Texas GOP officials agree: Legal same-sex marriage will cause incest and pedophilia


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2014
Texas GOP officials agree: Legal same-sex marriage will cause incest and pedophilia

That's the mindset of the GOP that continues to marginalize otherwise great hard-working, tax-paying American citizens who happen to be GLBT. Never mind the real issues of the day facing the citizenry like jobs, education, cleaner water, etc. No. Let's just target Gays with these laughable, poorly thought out ideas that are very offensive and highly inaccurate, and gullible Texans will vote for their side! That's why Texas will never amount to any more than a second-rate state known for its bigotry and hate. And well, everybody is already seeing Red there aren't they, it's gotta be from all the hate. It's that penchant from the right to continue to throw these GLBT citizens under the bus and forget about them while trying to sell a rotten egg to their hungry followers who many times unknowingly go on to eat it voraciously.
Not cause it, because incest and pedophilia has existed for a long time, as have all other aberrations. What legalization of same sex marriage will do, is increase the acceptance of incest and pedophilia as just a incidence of aberration being socially acceptable and another form of normal.
The last gasps of the Leave it to Beaver crowd, who know that society is leaving them in the past, where they belong.
Not cause it, because incest and pedophilia has existed for a long time, as have all other aberrations. What legalization of same sex marriage will do, is increase the acceptance of incest and pedophilia as just a incidence of aberration being socially acceptable and another form of normal.

In what possible way? Can you point to evidence where this is has happened in the dozen plus states where homosexual marriage is already legal? No, of course you can't.
No society has survived normalization of homosexuality. None. Those in Europe that have are already crumbling under the weight of Islam that hangs gays from lampposts. No culture that has normalized homosexuality has stopped there. They have all and always gone on the normalize every other form of perversion.

Which may explain why none of ever survived and why normalization of homosexuality has never been passed on as a positive attribute. The people may become so perverse, so degenerate that they just can't stand themselves any more. The eventual end of that diseased culture may come as a mercy, even to the people who live in it.
No society has survived normalization of homosexuality. None. Those in Europe that have are already crumbling under the weight of Islam that hangs gays from lampposts. No culture that has normalized homosexuality has stopped there. They have all and always gone on the normalize every other form of perversion.

Which may explain why none of ever survived and why normalization of homosexuality has never been passed on as a positive attribute. The people may become so perverse, so degenerate that they just can't stand themselves any more. The eventual end of that diseased culture may come as a mercy, even to the people who live in it.

That's Homophobia, not History.
No society has survived normalization of homosexuality. None. Those in Europe that have are already crumbling under the weight of Islam that hangs gays from lampposts. No culture that has normalized homosexuality has stopped there. They have all and always gone on the normalize every other form of perversion.

Give us the name of one of these societies. :eusa_whistle:
The brief argued that supporting the same-sex marriage ban does not amount to discrimination, because the laws behind the ban “apply equally to everyone. They were not enacted to ‘disparage and injure,’ anyone. Nor were they enacted out of ‘animosity against homosexuals.’ To the contrary, the laws were enacted with a desire to elevate the state’s legal recognition of marriage to a level that society has celebrated throughout history.”


As the Supreme Court held in Romer, seeking to deny gay Americans access to a state's law “classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else[...] A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.”
Not cause it, because incest and pedophilia has existed for a long time, as have all other aberrations. What legalization of same sex marriage will do, is increase the acceptance of incest and pedophilia as just a incidence of aberration being socially acceptable and another form of normal.

So...using your logic....the acceptance of hetero marriage made incest and pedophilia acceptable also, as long as it's of the hetero type.

Interesting thought considering how 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused by MEN (frequently family members/friends) before they reach 18...with very little outrage around here.
No society has survived normalization of homosexuality. None. Those in Europe that have are already crumbling under the weight of Islam that hangs gays from lampposts. No culture that has normalized homosexuality has stopped there. They have all and always gone on the normalize every other form of perversion.

Give us the name of one of these societies. :eusa_whistle:

Good luck with her replying.
Not cause it, because incest and pedophilia has existed for a long time, as have all other aberrations. What legalization of same sex marriage will do, is increase the acceptance of incest and pedophilia as just a incidence of aberration being socially acceptable and another form of normal.

In what possible way? Can you point to evidence where this is has happened in the dozen plus states where homosexual marriage is already legal? No, of course you can't.

In Western Europe incest legalization is widely discussed | Russian news and facts

Right after legalization of adoption of children by couples of homosexuals, in EU were seriously taken for discussion of legalization of an incest. The European politicians openly in the press and on TV represent an incest as European "gender norm". Thus by analogy to "homophobia" it is offered to enter the concept "intsestofobiya" for which manifestations to punish.

