Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children

Speaking of sell outs...america is a melting pot. Some evil or dumb people sold.out to the hyperbole of being askurred of immigrants. Whos that?

Oh yea, both parties.
Strange how the rightwing christian crackers never quote this from their god man

Matt 25:40 ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

The love your brothers and sisters parts of the bible is optional as far as they are concerned. If they can make them seem dangerous enough to the point that they seem like enemies with bad motives then the old testament kicks in where it's required that enemies be treated with as much spite as is possible.
So should the first of your descendants that came here have
REMEMBER, Elian Gonzalez ?

Bill Clinton thought he should be RETURNED to a communist country

my how things have changed eh?
Why can a Democrat Congresswoman be allowed into a detention center while a Republican Congressman be refused entry into a detention center in his own district?
Why can a Democrat Congresswoman be allowed into a detention center while a Republican Congressman be refused entry into a detention center in his own district?

You said the magic word, Democrat
they need to distract us from all the ADULTS they are releasing on us...so what better way by using children?
You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.

How do you treat someone who doesn't follow the law? Like royalty?
REMEMBER, Elian Gonzalez ?

Bill Clinton thought he should be RETURNED to a communist country

my how things have changed eh?

Bill Clinton followed our immigration laws then and Obama is doing it now. The law says that children not from Mexico or Canada get processed differently and it takes some time. You should already know this by now.
REMEMBER, Elian Gonzalez ?

Bill Clinton thought he should be RETURNED to a communist country

my how things have changed eh?

Bill Clinton followed our immigration laws then and Obama is doing it now. The law says that children not from Mexico or Canada get processed differently and it takes some time. You should already know this by now.

You used "know" in the wrong context.

You quoted stephanie.
really, so this what they spit in the face, at all you citizens who are concerned over this INVASION on our borders

You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.

just wow, but he's from OCCUPY Democrats, so we should expect that nasty ass post

remember, they are just children they want YOU to believe..spit out nasty replies or contact your frikken Congress

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No worries.. American's all over the border towns are fed up and let's not forget the upcoming elections.. ;-) Things are about to change.. Hang in there.. The reign of terror the Left has unleashed on this nation is almost over..

33 Seats in the senate will be up for grabs!!
Our entire country is made of immigrants save the indians.

This craving for being homogenous is new and a play on how fucking dumb and hate/fearful the retards can be.

The "Indians" (they weren't from India) weren't "from" here either...they also were immigrants.

As far as I know, no one wants a homogenous population. What we want is for people to follow the laws and immigrate here legally.
Lol @ "invasion."

The brainwashing is real as fuck!

They think the entire population of Mexico is pressed against the border like a zombie hoarde that needs to be put down.
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They should continue to come to the land of opportunity.

As long as they comply with the immigration laws, I agree!

LOL You're talking to the fringe kook left here of the nation.. They don't give a damn about the law.. The law is whatever Obama says it is.. Get with the program already.

These kids would mostly be home already if the law did not prevent it, perhaps the law needs to be reformed?

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