The Civil War brewing among Democrats

See, FA_Q2 is merely a simple tool, spouting but not understanding. Go back and read.

Care to address what was said or are you to comfortable as a worthless troll. You made an idiotic statement, I pointed that out with a few examples. Apparently you could not handle it.

Posting links is poor argumentation. You need to analyze the content, instead of saying, "I rely on link Z." Now troll away, please.
See, FA_Q2 is merely a simple tool, spouting but not understanding. Go back and read.

Care to address what was said or are you to comfortable as a worthless troll. You made an idiotic statement, I pointed that out with a few examples. Apparently you could not handle it.

Posting links is poor argumentation. You need to analyze the content, instead of saying, "I rely on link Z." Now troll away, please.

I didn't even post a link! Are you even reading what you are responding to?
See, FA_Q2 is merely a simple tool, spouting but not understanding. Go back and read.

Care to address what was said or are you to comfortable as a worthless troll. You made an idiotic statement, I pointed that out with a few examples. Apparently you could not handle it.

Posting links is poor argumentation. You need to analyze the content, instead of saying, "I rely on link Z." Now troll away, please.

Jake, you of all people know that this post of yours is really pathetic. :lol:
That's because the republicans do block everything. Every time they demand a 60% vote, that's a filibuster.

So you think the Republicans should just go eat worms and not try to block legislation that they honestly believe is bad legislation? Did you feel that way when the Democrats were in the minority and were frequently billed as the "party of no"?

I think most of us wanted the Democratic Party to come up with good alternatives to what the GOP was doing in Congress. They didn't and paid the price. The same thing is happening here with the GOP. The cannot regain Congress this way.

Being said with a hope and a prayer. Congress approval ratings at or near lows. Barry's policies below 50% approval with the American people.

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that the GOP can't regain Congress. :lol:
That's because the republicans do block everything. Every time they demand a 60% vote, that's a filibuster.

So you think the Republicans should just go eat worms and not try to block legislation that they honestly believe is bad legislation? Did you feel that way when the Democrats were in the minority and were frequently billed as the "party of no"?

I think most of us wanted the Democratic Party to come up with good alternatives to what the GOP was doing in Congress. They didn't and paid the price. The same thing is happening here with the GOP. The[y] cannot regain Congress this way.

As pointed out by Foxfyre, the Democrats were "the party of No" four years ago and now they have regained Congress. Don't be so sure of your statement.

Edit: acknowledged that Meister beat me to this.

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So you think the Republicans should just go eat worms and not try to block legislation that they honestly believe is bad legislation? Did you feel that way when the Democrats were in the minority and were frequently billed as the "party of no"?

I think most of us wanted the Democratic Party to come up with good alternatives to what the GOP was doing in Congress. They didn't and paid the price. The same thing is happening here with the GOP. The[y] cannot regain Congress this way.

As pointed out by Foxfyre, the Democrats were "the party of No" four years ago and now they have regained Congress. Don't be so sure of your statement.

Edit: acknowledged that Meister beat me to this.


The Democrats regained power when the GOP became Democrat light. With its big spending ways and expansion of government, the GOP base was disgusted and disheartened and simply refused to support leaders they felt had betrayed them.

Well, the GOP is trying to get back on track. The Tea Partier's, 9/12ers, Tax Protest groups, etc. are tugging as hard as they can to drag them back on track. If they succeed, that could literally drag this country from its insane rush over the cliff that we have been seeing the last four years.

But if we put them back in power, heaven help them if the GOP does not then walk the walk as well as talk the talk. I think if the GOP blows it that badly again, they are done.

Too many of us now know that it simply isn't good enough to just not suck as badly as the other side sucks.
I think most of us wanted the Democratic Party to come up with good alternatives to what the GOP was doing in Congress. They didn't and paid the price. The same thing is happening here with the GOP. The[y] cannot regain Congress this way.

As pointed out by Foxfyre, the Democrats were "the party of No" four years ago and now they have regained Congress. Don't be so sure of your statement.

Edit: acknowledged that Meister beat me to this.


The Democrats regained power when the GOP became Democrat light. With its big spending ways and expansion of government, the GOP base was disgusted and disheartened and simply refused to support leaders they felt had betrayed them.

Well, the GOP is trying to get back on track. The Tea Partier's, 9/12ers, Tax Protest groups, etc. are tugging as hard as they can to drag them back on track. If they succeed, that could literally drag this country from its insane rush over the cliff that we have been seeing the last four years.

But if we put them back in power, heaven help them if the GOP does not then walk the walk as well as talk the talk. I think if the GOP blows it that badly again, they are done.

Too many of us now know that it simply isn't good enough to just not suck as badly as the other side sucks.

I've already given up on the GOP. I don't believe the "We've seen the light" mentality that they seem to be portraying in front of the Tea Party. They are a bunch of scam artists who are playing disgruntled GOP'ers and newly found independents as fools.

