The Benefits Of Socialism


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Let's defend socialism, shall we??


Under socialism, you can count on getting plenty of exercise.

The Kommissars will make sure of that...


13 Gut-Wrenching Facts About Being Held Prisoner In The Soviet Gulags

A drug-free America.

Your socialist masters will frown on drug dealing


How China Deals With Drug Dealers

Free Health Care. One thing you can count on under socialism is free Health Care. And it's worth every cent


Once Again: The Real Cuban Health Care System

Then there's the low cost of electricity and food in socialist Countries. In fact, in many cases it's free because -- There isn't any.

Think I'm kidding? Just ask any current resident of that Socialist Paradise in Venezuela. Go ahead, I dare you.

Of course, due to the brilliance of socialists, you won't have to work very much at all. Everybody knows that the only reason you have to work is so 'The Man' can enslave you anyway.

So that will give you lots of time to hang out with your friends......

Waiting in line.

For Food. And Water. And, in the Country with WORLD'S LARGEST KNOWN OIL RESERVES -- Gasoline.


Venezuela- the Socialism Hotspot- no Beer, no food (video) - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

This pic is nearly 4 years old. It's gotten worse since then. Much worse. Much, much worse.

But that's okay. One thing we can count on from our socialist parasites is, once this system completely collapses, once it falls flat on its face, socialists will be back to once again inform us of our stupidity for not embracing The Benefits of Socialism.
Let's defend socialism, shall we??

Could you define socialism for us?

It seems the best way to start such a discussion.

You're kidding, right??? :dunno:

socialism is State Ownership or Control of the means of production.

Under Marxism, Engels proposed the State Ownership of the MoP for a time. Until communism could take hold and the State would 'Whither away'. Of course, Marx also recommended an extended period of Capitalism before reverting to socialism. But I'm trying to dumb all this down for our USMB audience.

Under National Socialism (what too many uneducated IDIOTS call fascism) The State simply CONTROLLED the means of production.

Hitler once said, "I do not socialize things, I socialize people. What does it matter who owns the factories as long as they bend to the will of The State?"

He was quite right, of course.

There are several, many many in fact, forms of 'socialism' but they all entail one of those two requirements at some point. If not at the outset of the socialist disease, somewhere along the line the government will seize control.

So let's keep it simple. Like I said, it's Low IQ Theater in here.

You want a Primer. Try Draper's Two Souls of Socialism. After that, try some Kropotkin. That should keep you busy for a couple years.
I blame my fathers generation for allowing the uprising of these left wing slave owners..

He was told mind your business, go to work, politician will look out for your best interest..

Now I have to fight these democrats.. the word democrat is worse then nazis
Let's defend socialism, shall we??

Could you define socialism for us?

It seems the best way to start such a discussion.

You're kidding, right??? :dunno:

socialism is State Ownership or Control of the means of production.

Awesome. Thanks, it is always good to make sure that people are on the same page when discussing such things. People on this forum have called the actions of a private business "socialist" so one never knows.

With the definition settled, which countries in the world today have State Ownership or Control of the means of production?
Let's defend socialism, shall we??

Could you define socialism for us?

It seems the best way to start such a discussion.

You're kidding, right??? :dunno:

socialism is State Ownership or Control of the means of production.

Awesome. Thanks, it is always good to make sure that people are on the same page when discussing such things. People on this forum have called the actions of a private business "socialist" so one never knows.

With the definition settled, which countries in the world today have State Ownership or Control of the means of production?
Countries? How about Boston? California. New york that dems kicked out 30,0000 jobs!!
All very rich and very poor. No middle class in dem run towns. Red stares is where you find a Vibrant middle-class
I blame my fathers generation for allowing the uprising of these left wing slave owners..

He was told mind your business, go to work, politician will look out for your best interest..

Now I have to fight these democrats.. the word democrat is worse then nazis

socialism can be traced back to the French Revolution. It is where it all began. (Plato was a delusional imbecile)

In 1776, we started a Revolution the likes of which the World has never seen.

For the first time in human history a group of people successfully rebelled against a ruling class, displaced them and didn't bother to REplace them with themselves.

