Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children

The horror!!!!

& to add, an imitation of a stephanie response to a thread like THIS from the left:

"Seriously? This is what you low lifes are reduced to, complaining about CHILDREN getting lollipops? These despicable liberal sites are to be SHUNNED! MY gawd, get a life "

...and you and Occupied and the rest of Progressive America have invited how many of them into your homes?
yea, they are on it...of course certain people here don't care HOW they're getting here so called, unaccompanied...nor do they care if THEY DIE doing it


DHS Tells Congress They’ve Sent Open Letter Telling Parents Not to Send Kids Across Border

Congress tries to get answers on what caused the influx and what to do about flood of immigrants.

Rodrigo Sermeño


July 3, 2014 - 1:05 am

WASHINGTON – Congress seeks to stop an influx of unaccompanied children from Latin American countries as thousands continue to stream across the southern border – and wants enforcement to start with an “unambiguous message” from the Obama administration.

The House held three hearings last week on the crisis as federal officials struggle to slow the tide of young immigrants crossing the border.

More than 52,000 minors traveling without their parents have been caught crossing the southwest border illegally since October, including 9,000 in May alone. More than 250 children are being apprehended every day along the southern border.

Nearly two-thirds of them have crossed through the Rio Grande Valley section of the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas.

The surge in migration also includes 39,000 adults with children detained since October – an unprecedented figure. According to DHS data, the increase in unaccompanied children from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras began in 2012 and has accelerated since then.

ALL of it here
PJ Media » DHS Tells Congress They?ve Sent Open Letter Telling Parents Not to Send Kids Across Border
The real point, as far as I'm concerned, is not that anyone hates children or immigrants----it's the manner in which they came to this country that has so many people riled up. They shunned our immigration laws and instead of filing the necessary papers, gettiing on the immigration list and entering this country as millions before them have done, they persist in sneaking across the border and overloading our social services to the point of insolvency.

This is illegal entry no matter how you try to sugar coat it, and the government is condoning such behavior by encouraging this blatant disregard of our legal system and "legal" immigration policies. The immigrants from other countries must regard this current administration with disdain and loathing. Who can blame them?

People are running away from bad shit, would you get in line and wait patently to flee the armed gang on your street? Not me, I would take off to somewhere where there is a lot less bad shit and not give a fuck about legality. When you have nothing you have nothing to lose.
The horror!!!!

& to add, an imitation of a stephanie response to a thread like THIS from the left:

"Seriously? This is what you low lifes are reduced to, complaining about CHILDREN getting lollipops? These despicable liberal sites are to be SHUNNED! MY gawd, get a life "

...and you and Occupied and the rest of Progressive America have invited how many of them into your homes?

don't expect them to either that's for "others" to care for

they just sit on a message board and spit out how superior they are suppose to be
Welfare doesnt incentivise me not to work.

Theres likely a shit ton of these immigrants who feel the same and will be great employees who contribute to the growth of this country. I look forward to it.

They say govt assistance is at all time highs? Well yea, if youndisengenuously count all the retiring aged population now collecting the social security and medicaid they paid into their entire working lives.

Rome is not burning.

lol not burning, the titanic's bulkheads are full the ship has already gone vertical and is heading down, the back of the boat is just about to go under water, and you are strapped to the back rail playing your instrument...

50 million Americans on food stamps and still increasing. Not sure if you heard this or not, but Obama and the democrats turned off the welfare reforms enacted under the Clinton administration. Largest percentage of non-working Americans of working age in 4 decades and trending worse not better. Largest percentage of Americans on disability by far ever in the history of this or any other country in the history of mankind. National debt is 17.6 trillion. Largest percentage of debt to GDP since WWII. Unfunded liabilities on the order of another 50trillion that will have to be funded by increases in SS/Medicare tax rates on our children and grandchildren.
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I have no problem with her giving them lollipops.. as long as she bought them with her own money and not tax dollars....

I do have a problem with her idea that they should be allowed to stay. Mexico allowed them into their country, send them back to Mexico.
You can see here who the REAL haters are and it's against us, not the problem on our border..

wow, nasty ugly people

I hope they can have a nice day..doubtful though
The horror!!!!

& to add, an imitation of a stephanie response to a thread like THIS from the left:

"Seriously? This is what you low lifes are reduced to, complaining about CHILDREN getting lollipops? These despicable liberal sites are to be SHUNNED! MY gawd, get a life "

...and you and Occupied and the rest of Progressive America have invited how many of them into your homes?

All anyone is wanting is a minimum acceptable level of decency when dealing with our neighboring counties and their economic refugees, not throw open the gates. Can the right just not deal with this issue without xenophobic hyperbole?

But Squaw, of ALL PEOPLE you should know that the Spanish stole, killed, and subjugated the native Indians of Mexico of their land.... where's your fucking outrage, Tonto?
The horror!!!!

