Zone1 The Chair of St Peter is empty.. which explains a lot of things RE Catholicism


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
I have been all over the board, religion and faith-wise. I consider myself an expert on Catholicism and related matters, even though "I get no respect" as Dangerfield used to say.

I consider myself an expert in large part because SO many others, whether Catholic or P do not seem to know what I know.. do not seem to have read the books I have read, etc..

So anyhow, I have tried to follow the arguments of those who say that the Chair of Peter is not vacant just because.. I dunno.. just bc the pope says stupid, un-Catholic things and acts like he cares more about the environement and other extraneous matters than hedoes about guiding people to Heaven..

Well, I am back to where I was years ago: Sedavacantism: which means: theChair [of St Peter] is vacant-- that there has not been a valid pope since Pius XII (Please do not derail this thread by bringing up dumbass allegations made against Pius XII who was a good pope andsaved the lives of many Jews during WWII. This is not about that)

There is no way a heretic can be pope. The Church once taught that. But the Church (that everyone is familiar with, run by Francis) has gone off the rails, has not been teaching pure Jesus (as it were) since 1958.

So anyhow.. wondering if there are any other Catholics here who agree?
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I have been all over the board, religion and faith-wise. I consider myself an expert on Catholicism and related matters, even though "I get no respect" as Dangerfield used to say.

I consider myself an expert in large part because SO many others, whether Catholic or P do not seem to know what I know.. do not seem to have read the books I have read, etc..


You consider yourself an expert because of what others do or do not know, or have or have not read?

Bro, that's fuckin' hilarious...
There is no way a heretic can be pope. The Church once taught that. But the Church (that everyone is familiar with, run by Francis) has gone off the rails, has not been teaching pure Jesus (as it were) since 1958.

I will have to try to find on the internet a letter written by a seminarian who is disgusted with the way the Catholic Church is not Catholic anymore, has (my words) been overcome by the sinful world around it (but --my words again: true Catholicism is practiced by the SSPX branch thereof)
Ever wonder why Catholic priests are always being accused, many credibly, of child molestation?

The same evil bastards who infiltrated the Church at Vatican II and nearly destroyed Her are the same kind who molest children. I read a book years ago wherein it was found that a lot of seminaries kicked out any seminarian who was truly Catholic!!!!!!!!

The Church is not doing well. But I love Her just the same because Jesus is There all the time, as He promised. I do believe He will withdraw His Real Presence at some time (maybe) if He hasn't already in some Churches, but He will always be with the Church one way or another.. He promised (Mt 28:20). We have to ride out the storm.

From the site listed just above this post.. seminarian unhappy w/ the Church

I would advise against pursuing a vocation in the Church today, and I wouldn’t even recommend the Church to anyone. What could anyone expect to find but spiritual abusers who refuse to enter the Kingdom of God and try to prevent others from doing so?

Well, i don't see much point myself in evangelizing for the novus ordo Church except that there ARE some good priests in those Churches. You just have to shop around, as it were.

This seminarian btw blew me away because.. I thought to myself

FINALLY! Someone who understands me, who has walked in my shoes (more/less)
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There is no way a heretic can be pope.

The very concept of a Pontiff or Pope is heretical. There is no way the pope can be anything but a heretic.
The Church once taught that. But the Church (that everyone is familiar with, run by Francis) has gone off the rails, has not been teaching pure Jesus (as it were) since 1958.

I will have to try to find on the internet a letter written by a seminarian who is disgusted with the way the Catholic Church is not Catholic anymore, has (my words) been overcome by the sinful world around it (but --my words again: true Catholicism is practiced by the SSPX branch thereof)

There is a Borgia Pope in the Vatican - it's as Catholic as Catholic can be.
The seminarian quoted above says:

There is too much resistance to the faith

from the Church

That hits home with yours truly, for sure
So anyhow.. wondering if there are any other Catholics here who agree?
We disagree on the last "true" pope was Pope Pius. We agree that Pope Francis is not a good Pope. Have you every done a deep study of the popes down through the ages? We had some great Popes. We also had some of the worst, who were once again followed by the great. We have some good people in the Church. Christ had some great apostles, but 1 of the 12 failed. There are over a billion Catholics world wide. One-twelfth amounts to about 156 million Catholics who aren't doing so well. Have hope. Many more are good people and very good disciples of Christ.
We disagree on the last "true" pope was Pope Pius. We agree that Pope Francis is not a good Pope. Have you every done a deep study of the popes down through the ages? We had some great Popes. We also had some of the worst, who were once again followed by the great. We have some good people in the Church. Christ had some great apostles, but 1 of the 12 failed. There are over a billion Catholics world wide. One-twelfth amounts to about 156 million Catholics who aren't doing so well. Have hope. Many more are good people and very good disciples of Christ.
I have met many goodCatholics.. some suprised me with how charitable they were when I was in need..