Much better than Cincinnatus, George Washington turned down the offer to be King.

The French Revolution followed within a few years with a similar goal in mind.

But, being French, they fucked it up. They replaced the House of Bourbon with the lunacy of Robespierre and Napoleon.

What we have now, in this Country, is a shadow ruing class. It is in the Media, Hollywood, Academia and the dimocrap SCUM party.

Look what happened to Jussie-Boy.

Look at all the entitlement in Hollywood.

dimocrap scum really do see themselves as The New Royals.

Open your eyes and you'll see.
I blame my fathers generation for allowing the uprising of these left wing slave owners..

He was told mind your business, go to work, politician will look out for your best interest..

Now I have to fight these democrats.. the word democrat is worse then nazis

socialism can be traced back to the French Revolution. It is where it all began. (Plato was a delusional imbecile)

In 1776, we started a Revolution the likes of which the World has never seen.

For the first time in human history a group of people successfully rebelled against a ruling class, displaced them and didn't bother to REplace them with themselves.

Much better than Cincinnatus, George Washington turned down the offer to be King.

The French Revolution followed within a few years with a similar goal in mind.

But, being French, they fucked it up. They replaced the House of Bourbon with the lunacy of Robespierre and Napoleon.

What we have now, in this Country, is a shadow ruing class. It is in the Media, Hollywood, Academia and the dimocrap SCUM party.

Look what happened to Jussie-Boy.

Look at all the entitlement in Hollywood.

dimocrap scum really do see themselves as The New Royals.

Open your eyes and you'll see.
I know I am in Boston thinking of ways to re take it from the grips of hate.
Countries? How about Boston? California. New york that dems kicked out 30,0000 jobs!!
All very rich and very poor. No middle class in dem run towns. Red stares is where you find a Vibrant middle-class

Red States is where you find America.

And, in case you missed it (snarc :) ) dimocrap scum really don't like America.

No funny intended. They really don't
I know I am in Boston thinking of ways to re take it from the grips of hate.

You can't.

Just save yourself as best you can. The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts is a lost cause
Let's defend socialism, shall we??


Under socialism, you can count on getting plenty of exercise.

The Kommissars will make sure of that...


13 Gut-Wrenching Facts About Being Held Prisoner In The Soviet Gulags

A drug-free America.

Your socialist masters will frown on drug dealing


How China Deals With Drug Dealers

Free Health Care. One thing you can count on under socialism is free Health Care. And it's worth every cent


Once Again: The Real Cuban Health Care System

Then there's the low cost of electricity and food in socialist Countries. In fact, in many cases it's free because -- There isn't any.

Think I'm kidding? Just ask any current resident of that Socialist Paradise in Venezuela. Go ahead, I dare you.

Of course, due to the brilliance of socialists, you won't have to work very much at all. Everybody knows that the only reason you have to work is so 'The Man' can enslave you anyway.

So that will give you lots of time to hang out with your friends......

Waiting in line.

For Food. And Water. And, in the Country with WORLD'S LARGEST KNOWN OIL RESERVES -- Gasoline.


Venezuela- the Socialism Hotspot- no Beer, no food (video) - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

This pic is nearly 4 years old. It's gotten worse since then. Much worse. Much, much worse.

But that's okay. One thing we can count on from our socialist parasites is, once this system completely collapses, once it falls flat on its face, socialists will be back to once again inform us of our stupidity for not embracing The Benefits of Socialism.
The main problem with socialism is folks like you don't know what it is.
The main problem with socialism is folks like you don't know what it is.

Enlighten us with your College Sophomore wisdom.

And forget the fact that there are two books out there about socialism with my name on them. What do I know?? :dunno:
Let's defend socialism, shall we??


Under socialism, you can count on getting plenty of exercise.

The Kommissars will make sure of that...


13 Gut-Wrenching Facts About Being Held Prisoner In The Soviet Gulags

A drug-free America.

Your socialist masters will frown on drug dealing


How China Deals With Drug Dealers

Free Health Care. One thing you can count on under socialism is free Health Care. And it's worth every cent


Once Again: The Real Cuban Health Care System

Then there's the low cost of electricity and food in socialist Countries. In fact, in many cases it's free because -- There isn't any.

