Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children

They should continue to come to the land of opportunity.

As long as they comply with the immigration laws, I agree!

LOL You're talking to the fringe kook left here of the nation.. They don't give a damn about the law.. The law is whatever Obama says it is.. Get with the program already.

I tire of their attempts to say the Right is anti-immigration and legitimize those coming here illegally as if they aren't "cutting in line". I am proud that so many people are willing to come to this country and welcome all who come here legally.
As long as they comply with the immigration laws, I agree!

LOL You're talking to the fringe kook left here of the nation.. They don't give a damn about the law.. The law is whatever Obama says it is.. Get with the program already.

These kids would mostly be home already if the law did not prevent it, perhaps the law needs to be reformed?

Boehner would not take up the issue before recess.
all of sudden with Obama elected our laws just weren't good enough and HE needs to reform them

are you people falling for this line of bs?
They should continue to come to the land of opportunity.

Stephanie and her family and its lineage are no more entitled to having become American then these children.

This superiority complex is kind of sickening.

Yeah open up the boarders, welcome to the USA where no one has to work, welfare for all come and get it.
I agree they should come here, i disagree they shouldnt work.
oh boy

talk about superiority COMPLEX...What the fxxk do you call this joker?

They should continue to come to the land of opportunity.

Stephanie and her family and its lineage are no more entitled to having become American then these children.

This superiority complex is kind of sickening.

I was born here and I'm A LEGAL AMERCIAN citizen and we have a right to be concerned about this..
so let me say, you can go to hell
Your family didnt originate here...noones did. Youre no better then these kids, period.

You are in fact worse. You care about politics this and that and your phony pride more then you do about flesh and blood living breathing human beings. You are so brainwashed by your ego and sense of entitlement to a land you did nothing to create or settle personally that youd "drop off" a five year old at the border to die in the desert and you spiddle anger and frustration that he was given a lollipop. Scum of the earth.
Remember how Pelsoi wanted to take some home with her?

I guess her houses aren't big enough, so it's up to us citizens to pay for them while our "government" take them lollipops

just amazing watching some of you in this thread, you'd sell US out in heartbeat...and just think they never had to fire a shot

Prove that she used tax dollars for the lollipops. You are simply a sucker to hate politics...typical Teaper.
Your family didnt originate here...noones did. Youre no better then these kids, period.

You are in fact worse. You care about politics this and that and your phony pride more then you do about flesh and blood living breathing human beings. You are so brainwashed by your ego and sense of entitlement to a land you did nothing to create or settle personally that youd "drop off" a five year old at the border to die in the desert and you spiddle anger and frustration that he was given a lollipop. Scum of the earth.

someone like I wouldn't spit on if you were on fire
keep spewing you show a scum of the earth well
see ya
I agree they should come here, i disagree they shouldnt work.

But if they work it won't likely be for more than they can't get in free welfare. So why work? What for? Why does anyone thing the illegal immigrants will be dumber than our welfare poor who refuse to work for a living?
These psycho hate threads disturb me. Must be a slow July 4th for some...
all of sudden with Obama elected our laws just weren't good enough and HE needs to reform them

are you people falling for this line of bs?

Immigration reform has been a major election year issue since long before you even heard of Obama.
Welfare doesnt incentivise me not to work.

Theres likely a shit ton of these immigrants who feel the same and will be great employees who contribute to the growth of this country. I look forward to it.

They say govt assistance is at all time highs? Well yea, if youndisengenuously count all the retiring aged population now collecting the social security and medicaid they paid into their entire working lives.

Rome is not burning.
You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.

You people, lol, condescend much?

She gave them lollipops give her a noble peace prize. It's meaningless just like her gesture.
well all the scum has showed up

so they can have this thread, call your congresscritters if you're concerned over the INVASION going on

happy fourth right?
see ya all
You people do need to quit treating them like criminals. I know all this fear and loathing is somehow fun to you people but getting your hate fix on these kids is kind of creepy.

You people, lol, condescend much?

She gave them lollipops give her a noble peace prize. It's meaningless just like her gesture.

I say "you people" all the time and I mean to be condescending to such organized hate as the people who are using fear and loathing of illegal immigrants to stir up some votes.
The real point, as far as I'm concerned, is not that anyone hates children or immigrants----it's the manner in which they came to this country that has so many people riled up. They shunned our immigration laws and instead of filing the necessary papers, gettiing on the immigration list and entering this country as millions before them have done, they persist in sneaking across the border and overloading our social services to the point of insolvency.

This is illegal entry no matter how you try to sugar coat it, and the government is condoning such behavior by encouraging this blatant disregard of our legal system and "legal" immigration policies. The immigrants from other countries must regard this current administration with disdain and loathing. Who can blame them?
Sheila Jackson Lee has always been a lunatic. She has no idea that she is helping the very people who would commit genocide on her own people.

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