"We're sorry, we have seen the light. We screwed up. Give us another chance and we promise we won't do it again." Just is not going to work with me. Screw them as far as I am concerned and screw their counterparts in the Democratic Party as well. Send them all home packing to look for real jobs.

As pointed out by Foxfyre, the Democrats were "the party of No" four years ago and now they have regained Congress. Don't be so sure of your statement.

Edit: acknowledged that Meister beat me to this.


The Democrats regained power when the GOP became Democrat light. With its big spending ways and expansion of government, the GOP base was disgusted and disheartened and simply refused to support leaders they felt had betrayed them.

Well, the GOP is trying to get back on track. The Tea Partier's, 9/12ers, Tax Protest groups, etc. are tugging as hard as they can to drag them back on track. If they succeed, that could literally drag this country from its insane rush over the cliff that we have been seeing the last four years.

But if we put them back in power, heaven help them if the GOP does not then walk the walk as well as talk the talk. I think if the GOP blows it that badly again, they are done.

Too many of us now know that it simply isn't good enough to just not suck as badly as the other side sucks.

I've already given up on the GOP. I don't believe the "We've seen the light" mentality that they seem to be portraying in front of the Tea Party. They are a bunch of scam artists who are playing disgruntled GOP'ers and newly found independents as fools.

"We're sorry, we have seen the light. We screwed up. Give us another chance and we promise we won't do it again." Just is not going to work with me. Screw them as far as I am concerned and screw their counterparts in the Democratic Party as well. Send them all home packing to look for real jobs.


Well, be a bit careful there Immie. The GOP is our ONLY hope to reverse the healthcare overhaul. The Democrats aren't going to do that.

The GOP is our ONLY hope to stop this Cap & Tax insanity in its tracks. The Democrats aren't going to do that all by themselves either.

The GOP is our ONLY hope to restore tax policy that will let the economy get going again. The Democrats have proved in spades they aren't interested in doing that.

I simply don't think we have time to build and make a third party viable between now and the next Presidential election, much less between now and November. The thought of leaving the Democrats with a super majority or substantial majority in Congress is just too demoralizing to contemplate. We HAVE to stop the insanity somehow.

So, our best bet is to take what we have, put the best people we can find into those seats, and hold their feet to the fire. This is not the time for grudges, putting ideology ahead of practical action, or exacting revenge. It is time to do take the best possible action to produce the best possible results.
Care to address what was said or are you to comfortable as a worthless troll. You made an idiotic statement, I pointed that out with a few examples. Apparently you could not handle it.

Posting links is poor argumentation. You need to analyze the content, instead of saying, "I rely on link Z." Now troll away, please.

I didn't even post a link! Are you even reading what you are responding to?

Hmmm, post the # where you made your argument again, then, and I will read it if I haven't read it before. Mistakes do happen, and I always admit mine because I love to point out others.
The Democrats regained power when the GOP became Democrat light. With its big spending ways and expansion of government, the GOP base was disgusted and disheartened and simply refused to support leaders they felt had betrayed them.

Well, the GOP is trying to get back on track. The Tea Partier's, 9/12ers, Tax Protest groups, etc. are tugging as hard as they can to drag them back on track. If they succeed, that could literally drag this country from its insane rush over the cliff that we have been seeing the last four years.

But if we put them back in power, heaven help them if the GOP does not then walk the walk as well as talk the talk. I think if the GOP blows it that badly again, they are done.

Too many of us now know that it simply isn't good enough to just not suck as badly as the other side sucks.

I've already given up on the GOP. I don't believe the "We've seen the light" mentality that they seem to be portraying in front of the Tea Party. They are a bunch of scam artists who are playing disgruntled GOP'ers and newly found independents as fools.

"We're sorry, we have seen the light. We screwed up. Give us another chance and we promise we won't do it again." Just is not going to work with me. Screw them as far as I am concerned and screw their counterparts in the Democratic Party as well. Send them all home packing to look for real jobs.


Well, be a bit careful there Immie. The GOP is our ONLY hope to reverse the healthcare overhaul. The Democrats aren't going to do that.

The GOP is our ONLY hope to stop this Cap & Tax insanity in its tracks. The Democrats aren't going to do that all by themselves either.

The GOP is our ONLY hope to restore tax policy that will let the economy get going again. The Democrats have proved in spades they aren't interested in doing that.

I simply don't think we have time to build and make a third party viable between now and the next Presidential election, much less between now and November. The thought of leaving the Democrats with a super majority or substantial majority in Congress is just too demoralizing to contemplate. We HAVE to stop the insanity somehow.

So, our best bet is to take what we have, put the best people we can find into those seats, and hold their feet to the fire. This is not the time for grudges, putting ideology ahead of practical action, or exacting revenge. It is time to do take the best possible action to produce the best possible results.

My personal feeling?

Look at the Obama Administration. "Hope and change". That is what we were promised. What did they give us? More of the same.

