much. But your attitude is not lost on them. It also verifies my previous post. If conservatives think think they can talk about minority immigrants like this on a regular basis, and then stand a chance of appealing to them prior to an election, they they (you) are dreaming. Then after the election you guys will likely return to the mantra that they're lazy takers who just want free stuff, further alienating any chance you'll ever have that you can appeal to them for their votes in future elections.

The POINT is that it's CONSERVATIVES who are driving them away from ever voting for one of your candidates. Democrats don't have to do anything except stand back while someone sticks a microphone in conservatives faces and let you guys have your say. Don't worry, someone will translate it into Spanish so they'll all know what you're saying.
These are future democrat voters. The poor ignorant useful idiots here still think they can fool some people. Obama certainly does, which is why you pitiful creatures are defending this.

The main reason they would be future democrat voters is because of the way that conservative Republicans treat them. Namely, with contempt.


This is also why Hispanic Americans don't vote republican now.
These are future democrat voters. The poor ignorant useful idiots here still think they can fool some people. Obama certainly does, which is why you pitiful creatures are defending this.

The main reason they would be future democrat voters is because of the way that conservative Republicans treat them. Namely, with contempt.


This is also why Hispanic Americans don't vote republican now.

It surprises me that conservatives are too obtuse to realize it although I think the Republican leadership understands. Unfortunately, these days conservative Republicans are so busy pandering to the base that they have zero opportunity to do any kind of outreach to any other groups because conservatives react so vociferously every time they try.

The conservative base virtually guarantees political marginalization of the GOP at some future date as the demographic numbers continue to change and they haven't done anything to broaden their support.
Strange....the GOP has many Hispanics in Congress. :cuckoo:

You cater to the bottom of the barrel Hispanics whereas the smarter hard working Hispanics go with the GOP.

These are future democrat voters. The poor ignorant useful idiots here still think they can fool some people. Obama certainly does, which is why you pitiful creatures are defending this.

The main reason they would be future democrat voters is because of the way that conservative Republicans treat them. Namely, with contempt.


This is also why Hispanic Americans don't vote republican now.
Asswipe, people that come here legally and speak English are the worst enemy of Democrap scum like you.

I dated a doctor from Romania, she and her family hated liberals like you because you are limp dick versions of what they escaped coming here LEGALLY.

Dumb illegals from south of the border with no skills, diseases and do not speak English are a fucking drain on this country. They will end up on welfare and it would take 2-3 generations for any of their breed to make here legitimately.

Scum like you know this thus feel that is 2-3 generations of Democrap voters that are reliant on "daddy" in the GOV to keep them alive with free shit paid for by real Americans.

Shitstain....they are future Democrap voters because they will be on welfare for life and have come from corrupt left-wing countries where the masses are bred to follow socialists off a cliff.

I've known quite a few immigrants. Most of them work long hours for fairly low pay which is one of the reasons that American businesses love them so much. But your attitude is not lost on them. It also verifies my previous post. If conservatives think think they can talk about minority immigrants like this on a regular basis, and then stand a chance of appealing to them prior to an election, they they (you) are dreaming. Then after the election you guys will likely return to the mantra that they're lazy takers who just want free stuff, further alienating any chance you'll ever have that you can appeal to them for their votes in future elections.

The POINT is that it's CONSERVATIVES who are driving them away from ever voting for one of your candidates. Democrats don't have to do anything except stand back while someone sticks a microphone in conservatives faces and let you guys have your say. Don't worry, someone will translate it into Spanish so they'll all know what you're saying.

The good news is the demographic shift and ass-wipe rightwing crackers like you will be like pimples on a hogs ass :lol:
Sure wetback....you are scum making minimum wage in NC fields.

Asswipe, people that come here legally and speak English are the worst enemy of Democrap scum like you.

I dated a doctor from Romania, she and her family hated liberals like you because you are limp dick versions of what they escaped coming here LEGALLY.

Dumb illegals from south of the border with no skills, diseases and do not speak English are a fucking drain on this country. They will end up on welfare and it would take 2-3 generations for any of their breed to make here legitimately.

