Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Now you done got him going. He is going to rant and plaster the thread with pictures and extra ordinarily long posts with a million links.
And clean up your grammar. Get rid of the "done". You want to be a ghetto dunce all your life ?

That's a colloquialism. Why don't you send in the grammar police. You know, to bust heads with billy clubs.

We won't tell 'em how you've got a space before your question mark here. Or how you left out the auxiliary verb...
starts out with the cop freaking and pulling one guy to the ground... then he tells the girls to get their asses out of here... the girl "circle's" one of the boys and crosses the street.... Then not 1min later she's come back from across the street to where she was before when he had told her to get her ass out of here.... then he says get out of here I already told you to get out of here... you are leaving now... you are leaving now... then she's pointing her finger and saying I'm telling you garble... then some of the girl group starts walking.. as he continues to tell them to get their ass out of here.... as they keep running their mouths.. he says just keep running your mouth... so she does and refuses to leave.. then he freaks... not racist.. they were not following his commands... don't blame them.. but still that's what it was.
Were any of these kids white or were they Black?
Some of them had lighter skin color than the others... so what? Why are you making this about skin color?
No need for nervous laughter. You neglect the fact that he only accosted Black kids despite several white kids being right there. Why would Dems putting one fo ever skin color be racist? Sounds like an attempt to show diversity to me.
Attempting to "show" diversity is measuring people by their skin color and not by their character. Maybe you should read up on MLK.

I only saw him freak about the ones that "approached" him and / or did not jump to his commands.
What gives you the idea that its measuring instead of respecting? I dont have to read up on MLK. I'm Black. I know he thought the same way.

No one was approaching him until he attacked the girl. Take those blinders off Brown. You are too smart to hang onto this silly opinion.
What part of picking out people for a photo op, not based on their character, but based on the color of their skin confused you?

Yes or no he told that girl to cross the street? Easy question... can you answer it?
The part where you said it was racist. Pictures are for visual impact not to display character.

Yes or no he only accosted Black children. Easy question...can you answer it?
He accosted one child, she was black. He drew his gun on another that approached him.. that boy was black as well. So what?
He actually hit another girl too.
No need for nervous laughter. You neglect the fact that he only accosted Black kids despite several white kids being right there. Why would Dems putting one fo ever skin color be racist? Sounds like an attempt to show diversity to me.
Attempting to "show" diversity is measuring people by their skin color and not by their character. Maybe you should read up on MLK.

I only saw him freak about the ones that "approached" him and / or did not jump to his commands.
What gives you the idea that its measuring instead of respecting? I dont have to read up on MLK. I'm Black. I know he thought the same way.

No one was approaching him until he attacked the girl. Take those blinders off Brown. You are too smart to hang onto this silly opinion.
What part of picking out people for a photo op, not based on their character, but based on the color of their skin confused you?

Yes or no he told that girl to cross the street? Easy question... can you answer it?
The part where you said it was racist. Pictures are for visual impact not to display character.

Yes or no he only accosted Black children. Easy question...can you answer it?
He accosted one child, she was black. He drew his gun on another that approached him.. that boy was black as well. So what?
Thanks for admitting you didnt watch the video. One of his first actions were to force a Black kid to sit down that was standing withing 4 ft of the white kid filming.
starts out with the cop freaking and pulling one guy to the ground... then he tells the girls to get their asses out of here... the girl "circle's" one of the boys and crosses the street.... Then not 1min later she's come back from across the street to where she was before when he had told her to get her ass out of here.... then he says get out of here I already told you to get out of here... you are leaving now... you are leaving now... then she's pointing her finger and saying I'm telling you garble... then some of the girl group starts walking.. as he continues to tell them to get their ass out of here.... as they keep running their mouths.. he says just keep running your mouth... so she does and refuses to leave.. then he freaks... not racist.. they were not following his commands... don't blame them.. but still that's what it was.
Were any of these kids white or were they Black?
Some of them had lighter skin color than the others... so what? Why are you making this about skin color?
Youre deflecting. I didnt make it about color. The cops actions did.
It took you this long to agree with me?

You could have saved a lot of time by agreeing at the very beginning.

The kids acted like idiots because they ARE idiots. Obviously poorly parented, schools basically no longer discipline kids either - so they are feral.

