Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children


Wouldn't it really be better to split the nation? It's where we're heading. Just break off parts, some would go back to mexico, Alaska could go back to Russia and the gays could have Vermont.

Alaska was PURCHASED from Russia - not STOLEN.

Oh yeah, the good old stolen land crap. Have you ever held a job?
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Are you a real Native or an Elizabeth Warren native?

:lol: Shitting Bull and PokaWantas are related most likely.

Why are you such an ignorant racist?

I don't know.. perhaps it's because I despise fake minorities.. You know, someone who uses the system when their Great-Grandmother's 5th cousin's father's uncle had 1/16th of a quarter cherokee and claimed a special status in order to not only use it as a weapon against speech but to game the system.
Our entire country is made of immigrants save the indians.

This craving for being homogenous is new and a play on how fucking dumb and hate/fearful the retards can be.

No, the Indians are immigrants also. We all came from Africa, even the Indians.

American Indians likely came from Russia crossing the Bering Strait when it was still a solid landmass (before global warming caused the land to sink into the ocean). That would make the US actually Russian territory. Let's give it back!

Do you even know about what you're babbling?

Better to remain silent and be a suspected moron than to post and remove all doubt.

None? So you're just one of the useful idiots. Fee, I thought you were one of the elites.


I knew you couldn't take a hint.

C'mon, you must have a stake in this. Why are you supporting a wave of illegals who have no skills or education being dumped in your country?
Our entire country is made of immigrants save the indians.

This craving for being homogenous is new and a play on how fucking dumb and hate/fearful the retards can be.

No, the Indians are immigrants also. We all came from Africa, even the Indians.

American Indians likely came from Russia crossing the Bering Strait when it was still a solid landmass (before global warming caused the land to sink into the ocean). That would make the US actually Russian territory. Let's give it back!

None? So you're just one of the useful idiots. Fee, I thought you were one of the elites.


I knew you couldn't take a hint.

C'mon, you must have a stake in this. Why are you supporting a wave of illegals who have no skills or education being dumped in your country?


Where did I say I supported a "wave of illegals" with or without skills?

Are you just posting whatever happens to float through your mind?

Just to sorta give you a little guidance; if it was up to me, we'd landmine the border and place machine gun nests at every 100 yards from the Gulf Coast near Brownsville to the Pacific Ocean near San Diego, and resupply them with 0.50 cal ammo until we my Zero Immigration Tolerance Policy was understood by every fucking man, woman, and child living between Juarez and Terra Del Fuego.

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