Texas Dem hands out lollipops to detained immigrant children

Lollipops! Lollipops!? This is unamerican, liberal nanny state BULLSHIT! Blaaaarrrgh!!!
If enough people living in America (I refuse to call them Americans) believe that America is stolen land that should be returned, belongs to the world and shouldn't have borders because of immigration, or just needs to be punished for prior bad acts, then the nation will shortly not exist. The existence of a country, ANY country, depends on a willingness of its inhabitants that it should exist. When we lose that, we lost it all.

Normally such a god-fearing, masturbatory piece of patriotism would bring a tear to my AMERICAN eyes; but coming from somebody that has openly praised Putin over her own president, it means diddly squat.
She is the stupid bitch that asked NASA officials in a hearing if the Mars rover was going to see where the astronauts planeted the US flag....on "Mars."
If enough people living in America (I refuse to call them Americans) believe that America is stolen land that should be returned, belongs to the world and shouldn't have borders because of immigration, or just needs to be punished for prior bad acts, then the nation will shortly not exist. The existence of a country, ANY country, depends on a willingness of its inhabitants that it should exist. When we lose that, we lost it all.

Normally such a god-fearing, masturbatory piece of patriotism would bring a tear to my AMERICAN eyes; but coming from somebody that has openly praised Putin over her own president, it means diddly squat.

Ahhh...the stupid blonde one.
Now I know why it's such a stupid thread.

"AAAHHHH!!!!...I'm trying to crap out another shitty thread!!!"
Of course scum like Obama are trying to portray the millions of illegals in this country as just like some US troops that joined the US military as non-Americans.

It is nothing new that people from other countries can join the US military and "earn" their citizenship. If I was them I'd be pissed for Obama to compare serving in the US military with jumping the border and using stolen personal information of others to live in the US.
If enough people living in America (I refuse to call them Americans) believe that America is stolen land that should be returned, belongs to the world and shouldn't have borders because of immigration, or just needs to be punished for prior bad acts, then the nation will shortly not exist. The existence of a country, ANY country, depends on a willingness of its inhabitants that it should exist. When we lose that, we lost it all.

Normally such a god-fearing, masturbatory piece of patriotism would bring a tear to my AMERICAN eyes; but coming from somebody that has openly praised Putin over her own president, it means diddly squat.

At least Putin loves his country and is a Patriot. He's not a fraud who wants to bring down his own country. Shame on you.
How do you treat someone who doesn't follow the law? Like royalty?

No, but you don't kick them when they're down either. Lollipop, big deal.

Why is this happening and who is behind it?
Refugee Resettlement in Metropolitan America | migrationpolicy.org

It happens all the time, in rushes similar to this one, this is why we have laws on how to handle refugees...read the link, it is long but very informative...mind blowing to a degree...
Of course a bunch of idiots being used by Obama when he is trying to sell the American public on letting 12-20 million illegals become so-called Americans. :eusa_whistle:

Low class for Obama to pull this stunt when he is sneaking in thousands of illegals into border states....

It's the 5th year he has hosted a military families pic nic at the White House on July 4th. He has made it a tradition of his term in office.

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