But you guys all jumped to their defense the instant I said they also acted poorly.
Kids "acting poorly" is absolutely no justification for the way Ptl. Casebolt behaved -- and that is the source of this misunderstanding.

Kids are expected to misbehave, some moreso than others (depending mainly on their respective parenting). But only the most firmly ingrained authoritarian/submissive personality will expect a trained, uniformed police officer to behave the way Ptl. Casebolt did -- or seek some justification for it.

There were lots of cops there but only one reacted to the kids the way Casebolt did.
Now you done got him going. He is going to rant and plaster the thread with pictures and extra ordinarily long posts with a million links.
And clean up your grammar. Get rid of the "done". You want to be a ghetto dunce all your life ?
My grammar is fine. I dont have respect for the english language. As long as you understand I'm good. If you dont then thats your issue. I dont really care.
Given the choice between the current hustle and the clubs, most Americans are in favor of the clubs, which they know is needed to stop rioting, and stop crime.

That's police brutality, it's illegal, and it needs to go yesterday. Period. I asked you where the law is that permits it; you flagged. Because there's no such thing.

As for the other officers who "did their jobs honorably" as you call it, how the hell do you know ? As I said (are you blind ?) There were very many cops at this whole scene. Only 3 are shown in the video. the other 2 (besides Casebolt) run after the guy in the gray shirt, handcuff him and sit him on the ground. We didn't see what happened when they caught up with him. That was off camera.

I heard the Chief's press conference. He said, and I quote,
"I had 12 officers on scene and 11 of them performed according to their training. They did an excellent job."
-- Are you calling Chief Conley a liar?

He also said, and again I quote,
"the actions of Casebolt, as seen on the video of the disturbance at the community pool, are indefensible. Our policies, our training and our practice do not support his actions. He came into the call out of control and as the video shows was out of control during the incident."


Some people have to be told TWICE. And, No I am NOT "apparently trying to tell" you ...

Apparently not, since you somehow managed to attribute my whole post to a whole different poster. :cuckoo:

...the othe rcops are bad cops.

Well you must be, since 11 cops acted like cops while Casebolt is lost in his own Marvel Comics world of assaulting young girls in between stuntman barrel rolls. So if Casebolt's acting "the right way", that means the other 11 must be wrong, must it not?

I simply pointed out that while you are mouthing off about the other cops,YOU DON'T KNOW your ass from you elbow about what they did or didn't do.

You calling Chief Conley a liar again? :uhh:

And if they kicked some ass on arrest resisters, GOOD. The harder the better.

aaaaaaaand we're right back to that law I asked for that allows cops to commit assault. You know -- the one you can't find, because we don't live in FRICKIN' NORTH KOREA.
1. NO, it is NOT police brutality. It is exercising that amount of force that is necessary to do the job of subdueing a suspect who is physically resisting arrest. Only in your brainwashed, race hustle, looney mentality is it police brutality. Easy to see they've got YOU programmed.

2. "Well" what ? I said it before, and I say it again, Conley is a bootlicker to his mayor who is a bootlicker to the Obama/Sharpton Democrat VOTE machine, who is worried that the US Justice Dept will go after him in th ecourts, which his small town doesn't have the resources to defend. Going on all over the country, for months now. Try to keep up.

3. Again, you have hardly any video of the other cops. So what is your basis to judge them ? Conley ? HA HA HA. He's already ruled out. Far, far out. Not a word of what he says, can be taken with an ounce of credibility.

4. Kicking ass on criminal suspects resisting arrest isn't "assault" or battery, or police brutality, or whatever other mind-warping your libtard masters have been feeding you. It is DOING THEIR JOBS.
My grammar is fine. I dont have respect for the english language. As long as you understand I'm good. If you dont then thats your issue. I dont really care.

Why don't you respect the English language ? And why do you talk with ghetto slang, that makes you look like a fool ? And yes, it IS your issue. Talking that way, will cause you to be denied things in life that you want.
Now you done got him going. He is going to rant and plaster the thread with pictures and extra ordinarily long posts with a million links.
And clean up your grammar. Get rid of the "done". You want to be a ghetto dunce all your life ?
My grammar is fine. I dont have respect for the english language. As long as you understand I'm good. If you dont then thats your issue. I dont really care.

For someone who doesn't care what we think, you spend a lot of time talking to us.


YOu know what I don't care about?

Stamp collecting.