& to add, an imitation of a stephanie response to a thread like THIS from the left:

"Seriously? This is what you low lifes are reduced to, complaining about CHILDREN getting lollipops? These despicable liberal sites are to be SHUNNED! MY gawd, get a life "

...and you and Occupied and the rest of Progressive America have invited how many of them into your homes?

All anyone is wanting is a minimum acceptable level of decency when dealing with our neighboring counties and their economic refugees, not throw open the gates. Can the right just not deal with this issue without xenophobic hyperbole?

We want to follow the Law, send them home.
The horror!!!!

& to add, an imitation of a stephanie response to a thread like THIS from the left:

"Seriously? This is what you low lifes are reduced to, complaining about CHILDREN getting lollipops? These despicable liberal sites are to be SHUNNED! MY gawd, get a life "

...and you and Occupied and the rest of Progressive America have invited how many of them into your homes?

All anyone is wanting is a minimum acceptable level of decency when dealing with our neighboring counties and their economic refugees, not throw open the gates. Can the right just not deal with this issue without xenophobic hyperbole?

How many can we bank on you taking care of....2-3 come on, you NEED to give them a chance with YOUR MONEY, and compassion! Where do you live, I'll have HHS send over a few gang bangers...you have a few young daughters?.... They'll like that!
...and you and Occupied and the rest of Progressive America have invited how many of them into your homes?

All anyone is wanting is a minimum acceptable level of decency when dealing with our neighboring counties and their economic refugees, not throw open the gates. Can the right just not deal with this issue without xenophobic hyperbole?

How many can we bank on you taking care of....2-3 come on, you NEED to give them a chance with YOUR MONEY, and compassion! Where do you live, I'll have HHS send over a few gang bangers...you have a few young daughters?.... They'll like that!

I did not ask for an example of xenophobic hyperbole, but yeah, it's just like that.
All anyone is wanting is a minimum acceptable level of decency when dealing with our neighboring counties and their economic refugees, not throw open the gates. Can the right just not deal with this issue without xenophobic hyperbole?

How many can we bank on you taking care of....2-3 come on, you NEED to give them a chance with YOUR MONEY, and compassion! Where do you live, I'll have HHS send over a few gang bangers...you have a few young daughters?.... They'll like that!

I did not ask for an example of xenophobic hyperbole, but yeah, it's just like that.

How many will you PERSONALLY be taking care of again?
All anyone is wanting is a minimum acceptable level of decency when dealing with our neighboring counties and their economic refugees, not throw open the gates. Can the right just not deal with this issue without xenophobic hyperbole?

How many can we bank on you taking care of....2-3 come on, you NEED to give them a chance with YOUR MONEY, and compassion! Where do you live, I'll have HHS send over a few gang bangers...you have a few young daughters?.... They'll like that!

I did not ask for an example of xenophobic hyperbole, but yeah, it's just like that.

So that means you'll take in 3 ,right Occuhead? Or just more HYPOCRISY of a liberal that will spend our money, but won't do a fucking thing otherwise.
...and you and Occupied and the rest of Progressive America have invited how many of them into your homes?

All anyone is wanting is a minimum acceptable level of decency when dealing with our neighboring counties and their economic refugees, not throw open the gates. Can the right just not deal with this issue without xenophobic hyperbole?

How many can we bank on you taking care of....2-3 come on, you NEED to give them a chance with YOUR MONEY, and compassion! Where do you live, I'll have HHS send over a few gang bangers...you have a few young daughters?.... They'll like that!

I totally concur with this statement. For decades , since Roe V Wade all we've heard in the debate about abortion is, "How many of you Cons will take in a child and care for it?" It's time for liberals to ante up.. Step up to the fucking plate..This is YOUR policy and we all know it's for one reason alone: A VOTING BLOC.. and nothing more.
How many can we bank on you taking care of....2-3 come on, you NEED to give them a chance with YOUR MONEY, and compassion! Where do you live, I'll have HHS send over a few gang bangers...you have a few young daughters?.... They'll like that!

I did not ask for an example of xenophobic hyperbole, but yeah, it's just like that.

How many will you PERSONALLY be taking care of again?

How many will you be personally treating like garbage. It's easier to hate people you don't have to look at or even see as humans.
Murrieta Town Hall a la Raza short - YouTube

Open border supporters at the Murrieta town hall last night chanted, “Viva la Raza!” outside the meeting.

The activists threatened locals leaving the town hall meeting.

If La Raza got its wishes, Open Borders and Return of the US Southwest to 'the People', they would not know what to do with themselves. The guy complaining about refugees returning to 'war torn' countries, he makes the argument that most of Latin American governments are failures. La Raza ought to put its efforts into sweeping changes and reform throughout Central and South America if they are so concerned about 'the Race'. But, they are more concerned with shaking down the USA. How original.

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