Thank You Liberals for Spurring More Guns Sales! California Gun Buys Sky Rocket!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Gun Sales, Concealed Permit Applications Surge After San Bernardino

On December 3–the day after Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik opened fire in San Bernardino, California–gun sales and concealed carry permit applications surged around the country.
San Antonio’s KCTV reported that gun sales rose sharply at guns stores in and around the city. Customer Jose Moreno said he watched news of the San Bernardino attack unfold and said to himself, “Wow, this is real.” Moreno added that he realized that “anything can happen anywhere,” and he wants to be prepared.

And 16 WNEP reports that Scranton, Pennsylvania, witnessed “long lines for concealed-carry permits” the day after the attack. Lackawanna County Sheriff’s Deputy Earl Van Wert said he knew crowds were going to pack the sheriff’s office for permits once news of the San Bernardino shooting broke: “[Citizens] are looking to make themselves feel more secure both at home and when they’re on the streets.”

America is getting armed. No surprise. Most Americans aren't sheep who will let themselves be slaughtered without a fight.

Good for them.
Tell that to the fourteen dead at San Bernardino. Bet more then one of them would have given their back teeth for a gun.

Your an asshole. Big. Deep. And Wide.
Dont you mean "Thank you, Fear"?

Nope. Its not fear. Its called getting prepared. Something you apparently don't think you need to do. Clueless you truly are.

Carry one.

I wonder how you have the balls to drive a car, when there are approx. 34,000 deaths a year due to car crashes?

I wonder why you idiots don't keep trying to ban cars. Or make someone wait 3 months to get one.

Why would they?
I have a friend who is going through the hell of getting a gun permit in NYC. 3-6 months and $1000, and this is what spurred him to get it.
Dont you mean "Thank you, Fear"?

Nope. Its not fear. Its called getting prepared. Something you apparently don't think you need to do. Clueless you truly are.

Carry one.

I wonder how you have the balls to drive a car, when there are approx. 34,000 deaths a year due to car crashes?

I wonder why you idiots don't keep trying to ban cars. Or make someone wait 3 months to get one.

Why would they?

Why not? Progressives love banning things, especially useful things.

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