YOu know how you can tell? I don't spend any time on stamp collection sites, talking to stamp collectors, telling them I don't care about stamps.

NOw, you crazy libs? You guys I care about. YOur actions affect me and mine A LOT.

Thus, I care a lot.
Kids "acting poorly" is absolutely no justification for the way Ptl. Casebolt behaved -- and that is the source of this misunderstanding.

Kids are expected to misbehave, some moreso than others (depending mainly on their respective parenting). But only the most firmly ingrained authoritarian/submissive personality will expect a trained, uniformed police officer to behave the way Ptl. Casebolt did -- or seek some justification for it.

There were lots of cops there but only one reacted to the kids the way Casebolt did.
I have refuted both of these points you just made, in my last few posts. Try reading them. And show me one shred of evidence that Casebaolt acted improperly, or any way, different than the other officers.
Now you done got him going. He is going to rant and plaster the thread with pictures and extra ordinarily long posts with a million links.
And clean up your grammar. Get rid of the "done". You want to be a ghetto dunce all your life ?
My grammar is fine. I dont have respect for the english language. As long as you understand I'm good. If you dont then thats your issue. I dont really care.

For someone who doesn't care what we think, you spend a lot of time talking to us.


YOu know what I don't care about?

Stamp collecting.

YOu know how you can tell? I don't spend any time on stamp collection sites, talking to stamp collectors, telling them I don't care about stamps.

NOw, you crazy libs? You guys I care about. YOur actions affect me and mine A LOT.

Thus, I care a lot.
I dont care what my dogs think and I talk to them all the time. Your post was a fail like every post I have read of yours so far.
Kids "acting poorly" is absolutely no justification for the way Ptl. Casebolt behaved -- and that is the source of this misunderstanding.

Nope. Right off the bat, and throughout this thread I have been clear in saying that what the officer did was wrong, critically wrong. However, just like her behavior does not excuse his - his reaction to her behavior does not excuse hers.

Kids are expected to misbehave, some moreso than others (depending mainly on their respective parenting). But only the most firmly ingrained authoritarian/submissive personality will expect a trained, uniformed police officer to behave the way Ptl. Casebolt did -- or seek some justification for it.

I never sought justification for his behavior. Again, I said repeatedly that he should be relieved at least for a period of time.

Your "problem" Mike is that the instant I didn't tow the liberal line - you and others immediately put words in my mouth, misrepresented what I said....repeatedly.
I didn't fit the desired narrative...therefore I must be completely and totally wrong.
Now you done got him going. He is going to rant and plaster the thread with pictures and extra ordinarily long posts with a million links.
And clean up your grammar. Get rid of the "done". You want to be a ghetto dunce all your life ?
My grammar is fine. I dont have respect for the english language. As long as you understand I'm good. If you dont then thats your issue. I dont really care.

For someone who doesn't care what we think, you spend a lot of time talking to us.


YOu know what I don't care about?

Stamp collecting.

YOu know how you can tell? I don't spend any time on stamp collection sites, talking to stamp collectors, telling them I don't care about stamps.

NOw, you crazy libs? You guys I care about. YOur actions affect me and mine A LOT.

Thus, I care a lot.
I dont care what my dogs think and I talk to them all the time. Your post was a fail like every post I have read of yours so far.


If you didn't care, you wouldn't have bothered to reply.

Every post you make in response is showing that you care.

Otherwise you would wander off and do something else.

Your reflexive dishonestly is showing.
Kids "acting poorly" is absolutely no justification for the way Ptl. Casebolt behaved -- and that is the source of this misunderstanding.

Nope. Right off the bat, and throughout this thread I have been clear in saying that what the officer did was wrong, critically wrong. However, just like her behavior does not excuse his - his reaction to her behavior does not excuse hers.

Kids are expected to misbehave, some moreso than others (depending mainly on their respective parenting). But only the most firmly ingrained authoritarian/submissive personality will expect a trained, uniformed police officer to behave the way Ptl. Casebolt did -- or seek some justification for it.

I never sought justification for his behavior. Again, I said repeatedly that he should be relieved at least for a period of time.

Your "problem" Mike is that the instant I didn't tow the liberal line - you and others immediately put words in my mouth, misrepresented what I said....repeatedly.
I didn't fit the desired narrative...therefore I must be completely and totally wrong.

Yep. THey don't know how to respect anyone who disagrees with them.

