The Blind Choose To Be Led By...the Blind


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
How important are intellectual endeavors, as in research, study, consideration of different viewpoints, in producing a worthy mentor? Or, in judging wisdom and rectitude.
Not very in Leftist precincts.

I have often said that Leftism is a result of ignorance. Put another way, if Liberals/Leftists knew everything that conservatives know.....they'd be conservative.
(Note the striking similarity with item #6 below.)

Here, per example, is a Leftwing pundit:
"Zach Carter is The Huffington Post's Senior Political Economy Reporter, working out of Washington D.C. "
Zach Carter

Mr. Carter is the sort of expert who serves as mentor for our ersatz Leftists. The validation of my opening comment appeared serendipitously the other eve, as I tuned in conservative commentator, Hugh Hewitt.
He spent the show interviewing The Huffington Post's Senior Political Economy Reporter.

If you can, listen to the entire is jaw dropping.

1. "Hewitt, Why do you embarrass journalists the way you do?"
I get some form of this question ... after every interview like the one I conducted Monday with The Huffington Post's "Senior Political Economy Reporter" Zach Carter.

2. .... I'd never heard of Carter until he decided to misrepresent what Vice President Cheney said on my show last week.

3. I ask my journalist guests a few standard questions when they first appear on the show. I almost always ask about Alger Hiss because the answer provides a baseline as to the journalist's grasp of both modern American political history and to a crucial fault-line through it.
[Carter, "senior political economy reporter" for a major political outlet like HuffPo, had never heard of Alger Hiss]

4. I also ask if they have read some basic texts on the war on terror, the most important of which is The Looming Tower by the New Yorker's Lawrence Wright. It is almost journalistic malpractice to opine on any aspect of the West's conflict with Islamist radicalism without having read Wright's work, which won the Pulitzer Prize and which is the standard text.
[Books mentioned....Carter batting zero, having read none, nor could he name some he had.]

a. ... the novels of Daniel Silva, though increasingly I think they are part of the necessary course of reading to be even minimally qualified to speak of terrorism and what the world faces."
The Next Generation Of Talking Heads - Hugh Hewitt - Page 1

[Big Silva fan here! Ask me to quote Silva!]

So far established: Zach Carter, spokesperson and instructor to the Left, via HuffPo....

....having no apparent background on which to base an opinion.

The blind leading the blind.
low information voters, voters looking to be given and equal share rather than achieve it on their own, looking for big brother to take care of them, underachievers. what else can you expect
low information voters, voters looking to be given and equal share rather than achieve it on their own, looking for big brother to take care of them, underachievers. what else can you expect

"low information voters..."


And this is what advances Leftism: not evil, .....ignorance.

A simple flaw in human nature, one which will never change.....but one which the Left has used to its advantage.

Delayed gratification, restraint are hardly part of the Left's agenda, and one can see where education would fall by the wayside.
How important are intellectual endeavors, as in research, study, consideration of different viewpoints, in producing a worthy mentor? Or, in judging wisdom and rectitude.
Not very in Leftist precincts.

I have often said that Leftism is a result of ignorance. Put another way, if Liberals/Leftists knew everything that conservatives know.....they'd be conservative.
(Note the striking similarity with item #6 below.)

How do you then explain the liberal positions that you've conceded you hold, such as those on gay rights, Medicaid, for example,

that most of your supposedly intelligent conservatives vigorously oppose?
How important are intellectual endeavors, as in research, study, consideration of different viewpoints, in producing a worthy mentor? Or, in judging wisdom and rectitude.
Not very in Leftist precincts.

I have often said that Leftism is a result of ignorance. Put another way, if Liberals/Leftists knew everything that conservatives know.....they'd be conservative.
(Note the striking similarity with item #6 below.)

Here, per example, is a Leftwing pundit:
"Zach Carter is The Huffington Post's Senior Political Economy Reporter, working out of Washington D.C. "
Zach Carter

Mr. Carter is the sort of expert who serves as mentor for our ersatz Leftists. The validation of my opening comment appeared serendipitously the other eve, as I tuned in conservative commentator, Hugh Hewitt.
He spent the show interviewing The Huffington Post's Senior Political Economy Reporter.

If you can, listen to the entire is jaw dropping.

1. "Hewitt, Why do you embarrass journalists the way you do?"
I get some form of this question ... after every interview like the one I conducted Monday with The Huffington Post's "Senior Political Economy Reporter" Zach Carter.