Healthcare Reform? It was passed under a Democrat Regime because the time is right. I am not convinced that if timing had been right under Bush, that we would not be condemning him for having passed it or that if McCain had won in '08 that we would not be condemning him for passing it. I simply am fed up with both sides.

Cap & Trade? Piece of shit selling of indulgences is all that is. Again, I am not certain that the GOP wouldn't try it if they thought they could get away with it. And even if they would not do so... we have the Patriot Act and NSA Wiretapping. If the Gop would not have passed Healthcare Reform or Cap & Trade, they'd do something else to take away our rights.

We do not have the time to build another party. That much I agree with.

I'd be okay with the ending of the super majority. That can't hurt, but I am not convinced that anyone of the GOP members is worth the effort to support. They are no better or worse the the Democrats and one way or another they (which ever side controls) is bound and determined to screw us.


PS: Damn!!! What a pessimist I've become. Could it be the fact that I am unemployed and the job market is so screwed up?
So you think the Republicans should just go eat worms and not try to block legislation that they honestly believe is bad legislation? Did you feel that way when the Democrats were in the minority and were frequently billed as the "party of no"?

I think most of us wanted the Democratic Party to come up with good alternatives to what the GOP was doing in Congress. They didn't and paid the price. The same thing is happening here with the GOP. The cannot regain Congress this way.

Being said with a hope and a prayer. Congress approval ratings at or near lows. Barry's policies below 50% approval with the American people.

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that the GOP can't regain Congress. :lol:

The Tea Party is slowly taking the chance away from the GOP to regain either house in Congress. They are insisting on people like Rand Paul and Angle. Once the true policies of these people are exposed, it will be over for them. The GOP had a chance but they have bowed before the Tea Baggers.
PS: Damn!!! What a pessimist I've become. Could it be the fact that I am unemployed and the job market is so screwed up?

That'll do it to a body. The anger and frustration of circumstances beyond one's control, especially when they feel like they're getting screwed by insane policy, can certainly color one's outlook.

But I'll settle for your willingness to accept an imperfect solution for problems that will certainly get worse if we leave the Democrats in power. Maybe they'll get worse if the GOP is in power too, but I just can't believe they will get AS bad.

So vote against the Democrats this time as they are currently the more imperfect of two imperfections. With the President we currently have, it is absolutely our only hope to stop the insanity before it has created irreversible harm.
The GOP cannot get even close to a majority in either chamber until it sheds the Tea Party extremists.
If the "Tea Party extremists" were a problem for the GOP, then the Democrats couldn't get elected dog catcher anywhere considering all the leftwing looney extremists they carry along with them.

It is those "Tea Party extremists" who at least have turned the national debate to actual policy and solutions instead of preserving the partisan loyalty at all costs. Of course those who are immersed in ideology and partisan loyalty don't WANT to talk policy and solutions and will keep saying stupid stuff like 'Tea Party Extremists" to divert any discussion away from policy and solutions.
The GOP cannot get even close to a majority in either chamber until it sheds the Tea Party extremists.

That ain't going to happen because the Tea Party has the GOP on the run. The GOP can only ask them who they wish as a candidate. Extremism is the message from the New Right.
I think most of us wanted the Democratic Party to come up with good alternatives to what the GOP was doing in Congress. They didn't and paid the price. The same thing is happening here with the GOP. The cannot regain Congress this way.

Being said with a hope and a prayer. Congress approval ratings at or near lows. Barry's policies below 50% approval with the American people.

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that the GOP can't regain Congress. :lol:

The Tea Party is slowly taking the chance away from the GOP to regain either house in Congress. They are insisting on people like Rand Paul and Angle. Once the true policies of these people are exposed, it will be over for them. The GOP had a chance but they have bowed before the Tea Baggers.

I think Joe the Plumber right now could kick ass on most of the dem candidates....that's how bad your party is polling. Just sayin....
Foxfyre accurately describes the GOP with the words "immersed in ideology and partisan loyalty." The Tea Party and the rise of the New Right are flatly saying who can be Republican and who can't. Their extremism is enough to purge the GOP of folks they don't like but don't have the numbers to take a majority.
Jake Starkey continues to demonstrate the reading deficiencies of the far Left ideologues and also the inability to properly represent what others say.
I turned your words back on you, foxfyre, is all, and your words accurately describe the Tea Party and New Right's impact on the GOP. It does not matter if that was not your intent, and from thus we find the making of satire and irony of and about your ideology.

The point is this, right wing ideologist: that the Tea Party and New Right are whittling down the numbers for the GOP. That means minority status for a long time.
Jake, do you honestly believe the malarky and baloney that you post? I honestly do try to ignore it and would have this time had you not invoked my name in a dishonest way.

But really. I bet you are soooooo much smarter than what you appear in some of the stuff you post. It does make me wonder if you're posting dumb on purpose.
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