WISCONSIN MARRIAGE DEFENDERS: Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and with it, Child Pornography as well! | EUTimes.net

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and with it, Child Pornography as well!

“Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex,”

Bestiality Brothels Are Taking Germany By Storm

Per the Daily Mail, there is growing concern in Deutschland that bestiality is becoming a popular attraction in the nation's brothels.

Don't tell me I can't.

Acceptance of homosexuality is just getting started in this country. This is what we have to look forward to.
Not cause it, because incest and pedophilia has existed for a long time, as have all other aberrations. What legalization of same sex marriage will do, is increase the acceptance of incest and pedophilia as just a incidence of aberration being socially acceptable and another form of normal.

This fails as a post hoc fallacy.
Not cause it, because incest and pedophilia has existed for a long time, as have all other aberrations. What legalization of same sex marriage will do, is increase the acceptance of incest and pedophilia as just a incidence of aberration being socially acceptable and another form of normal.

In what possible way? Can you point to evidence where this is has happened in the dozen plus states where homosexual marriage is already legal? No, of course you can't.

In Western Europe incest legalization is widely discussed | Russian news and facts

WISCONSIN MARRIAGE DEFENDERS: Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and with it, Child Pornography as well! | EUTimes.net

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and with it, Child Pornography as well!

“Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex,”

Bestiality Brothels Are Taking Germany By Storm

Per the Daily Mail, there is growing concern in Deutschland that bestiality is becoming a popular attraction in the nation's brothels.

Don't tell me I can't.

Acceptance of homosexuality is just getting started in this country. This is what we have to look forward to.

This also fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's still no evidence that allowing same-sex couples access to marriage law will result in 'legalizing pedophilia.'

Indeed, in the United States same-sex couples have been allowed access to marriage law for over ten years and in none of those jurisdictions has 'pedophilia' been 'legalized.'

This is nothing more than unfounded demagoguery and fear-mongering.

You're entitled to your unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans, but you are not entitled to seek to codify that fear and hatred.
Not cause it, because incest and pedophilia has existed for a long time, as have all other aberrations. What legalization of same sex marriage will do, is increase the acceptance of incest and pedophilia as just a incidence of aberration being socially acceptable and another form of normal.

In what possible way? Can you point to evidence where this is has happened in the dozen plus states where homosexual marriage is already legal? No, of course you can't.

In Western Europe incest legalization is widely discussed | Russian news and facts

WISCONSIN MARRIAGE DEFENDERS: Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and with it, Child Pornography as well! | EUTimes.net

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and with it, Child Pornography as well!

“Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex,”

Bestiality Brothels Are Taking Germany By Storm

Per the Daily Mail, there is growing concern in Deutschland that bestiality is becoming a popular attraction in the nation's brothels.

Don't tell me I can't.

Acceptance of homosexuality is just getting started in this country. This is what we have to look forward to.

yeah, this only started with homersexuals being out in the open, when white Christians did it it was blamed on the Devil...
No society has survived normalization of homosexuality. None. Those in Europe that have are already crumbling under the weight of Islam that hangs gays from lampposts. No culture that has normalized homosexuality has stopped there. They have all and always gone on the normalize every other form of perversion.

Give us the name of one of these societies. :eusa_whistle:

ancient Rome. just to name one.
The brief argued that supporting the same-sex marriage ban does not amount to discrimination, because the laws behind the ban “apply equally to everyone. They were not enacted to ‘disparage and injure,’ anyone. Nor were they enacted out of ‘animosity against homosexuals.’ To the contrary, the laws were enacted with a desire to elevate the state’s legal recognition of marriage to a level that society has celebrated throughout history.”

As the Supreme Court held in Romer, seeking to deny gay Americans access to a state's law “classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else[...] A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.”
Brilliant ruling and conclusion by SCOTUS!
In what possible way? Can you point to evidence where this is has happened in the dozen plus states where homosexual marriage is already legal? No, of course you can't.

In Western Europe incest legalization is widely discussed | Russian news and facts

WISCONSIN MARRIAGE DEFENDERS: Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and with it, Child Pornography as well! | EUTimes.net

Bestiality Brothels Are Taking Germany By Storm

Per the Daily Mail, there is growing concern in Deutschland that bestiality is becoming a popular attraction in the nation's brothels.

Don't tell me I can't.

Acceptance of homosexuality is just getting started in this country. This is what we have to look forward to.

yeah, this only started with homersexuals being out in the open, when white Christians did it it was blamed on the Devil...

and they were correct no matter who did it. Do you think that black Christians and atheists never committed acts of incest etc? No liberal perverts???? don't be stupid.

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