Think I'm kidding? Just ask any current resident of that Socialist Paradise in Venezuela. Go ahead, I dare you.

Of course, due to the brilliance of socialists, you won't have to work very much at all. Everybody knows that the only reason you have to work is so 'The Man' can enslave you anyway.

So that will give you lots of time to hang out with your friends......

Waiting in line.

For Food. And Water. And, in the Country with WORLD'S LARGEST KNOWN OIL RESERVES -- Gasoline.


Venezuela- the Socialism Hotspot- no Beer, no food (video) - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

This pic is nearly 4 years old. It's gotten worse since then. Much worse. Much, much worse.

But that's okay. One thing we can count on from our socialist parasites is, once this system completely collapses, once it falls flat on its face, socialists will be back to once again inform us of our stupidity for not embracing The Benefits of Socialism.
The main problem with socialism is folks like you don't know what it is.
yea thats right. Socialism is a range of ideologies, but they all involve worker self-management. Quite ironic how we think of ourselves as a democratic society when no democracy exists in the workplace.
I I’ll never. We have good people in mass,, and we need to take Boston back and Massachusetts will fall

I lived in Mass for a year and a half. I Liked it and the people. A lot.

But that was a long time ago and things have changed. A lot.

'The People' no longer run Mass. They haven't for a long time. the dimocrap scum party runs Mass. Period

It's a lost cause. Save yourself.
I I’ll never. We have good people in mass,, and we need to take Boston back and Massachusetts will fall

I lived in Mass for a year and a half. I Liked it and the people. A lot.

But that was a long time ago and things have changed. A lot.

'The People' no longer run Mass. They haven't for a long time. the dimocrap scum party runs Mass. Period

It's a lost cause. Save yourself.
I would never.. great men died for this country here.. once again Massachusetts will lead the movement of independence
Countries? How about Boston? California. New york that dems kicked out 30,0000 jobs!!
All very rich and very poor. No middle class in dem run towns. Red stares is where you find a Vibrant middle-class

So, you are saying that Boston and California own and control the means of production and distribution?

I think that Apple, Chevron, Wells Fargo, Alphabet, Intel, Disney, and Hewlett Packard would all disagree with you.
I blame my fathers generation for allowing the uprising of these left wing slave owners..

He was told mind your business, go to work, politician will look out for your best interest..

Now I have to fight these democrats.. the word democrat is worse then nazis
Worse than....More wasted taxpayer funds for public schools..But hey the left will take care of that problem by driving us all into the ground,,like capitalist want to do.
Let's defend socialism, shall we??

Could you define socialism for us?

It seems the best way to start such a discussion.

You're kidding, right??? :dunno:

socialism is State Ownership or Control of the means of production.

Under Marxism, Engels proposed the State Ownership of the MoP for a time. Until communism could take hold and the State would 'Whither away'. Of course, Marx also recommended an extended period of Capitalism before reverting to socialism. But I'm trying to dumb all this down for our USMB audience.

Under National Socialism (what too many uneducated IDIOTS call fascism) The State simply CONTROLLED the means of production.

Hitler once said, "I do not socialize things, I socialize people. What does it matter who owns the factories as long as they bend to the will of The State?"

He was quite right, of course.

There are several, many many in fact, forms of 'socialism' but they all entail one of those two requirements at some point. If not at the outset of the socialist disease, somewhere along the line the government will seize control.

So let's keep it simple. Like I said, it's Low IQ Theater in here.

You want a Primer. Try Draper's Two Souls of Socialism. After that, try some Kropotkin. That should keep you busy for a couple years.

Better yet, look to Western Social Democracies and not nations which claim to be people's republicans which are in effect despotic and totalitarian.

One obscure author is one data point. Nation's such as Russia and China have become crony capitalistic systems and ours under Republicans control has become more plutocratic than democratic. We the People are not valued by the callous conservative set which goes by the misnomer Freedom Caucus and the rhetoric and behavior of Trump.

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