The Benefits Of Socialism

"socialism is today's boggieman, it is what anything anybody does not like is called, thus rendering the word meaningless, and also at the same time taking the stigma away from socialism"
It should be today's "boogieman" shouldn't it?
Again, it is what it is and there's really no way to spin it. Here it is again......
“Some get fucked and most get free shit from those being fucked. The middle man (.GOV) decides the details / rules in the game of Fuck Or Be Fucked....That’s socialism without spin.”

Yes, it should be. But when anything and everything is labeled as socialism ...


ok. On this forum there was a story about Panera foods closing their last store where the people choose how much they wanted to pay for the food. It was touted as a failure of socialism, ignoring the small fact that a private company cannot possible engage in socialism.

FEMA has been called an example of socialism

The military has been called an example of socialism

Welfare is called socialism
Socialism is faire capitalism with a good safety-net as in all other modern countries but us. Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure and great vacations cheap college and training for opportunity.

See what I mean?
"socialism is today's boggieman, it is what anything anybody does not like is called, thus rendering the word meaningless, and also at the same time taking the stigma away from socialism"
It should be today's "boogieman" shouldn't it?
Again, it is what it is and there's really no way to spin it. Here it is again......
“Some get fucked and most get free shit from those being fucked. The middle man (.GOV) decides the details / rules in the game of Fuck Or Be Fucked....That’s socialism without spin.”

Yes, it should be. But when anything and everything is labeled as socialism ...


ok. On this forum there was a story about Panera foods closing their last store where the people choose how much they wanted to pay for the food. It was touted as a failure of socialism, ignoring the small fact that a private company cannot possible engage in socialism.

Who was the poster? Let me guess, BrokeLoser ? Some other Trumpster? This is what I'm talking about. You use these nitwits to distract.

FEMA has been called an example of socialism

The military has been called an example of socialism

By whom?

Welfare is called socialism

Welfare is socialism. Not sure how you steer around that one.
"socialism is today's boggieman, it is what anything anybody does not like is called, thus rendering the word meaningless, and also at the same time taking the stigma away from socialism"
It should be today's "boogieman" shouldn't it?
Again, it is what it is and there's really no way to spin it. Here it is again......
“Some get fucked and most get free shit from those being fucked. The middle man (.GOV) decides the details / rules in the game of Fuck Or Be Fucked....That’s socialism without spin.”

Yes, it should be. But when anything and everything is labeled as socialism ...


ok. On this forum there was a story about Panera foods closing their last store where the people choose how much they wanted to pay for the food. It was touted as a failure of socialism, ignoring the small fact that a private company cannot possible engage in socialism.

Who was the poster? Let me guess, BrokeLoser ? Some other Trumpster? This is what I'm talking about. You use these nitwits to distract.

FEMA has been called an example of socialism

The military has been called an example of socialism

By whom?

Welfare is called socialism

Welfare is socialism. Not sure how you steer around that one.
and I saved many millions of people until they can get their feet back on the ground. The welfare system is fine what we need is help for the middle-class and working-class thanks to the GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years.
and I saved many millions of people until they can get their feet back on the ground. The welfare system is fine what we need is help for the middle-class and working-class thanks to the GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years.

Welfare for All!
and I saved many millions of people until they can get their feet back on the ground. The welfare system is fine what we need is help for the middle-class and working-class thanks to the GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years.

Welfare for All!
Do you have any reasonable rational arguments at all super duper? Read a newspaper take time off from the propaganda machine and regain your sanity....
and I saved many millions of people until they can get their feet back on the ground. The welfare system is fine what we need is help for the middle-class and working-class thanks to the GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years.

Welfare for All!
Do you have any reasonable rational arguments at all super duper? Read a newspaper take time off from the propaganda machine and regain your sanity....

Socialism is just Welfare ++
and I saved many millions of people until they can get their feet back on the ground. The welfare system is fine what we need is help for the middle-class and working-class thanks to the GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years.

Welfare for All!
Do you have any reasonable rational arguments at all super duper? Read a newspaper take time off from the propaganda machine and regain your sanity....