2. .... I'd never heard of Carter until he decided to misrepresent what Vice President Cheney said on my show last week.

3. I ask my journalist guests a few standard questions when they first appear on the show. I almost always ask about Alger Hiss because the answer provides a baseline as to the journalist's grasp of both modern American political history and to a crucial fault-line through it.
[Carter, "senior political economy reporter" for a major political outlet like HuffPo, had never heard of Alger Hiss]

4. I also ask if they have read some basic texts on the war on terror, the most important of which is The Looming Tower by the New Yorker's Lawrence Wright. It is almost journalistic malpractice to opine on any aspect of the West's conflict with Islamist radicalism without having read Wright's work, which won the Pulitzer Prize and which is the standard text.
[Books mentioned....Carter batting zero, having read none, nor could he name some he had.]

a. ... the novels of Daniel Silva, though increasingly I think they are part of the necessary course of reading to be even minimally qualified to speak of terrorism and what the world faces."
The Next Generation Of Talking Heads - Hugh Hewitt - Page 1

[Big Silva fan here! Ask me to quote Silva!]

So far established: Zach Carter, spokesperson and instructor to the Left, via HuffPo....

....having no apparent background on which to base an opinion.

The blind leading the blind.

Since neither I nor most of the liberals on this forum I'm guessing have never heard of Zach Carter,

on what do YOU base your opinion, no, your claim of fact, that he is a spokesperson and instructor of the Left?
How important are intellectual endeavors, as in research, study, consideration of different viewpoints, in producing a worthy mentor? Or, in judging wisdom and rectitude.
Not very in Leftist precincts.

I have often said that Leftism is a result of ignorance. Put another way, if Liberals/Leftists knew everything that conservatives know.....they'd be conservative.
(Note the striking similarity with item #6 below.)

Here, per example, is a Leftwing pundit:
"Zach Carter is The Huffington Post's Senior Political Economy Reporter, working out of Washington D.C. "
Zach Carter

Mr. Carter is the sort of expert who serves as mentor for our ersatz Leftists. The validation of my opening comment appeared serendipitously the other eve, as I tuned in conservative commentator, Hugh Hewitt.
He spent the show interviewing The Huffington Post's Senior Political Economy Reporter.

If you can, listen to the entire is jaw dropping.

1. "Hewitt, Why do you embarrass journalists the way you do?"
I get some form of this question ... after every interview like the one I conducted Monday with The Huffington Post's "Senior Political Economy Reporter" Zach Carter.

2. .... I'd never heard of Carter until he decided to misrepresent what Vice President Cheney said on my show last week.

3. I ask my journalist guests a few standard questions when they first appear on the show. I almost always ask about Alger Hiss because the answer provides a baseline as to the journalist's grasp of both modern American political history and to a crucial fault-line through it.
[Carter, "senior political economy reporter" for a major political outlet like HuffPo, had never heard of Alger Hiss]

4. I also ask if they have read some basic texts on the war on terror, the most important of which is The Looming Tower by the New Yorker's Lawrence Wright. It is almost journalistic malpractice to opine on any aspect of the West's conflict with Islamist radicalism without having read Wright's work, which won the Pulitzer Prize and which is the standard text.
[Books mentioned....Carter batting zero, having read none, nor could he name some he had.]

a. ... the novels of Daniel Silva, though increasingly I think they are part of the necessary course of reading to be even minimally qualified to speak of terrorism and what the world faces."
The Next Generation Of Talking Heads - Hugh Hewitt - Page 1

[Big Silva fan here! Ask me to quote Silva!]

So far established: Zach Carter, spokesperson and instructor to the Left, via HuffPo....

....having no apparent background on which to base an opinion.

The blind leading the blind.

Since neither I nor most of the liberals on this forum I'm guessing have never heard of Zach Carter,

on what do YOU base your opinion, no, your claim of fact, that he is a spokesperson and instructor of the Left?

"...have never heard of..."
You should have a rubber stamp made of your motto.

Have you heard of the Huffington Post?

Are you aware of their position as house organ for the Left?

"Senior Political Economy Reporter" ....what do you suppose this means?

Once again you have proven to be the poster child for "You can run, but you can't hide."

I can accept your right to claim stupidity, but not the constant tergiversation.
You are boring me.
[Big Silva fan here! Ask me to quote Silva!]