Very narrow minds.
Now you done got him going. He is going to rant and plaster the thread with pictures and extra ordinarily long posts with a million links.
And clean up your grammar. Get rid of the "done". You want to be a ghetto dunce all your life ?
My grammar is fine. I dont have respect for the english language. As long as you understand I'm good. If you dont then thats your issue. I dont really care.

For someone who doesn't care what we think, you spend a lot of time talking to us.


YOu know what I don't care about?

Stamp collecting.

YOu know how you can tell? I don't spend any time on stamp collection sites, talking to stamp collectors, telling them I don't care about stamps.

NOw, you crazy libs? You guys I care about. YOur actions affect me and mine A LOT.

Thus, I care a lot.
I dont care what my dogs think and I talk to them all the time. Your post was a fail like every post I have read of yours so far.


If you didn't care, you wouldn't have bothered to reply.

Every post you make in response is showing that you care.

Otherwise you would wander off and do something else.

Your reflexive dishonestly is showing.
Of course I would reply. I like making monkeys like you jump around and scream in anger. :laugh:
No need for nervous laughter. You neglect the fact that he only accosted Black kids despite several white kids being right there. Why would Dems putting one fo ever skin color be racist? Sounds like an attempt to show diversity to me.
Attempting to "show" diversity is measuring people by their skin color and not by their character. Maybe you should read up on MLK.

I only saw him freak about the ones that "approached" him and / or did not jump to his commands.
What gives you the idea that its measuring instead of respecting? I dont have to read up on MLK. I'm Black. I know he thought the same way.

No one was approaching him until he attacked the girl. Take those blinders off Brown. You are too smart to hang onto this silly opinion.
What part of picking out people for a photo op, not based on their character, but based on the color of their skin confused you?

Yes or no he told that girl to cross the street? Easy question... can you answer it?
The part where you said it was racist. Pictures are for visual impact not to display character.

Yes or no he only accosted Black children. Easy question...can you answer it?
He accosted one child, she was black. He drew his gun on another that approached him.. that boy was black as well. So what?
I don't think "accosted" is quite the right word.

By my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

"Accost" means >>

1. to approach and speak to; greet first before being greeted esp. in an intrusive way

2. to solicit for sexual purposes: said of a prostitute, etc.
And clean up your grammar. Get rid of the "done". You want to be a ghetto dunce all your life ?
My grammar is fine. I dont have respect for the english language. As long as you understand I'm good. If you dont then thats your issue. I dont really care.

For someone who doesn't care what we think, you spend a lot of time talking to us.


YOu know what I don't care about?

Stamp collecting.

YOu know how you can tell? I don't spend any time on stamp collection sites, talking to stamp collectors, telling them I don't care about stamps.

NOw, you crazy libs? You guys I care about. YOur actions affect me and mine A LOT.

Thus, I care a lot.
I dont care what my dogs think and I talk to them all the time. Your post was a fail like every post I have read of yours so far.


If you didn't care, you wouldn't have bothered to reply.

Every post you make in response is showing that you care.

Otherwise you would wander off and do something else.

Your reflexive dishonestly is showing.
Of course I would reply. I like making monkeys like you jump around and scream in anger. :laugh:

Liking does not equal not caring.

YOu just spout words as the immediate situation seems to call for without any concern for what they mean.

I am growing bored with calling you on your bullshit. You are too easy today.

I will go do some other stuff now, I have have some time later, I will check to see what lame nonsense you have posted.

See, that's how you don't care. YOu walk away.

Bye now.
Kids "acting poorly" is absolutely no justification for the way Ptl. Casebolt behaved -- and that is the source of this misunderstanding.

Kids are expected to misbehave, some moreso than others (depending mainly on their respective parenting). But only the most firmly ingrained authoritarian/submissive personality will expect a trained, uniformed police officer to behave the way Ptl. Casebolt did -- or seek some justification for it.

There were lots of cops there but only one reacted to the kids the way Casebolt did.
I have refuted both of these points you just made, in my last few posts. Try reading them. And show me one shred of evidence that Casebaolt acted improperly, or any way, different than the other officers.
He got forced into resignation and a bad resume from his employer. His boss, the chief , told the world at a live press conference that Casebolt had acted improperly. That is way more than your requested shred of evidence.
Of course I would reply. I like making monkeys like you jump around and scream in anger. :laugh:


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