Socialism is just Welfare ++
And fairness and Justice and many benefits for the nonRich which we do not have, amazingly, alone in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and you brainwashed one has ever screwed up foreign policy and economic policy as much as the GOP the last 35 years. Regan's pal Saddam, how did that all work out.... S & l Scandal and 2008. What are you people watching?
and I saved many millions of people until they can get their feet back on the ground. The welfare system is fine what we need is help for the middle-class and working-class thanks to the GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years.

Welfare for All!
Do you have any reasonable rational arguments at all super duper? Read a newspaper take time off from the propaganda machine and regain your sanity....

Socialism is just Welfare ++
And fairness and Justice and many benefits for the nonRich which we do not have, amazingly, alone in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and you brainwashed one has ever screwed up foreign policy and economic policy as much as the GOP the last 35 years. Regan's pal Saddam, how did that all work out.... S & l Scandal and 2008. What are you people watching?
You forgot to say "dupe".
and I saved many millions of people until they can get their feet back on the ground. The welfare system is fine what we need is help for the middle-class and working-class thanks to the GOP give away to the rich the last 35 years.

Welfare for All!
Do you have any reasonable rational arguments at all super duper? Read a newspaper take time off from the propaganda machine and regain your sanity....

Socialism is just Welfare ++
And fairness and Justice and many benefits for the nonRich which we do not have, amazingly, alone in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and you brainwashed one has ever screwed up foreign policy and economic policy as much as the GOP the last 35 years. Regan's pal Saddam, how did that all work out.... S & l Scandal and 2008. What are you people watching?
You forgot to say "dupe".
Brainwashed fools Pretty much covers it. Salt of the earth but bad politics.
There are no benefits to socialism. End of Story.
Just Health Care daycare paid parental leave great vacations living wage and infrastructure cheap college and training.... Like every other modern country which are all socialists at least they think so. Ditto everyone in the world except American GOP voters poor America...
There are no benefits to socialism. End of Story.
Just Health Care daycare paid parental leave great vacations living wage and infrastructure cheap college and training.... Like every other modern country which are all socialists at least they think so. Ditto everyone in the world except American GOP voters poor America...
Also, its great for their border wall.
Let's defend socialism, shall we??


Under socialism, you can count on getting plenty of exercise.

The Kommissars will make sure of that...


13 Gut-Wrenching Facts About Being Held Prisoner In The Soviet Gulags

A drug-free America.

Your socialist masters will frown on drug dealing


How China Deals With Drug Dealers

Free Health Care. One thing you can count on under socialism is free Health Care. And it's worth every cent


Once Again: The Real Cuban Health Care System

Then there's the low cost of electricity and food in socialist Countries. In fact, in many cases it's free because -- There isn't any.

Think I'm kidding? Just ask any current resident of that Socialist Paradise in Venezuela. Go ahead, I dare you.

Of course, due to the brilliance of socialists, you won't have to work very much at all. Everybody knows that the only reason you have to work is so 'The Man' can enslave you anyway.

So that will give you lots of time to hang out with your friends......

Waiting in line.

For Food. And Water. And, in the Country with WORLD'S LARGEST KNOWN OIL RESERVES -- Gasoline.


Venezuela- the Socialism Hotspot- no Beer, no food (video) - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

This pic is nearly 4 years old. It's gotten worse since then. Much worse. Much, much worse.

But that's okay. One thing we can count on from our socialist parasites is, once this system completely collapses, once it falls flat on its face, socialists will be back to once again inform us of our stupidity for not embracing The Benefits of Socialism.
socialism always works in the beginning and people are fooled at first, it's easy for government to confiscare money at first, but then there's nothing to confiscate after a while!
Everyone should be equal so how much should we get paid. Notice how the low classes and college students are automatically buying this junk because they think that they are entitled

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y'all progressive socialists, do not feed me the line about being able to do socialism "better". a crap sandwich is still a crap sandwich even if you borrow AOC's sauce to put on it!
history usually doesn't give 2nd chances. this is the 2nd chance for socialists. they better not blow it!

socialism is HUMAN CAPITALISM. the idea that people are more important than money!

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