So far established: Zach Carter, spokesperson and instructor to the Left, via HuffPo.... ....having no apparent background on which to base an opinion. The blind leading the blind.
Does Silva talk about how the US funds Terrorism in the Middle East? The US Funding of "Rebels" in Syria who are now ISIS?

Does radical terrorism exist? Yes.
Does the US make it worse by funding and trying to direct it? Yes.
[Big Silva fan here! Ask me to quote Silva!]

So far established: Zach Carter, spokesperson and instructor to the Left, via HuffPo.... ....having no apparent background on which to base an opinion. The blind leading the blind.
Does Silva talk about how the US funds Terrorism in the Middle East? The US Funding of "Rebels" in Syria who are now ISIS?

Does radical terrorism exist? Yes.
Does the US make it worse by funding and trying to direct it? Yes.

Silva writes about terrorism itself....

But this is close enough to a request, commie-boy.....

1. After decades of lavish social spending, much of the Continent was teetering on the brink of fiscal and monetary disaster. Its debt was soaring, its treasuries were empty, and its pampered citizenry was aging and disillusioned. Austerity was the order of the day. In the current climate, no cow was considered too sacred; health care, university tuition, support for the arts, and even pension benefits were all undergoing drastic cuts.

2. Another article of faith lay in tatters that November—the belief that Europe could absorb an endless tide of Muslim immigrants from its former colonies while preserving its culture and basic way of life. What had started as a temporary program to relieve a postwar labor shortage had now permanently altered the face of an entire continent. Restive Muslim suburbs ringed nearly every city, and several countries appeared demographically fated to Muslim majorities before the end of the century. No one in a position of power had bothered to consult the native population of Europe before throwing open the doors, and now, after years of relative passivity, the natives were beginning to push back. Denmark had imposed draconian restrictions on immigrant marriages. France had banned the wearing of the full facial veil in public. And the Swiss, who barely tolerated one another, had decided they wanted to keep their tidy little cities and towns free of unsightly minarets. The leaders of Britain and Germany had declared multiculturalism, the virtual religion of post-Christian Europe, a dead letter. No longer would the majority bend to the will of the minority, they declared. Nor would it turn a blind eye to the extremism that flourished within its midst

3. On that morning in November, he left his apartment in darkness to purify himself at a mosque built with Saudi money and staffed by a Saudi-trained imam who spoke no French. ... It was never clearly established whether the act was preceded by the traditional scream of “Allahu Akbar.” Several survivors claimed to have heard it; several others swore the bomber detonated his device in silence. As for the sound of the explosion itself, those closest had no memory of it at all, for their eardrums were too badly damaged. To a person, all recalled seeing a blinding white flash of light. It was the light of death, said one. The light one sees at the moment he confronts God for the first time.

4. The bomb itself was a marvel of design and construction. It was not the kind of device built from Internet manuals or the how-to pamphlets floating around the Salafist mosques of Europe. It had been perfected under battle conditions in Palestine and Mesopotamia. Packed with nails soaked in rat poison—a practice borrowed from the suicide bombers of Hamas—it carved through the crowd like a circular saw. So powerful was the explosion that the Louvre Pyramid, located a mile and a half to the east, shivered with the blast wave. Those closest to the bomber were blown to pieces, sheared in half, or decapitated, the preferred punishment for unbelievers. Even at forty paces, limbs were lost. At the farthest edge of the kill zone, the dead appeared pristine. Spared outward trauma, they had been killed by the shock wave, which ravaged their internal organs like a tsunami. Providence had granted them the tender mercy of bleeding to death in private.

5. The first gendarmes to arrive were instantly sickened by what they saw. Extremities littered the paving stones, along with shoes, smashed wristwatches frozen at 11:46, and mobile phones that rang unanswered. In one final insult, the murderer’s remains were scattered among his victims—everything but the head, which came to rest on a delivery truck more than a hundred feet away, the bomber’s expression oddly serene.
From the novel "Portrait of a Spy," by Daniel Silva
Excerpt | Daniel Silva

Double dog dare ya' to read Silva
How important are intellectual endeavors, as in research, study, consideration of different viewpoints, in producing a worthy mentor? Or, in judging wisdom and rectitude.
Not very in Leftist precincts.

I have often said that Leftism is a result of ignorance. Put another way, if Liberals/Leftists knew everything that conservatives know.....they'd be conservative.
(Note the striking similarity with item #6 below.)