It is the clergy and the Vatican that disturb me.. and while u mention past bad popes.. I would not tend to question that the Chair of Peter was actually vacant at those times? Maybe it was .. I was not there so I can't say.

But the Chair is empty NOW and possibly for the first time in history. Now you have me all curious about whether it was empty before now.. but there may be no w ay of saying. I mean.. well, maybe the consistent view would be: heretical (not just bad but heretical) pope equals NO pope.. and we have had heretics b4

hmm... something to think about.

But St Peter.. .maybe he himself sits in that "empty" Chair when he knows the pope is fake/a heretic?

I have met many goodCatholics.. some suprised me with how charitable they were when I was in need..

It is the clergy and the Vatican that disturb me.. and while u mention past bad popes.. I would not tend to question that the Chair of Peter was actually vacant at those times? Maybe it was .. I was not there so I can't say.

But the Chair is empty NOW and possibly for the first time in history. Now you have me all curious about whether it was empty before now.. but there may be no w ay of saying. I mean.. well, maybe the consistent view would be: heretical (not just bad but heretical) pope equals NO pope.. and we have had heretics b4

hmm... something to think about.

But St Peter.. .maybe he himself sits in that "empty" Chair when he knows the pope is fake/a heretic?

I once prayed for something for over four years for a change in me. It was a good request, it was faithful prayer and I couldn't understand why it was not being answered. But I kept on. Then one day, everything clicked into place. At that time I was able to look back over those four years and could identify the steps I had been given that led me to my prayer being answered. God does not do anything by half measures. He takes His time; He is patient.

I believe God is hearing lots of prayers about Church leadership lately. I believe He is working on our requests. I encourage patience and expectation of something great. Let's all Keep the Faith. :)
I once prayed for something for over four years for a change in me. It was a good request, it was faithful prayer and I couldn't understand why it was not being answered. But I kept on. Then one day, everything clicked into place. At that time I was able to look back over those four years and could identify the steps I had been given that led me to my prayer being answered. God does not do anything by half measures. He takes His time; He is patient.

I believe God is hearing lots of prayers about Church leadership lately. I believe He is working on our requests. I encourage patience and expectation of something great. Let's all Keep the Faith. :)
Well, God doesn't do anything to answer our prayers unless we do all we can.. Wait, I don't KNOW that for certain. There are many things we don't know about God.

I lost my train of thought.. just meditating on that one thing: how little we know about God
Well, God doesn't do anything to answer our prayers unless we do all we can.. Wait, I don't KNOW that for certain. There are many things we don't know about God.
It became apparent to me at a very young age there was a differences between wishes and prayer; that any prayers for physical healing/corrections were wishes, not prayers. God is not a genii, He is God, fully Spirit. He is the Healer of the spirit. He responds to spiritual matters.

In the four-year prayer I mentioned, it was indeed a spiritual matter, and long enough for me to be puzzled over being ignored (or so I thought). It wasn't until the prayer was answered that I was able to see that what I thought was a one-step problem, actually had many facets, and each facet needed a bit of adjustment until the entire unit clicked into place. It was an amazing insight into how God works...quietly, with great delicacy, remaining unnoticed.

My theory is that God is more shy than even I am (which says a lot). I had to grin, thinking, It must be true we are made in His image and own shyness is proof! :)
Well, God doesn't do anything to answer our prayers unless we do all we can.. Wait, I don't KNOW that for certain. There are many things we don't know about God.

I lost my train of thought.. just meditating on that one thing: how little we know about God

What do you like to know about our heavenly father? Perhaps I'm able to help you.

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I have been all over the board, religion and faith-wise. I consider myself an expert on Catholicism and related matters, even though "I get no respect" as Dangerfield used to say.

I consider myself an expert in large part because SO many others, whether Catholic or P do not seem to know what I know.. do not seem to have read the books I have read, etc..

So anyhow, I have tried to follow the arguments of those who say that the Chair of Peter is not vacant just because.. I dunno.. just bc the pope says stupid, un-Catholic things and acts like he cares more about the environement and other extraneous matters than hedoes about guiding people to Heaven..

Well, I am back to where I was years ago: Sedavacantism: which means: theChair [of St Peter] is vacant-- that there has not been a valid pope since Pius XII (Please do not derail this thread by bringing up dumbass allegations made against Pius XII who was a good pope andsaved the lives of many Jews during WWII. This is not about that)

There is no way a heretic can be pope. The Church once taught that. But the Church (that everyone is familiar with, run by Francis) has gone off the rails, has not been teaching pure Jesus (as it were) since 1958.

So anyhow.. wondering if there are any other Catholics here who agree?
Until hitlers death, his birthday was celebrated from the pulpit every year. The Vatican hosted social events and glorified him under guess what pope.

That same pope did a deal with Hitler regarding the German language being taught in Italian schools in return for not destroying the Vatican.

What was that you were saying you know more then most people?
You know nothing. You’re youthful ignorance is glaringly obvious. Get some facts before you spruik about your qualifications.

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