Scum like you know this thus feel that is 2-3 generations of Democrap voters that are reliant on "daddy" in the GOV to keep them alive with free shit paid for by real Americans.

I've known quite a few immigrants. Most of them work long hours for fairly low pay which is one of the reasons that American businesses love them so much. But your attitude is not lost on them. It also verifies my previous post. If conservatives think think they can talk about minority immigrants like this on a regular basis, and then stand a chance of appealing to them prior to an election, they they (you) are dreaming. Then after the election you guys will likely return to the mantra that they're lazy takers who just want free stuff, further alienating any chance you'll ever have that you can appeal to them for their votes in future elections.

The POINT is that it's CONSERVATIVES who are driving them away from ever voting for one of your candidates. Democrats don't have to do anything except stand back while someone sticks a microphone in conservatives faces and let you guys have your say. Don't worry, someone will translate it into Spanish so they'll all know what you're saying.

The good news is the demographic shift and ass-wipe rightwing crackers like you will be like pimples on a hogs ass :lol:
You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.

It least it shows us how compassionate conservatives really are. I mean, anyone who picks on children has got some issues that have nothing at all to do with politics.

That probably works on naive college kids.
The parents didn't come here first because they know the TV cameras won't show up to give their "sob stories."

So they sent their kiddies to create the "sob stories" to get the whole family invited.

It would be like a poor family begging for food will use their kiddies to get food for the entire family.

You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.

It least it shows us how compassionate conservatives really are. I mean, anyone who picks on children has got some issues that have nothing at all to do with politics.

That probably works on naive college kids.
You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.

It least it shows us how compassionate conservatives really are. I mean, anyone who picks on children has got some issues that have nothing at all to do with politics.

That probably works on naive college kids.

It works on pretty much everyone since it's both true and simple common sense.
Maybe little batshit boy should have his own forum where he can just repeat the same racist, bigoted nonsense he always does without taking up space on other threads. Call it 'Guano's World of Racism and Idiocy' or something. Let the little idiot get all the hate out of his system without annoying everyone else.
Our entire country is made of immigrants save the indians.

This craving for being homogenous is new and a play on how fucking dumb and hate/fearful the retards can be.

Most Americans were born here. NOT naturalized immigrants. If ya wanna get picky even the natives came here from Asia.

Most americans being born here has zero to do with the formation of our country or how their parents parents (etc.) Got their family here....what a disengenuous schmuck point.

We have an immigration process that disingenuous schmucks keep turning a blind eye to under the guise of compassion..... :thup:
Most Americans were born here. NOT naturalized immigrants. If ya wanna get picky even the natives came here from Asia.

Most americans being born here has zero to do with the formation of our country or how their parents parents (etc.) Got their family here....what a disengenuous schmuck point.

We have an immigration process that disingenuous schmucks keep turning a blind eye to under the guise of compassion..... :thup:

You mean turn a blind eye to the LAW that Bush signed in 2008?
It least it shows us how compassionate conservatives really are. I mean, anyone who picks on children has got some issues that have nothing at all to do with politics.

That probably works on naive college kids.

It works on pretty much everyone since it's both true and simple common sense.

Obama is the pissant who is abusing children. He's responsible for them being here. Do you really think you're fooling anyone?
Most americans being born here has zero to do with the formation of our country or how their parents parents (etc.) Got their family here....what a disengenuous schmuck point.

We have an immigration process that disingenuous schmucks keep turning a blind eye to under the guise of compassion..... :thup:

You mean turn a blind eye to the LAW that Bush signed in 2008?

Right and after six years of this law, illegal children are finally showing up in droves. Good call shitting bull........ :thup:
You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.
These kids are subject to being deported. With that in mind I'm inclined to think it best to behave in a neutral manner toward them, neither overly friendly nor overly unfriendly. Feed them, provide them with normal comforts, but don't give them false hope and then pull the rug out from under them by putting them on a bus and waving goodbye.

Lee can emotionally afford to hand out lollipops to these kids because it won't be she who puts them on the bus.
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