Here, per example, is a Leftwing pundit:
"Zach Carter is The Huffington Post's Senior Political Economy Reporter, working out of Washington D.C. "
Zach Carter

Mr. Carter is the sort of expert who serves as mentor for our ersatz Leftists. The validation of my opening comment appeared serendipitously the other eve, as I tuned in conservative commentator, Hugh Hewitt.
He spent the show interviewing The Huffington Post's Senior Political Economy Reporter.

If you can, listen to the entire is jaw dropping.

1. "Hewitt, Why do you embarrass journalists the way you do?"
I get some form of this question ... after every interview like the one I conducted Monday with The Huffington Post's "Senior Political Economy Reporter" Zach Carter.

2. .... I'd never heard of Carter until he decided to misrepresent what Vice President Cheney said on my show last week.

3. I ask my journalist guests a few standard questions when they first appear on the show. I almost always ask about Alger Hiss because the answer provides a baseline as to the journalist's grasp of both modern American political history and to a crucial fault-line through it.
[Carter, "senior political economy reporter" for a major political outlet like HuffPo, had never heard of Alger Hiss]

4. I also ask if they have read some basic texts on the war on terror, the most important of which is The Looming Tower by the New Yorker's Lawrence Wright. It is almost journalistic malpractice to opine on any aspect of the West's conflict with Islamist radicalism without having read Wright's work, which won the Pulitzer Prize and which is the standard text.
[Books mentioned....Carter batting zero, having read none, nor could he name some he had.]

a. ... the novels of Daniel Silva, though increasingly I think they are part of the necessary course of reading to be even minimally qualified to speak of terrorism and what the world faces."
The Next Generation Of Talking Heads - Hugh Hewitt - Page 1

[Big Silva fan here! Ask me to quote Silva!]

So far established: Zach Carter, spokesperson and instructor to the Left, via HuffPo....

....having no apparent background on which to base an opinion.

The blind leading the blind.

Since neither I nor most of the liberals on this forum I'm guessing have never heard of Zach Carter,

on what do YOU base your opinion, no, your claim of fact, that he is a spokesperson and instructor of the Left?

"...have never heard of..."
You should have a rubber stamp made of your motto.

Have you heard of the Huffington Post?

Are you aware of their position as house organ for the Left?

"Senior Political Economy Reporter" ....what do you suppose this means?

Once again you have proven to be the poster child for "You can run, but you can't hide."

I can accept your right to claim stupidity, but not the constant tergiversation.
You are boring me.

I've never heard of Zach Carter.

Now tell us about your support for Medicaid and gay rights and the rest of your liberal views that you otherwise like to classify as 'ignorant'.
Open question to liberals on the forum.

How many of you are familiar with Zach Carter to the point where you consider him a mentor, or in some other way a major influence on your life and beliefs?

Please sign in.
Open question to liberals on the forum.

How many of you are familiar with Zach Carter to the point where you consider him a mentor, or in some other way a major influence on your life and beliefs?

Please sign in.

Was he related to John Carter who went to Mars that ERB wrote about? Zebadiah Carter, whom Heinlein wrote about?

Nope, I don't consider Zack Carter in any way a mentor in my life.

Zach Carter
Open question to liberals on the forum.

How many of you are familiar with Zach Carter to the point where you consider him a mentor, or in some other way a major influence on your life and beliefs?

Please sign in.

I will not be mentored by someone who does not have a Wikipedia page.
url=]Excerpt | Daniel Silva[/url]
Double dog dare ya' to read Silva
So yer basing yer opinions on Terrorism from a Spy Novelist? Why not just read Ian Fleming instead?

That would be like if I based my opinions on the Police from Joseph Wambaugh novels.

Joo need to esplain some more...
low information voters, voters looking to be given and equal share rather than achieve it on their own, looking for big brother to take care of them, underachievers. what else can you expect

You're being way too kind.

Most of the "low information voters" are actually just LAZY voters. These voters are too busy to take ANY time away from their video games, their pursuit of government services, or their criminal enterprises, to do ANY research into WHO or WHAT they are voting for.

Obama is black? He gets their votes.

Obama is an expert at reading teleprompters? He gets their votes.

Obama is a Democrat? He gets their votes.

Narcissistic people, racists, America-haters, airheads, and people who completely rely on government assistance to survive, are ALL atypical Obama lovers.
url=]Excerpt | Daniel Silva[/url]
Double dog dare ya' to read Silva
So yer basing yer opinions on Terrorism from a Spy Novelist? Why not just read Ian Fleming instead?

That would be like if I based my opinions on the Police from Joseph Wambaugh novels.

Joo need to esplain some more...

I would consider a former police officer (Joseph Wambaugh) writing fact-based books about crimes and the ensuing police investigations, to be a pretty damn good source of legitimate information.

As for Ian Fleming, many of his books were based on factual events and real people that he personally knew during the WW2 and post-WW2 "spy" era, which, by the way, he was a part of.

So, aside from using two VERY BAD examples in a feeble attempt to ridicule PoliticalChic, do you have ANYTHING of value to add to this debate, Commie?

Maybe you can tell all of us more about your 5K training, ad nauseum? At least that is a something LEGITIMATE (albeit BORING) that you can share with us.
Since neither I nor most of the liberals on this forum I'm guessing have never heard of Zach Carter,

on what do YOU base your opinion, no, your claim of fact, that he is a spokesperson and instructor of the Left?

"...have never heard of..."
You should have a rubber stamp made of your motto.

Have you heard of the Huffington Post?

Are you aware of their position as house organ for the Left?

"Senior Political Economy Reporter" ....what do you suppose this means?

Once again you have proven to be the poster child for "You can run, but you can't hide."

I can accept your right to claim stupidity, but not the constant tergiversation.
You are boring me.

I've never heard of Zach Carter.

Now tell us about your support for Medicaid and gay rights and the rest of your liberal views that you otherwise like to classify as 'ignorant'.

"Now tell us..."

"The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob."
Coulter, "Demonic," chapter 14
low information voters, voters looking to be given and equal share rather than achieve it on their own, looking for big brother to take care of them, underachievers. what else can you expect

You're being way too kind.

Most of the "low information voters" are actually just LAZY voters. These voters are too busy to take ANY time away from their video games, their pursuit of government services, or their criminal enterprises, to do ANY research into WHO or WHAT they are voting for.

Obama is black? He gets their votes.

Obama is an expert at reading teleprompters? He gets their votes.

Obama is a Democrat? He gets their votes.

Narcissistic people, racists, America-haters, airheads, and people who completely rely on government assistance to survive, are ALL atypical Obama lovers.

Well.....maybe not all "Narcissistic people."
5. "Until colliding with Mr. Carter [Zach Carter is The Huffington Post's Senior Political Economy Reporter] I had never thought to ask if a young journalist who presumed to comment on the war on terror if he or she had ever heard of A.Q. Kahn.... I always assume that young journalists would not dare opine on the war without a basic knowledge of the existential threat at its core, and the origins of that threat.
[Carter had no idea who A.Q.Kahn is.]

6. [What we have done is] expose the utter ignorance at the core of so much of the left. Not their rottenness. I often say their is a difference between "rotten" and "wrong," and I believe that. Some on the left are wild-eyed fanatics and awful people.

a. .... most of the lefties I engage with seem perfectly pleasant if also wildly ill-informed and, yes, lazy.

7. It is hard work to read widely and broadly, and on both sides of the political aisle. Time consuming. ...But necessary. If you intend to be taken seriously. More importantly, if you intend the country to endure. "
The Next Generation Of Talking Heads - Hugh Hewitt - Page 1

Now....for any dopes who deny they learn at the feet of a Zach Carter......

.....look at his position: he speaks with the same voice and the same talking points as the HuffPost.

So......never heard of Huffington Post?

I would consider a former police officer (Joseph Wambaugh) writing fact-based books about crimes and the ensuing police investigations, to be a pretty damn good source of legitimate information.
Even his Wiki page states he writes Fiction. Do you know when he mixes Fact and Fiction? No. No you don't.

As for Ian Fleming, many of his books were based on factual events and real people that he personally knew during the WW2 and post-WW2 "spy" era, which, by the way, he was a part of.
Based on factual events. Plenty of Womens Network Movies are based on actual events but I wouldn't take them as the Gospel Truth. Maybe you would?

So, aside from using two VERY BAD examples in a feeble attempt to ridicule PoliticalChic, do you have ANYTHING of value to add to this debate, Commie?
Actually, PC's source is a bad example as I have noted.

Maybe you can tell all of us more about your 5K training, ad nauseum? At least that is a something LEGITIMATE (albeit BORING) that you can share with us.
I know, in the land of Lard Asses, fitness isn't a popular subject. But fantasy novels ARE right? :lol:
Zach who ?

low information voters opposed to what, empty scandal and pointless conspiracy hunters who waste all their time pointing fingers at low information voters ?

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