The Civil War brewing among Democrats

You guys need to face the truth. The Tea party is NOT a party of inclusion, but rather a party of exclusion. That is a recipe for extinction. I don't really think the GOP wants to join them, do they?
I am not concerned with foxfyre's comments in terms of whether I believe what I write.

The proof will be in the pudding the day after the November election as the GOP settles once again into minority status.

The New Right and the Tea Party elements cannot muster a majority for the GOP, only pull it down instead.
The tea party is not the end of the GOP but the ONLY way it can be revitalized. Why is that hard to see? The GOP lost so badly because it had slid so far from what it was supposed to be, the basics that make it republican had been completely forgotten. The tea party is demanding that it come back to what it was supposed to be and trying to cut the old crap out. That is why the GOP is running the candidates that the tea party wants, there simply is no support for more of the same crap. Whether or not they are doing a good job is another story. You could argue that the tea party is not changing the GOP in the way that it needs to or you could argue that it is but no matter what, the GOP has NO future without that change and it will not come from within. It takes a large movement from the people to force the GOP to reevaluate where it stands and that is exactly what the tea party is. Hopefully the candidates are not lip servicing the people but my fear is that they are. Not that the dems are doing any better, all politicians seem to be that way these days.
I am not concerned with foxfyre's comments in terms of whether I believe what I write.

The proof will be in the pudding the day after the November election as the GOP settles once again into minority status.

The New Right and the Tea Party elements cannot muster a majority for the GOP, only pull it down instead.
Do you honestly believe that? No one actually believes the GOP will lose ground this election. They are going to make gains, the question is how many. I personally believe it will not be due to any campaign or issues but happiness. It seems voters vote based on who they are upset with at the time, not with who they believe in. That is a sad sad reality but seems to be the basic truth.
The tea party is not the end of the GOP but the ONLY way it can be revitalized. Why is that hard to see?
Ya' might want to ask the Tea Party Daddy about that.

Apparently, The DICK; Armey is somewhat embarrassed by his spawn!!

"Republican candidates popular with tea party activists should refrain from self-identifying as tea party candidates — and also should stay off MSNBC, Dick Armey said Wednesday."

Better be careful, there, DICK!

Ya' don't wanna crimp your 'Bagger-buck$ know.....seeing-as-how you've developed a serious shoe-polish-addiction!!!!!

The tea party is not the end of the GOP but the ONLY way it can be revitalized. Why is that hard to see?
Ya' might want to ask the Tea Party Daddy about that.

Apparently, The DICK; Armey is somewhat embarrassed by his spawn!!

"Republican candidates popular with tea party activists should refrain from self-identifying as tea party candidates — and also should stay off MSNBC, Dick Armey said Wednesday."

Better be careful, there, DICK!

Ya' don't wanna crimp your 'Bagger-buck$ know.....seeing-as-how you've developed a serious shoe-polish-addiction!!!!!


Can you see that you're obsessed with dicks and homosexual acts? You see that now, don't you?
The tea party is not the end of the GOP but the ONLY way it can be revitalized. Why is that hard to see?
Ya' might want to ask the Tea Party Daddy about that.

Apparently, The DICK; Armey is somewhat embarrassed by his spawn!!

"Republican candidates popular with tea party activists should refrain from self-identifying as tea party candidates — and also should stay off MSNBC, Dick Armey said Wednesday."

Better be careful, there, DICK!

Ya' don't wanna crimp your 'Bagger-buck$ know.....seeing-as-how you've developed a serious shoe-polish-addiction!!!!!


Can you see that you're obsessed with dicks and homosexual acts?
....While it's the Republican Party that's so heavily-POPULATED with DICKS??!!! :eusa_eh:

(Including the ones that aren't named DICK.)


Project, much??????

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The tea party is not the end of the GOP but the ONLY way it can be revitalized. Why is that hard to see?
Ya' might want to ask the Tea Party Daddy about that.

Apparently, The DICK; Armey is somewhat embarrassed by his spawn!!

"Republican candidates popular with tea party activists should refrain from self-identifying as tea party candidates — and also should stay off MSNBC, Dick Armey said Wednesday."

Better be careful, there, DICK!

Ya' don't wanna crimp your 'Bagger-buck$ know.....seeing-as-how you've developed a serious shoe-polish-addiction!!!!!


Can you see that you're obsessed with dicks and homosexual acts? You see that now, don't you?

which refutes his post how?
I am not concerned with foxfyre's comments in terms of whether I believe what I write.

The proof will be in the pudding the day after the November election as the GOP settles once again into minority status.

The New Right and the Tea Party elements cannot muster a majority for the GOP, only pull it down instead.
Do you honestly believe that? No one actually believes the GOP will lose ground this election. They are going to make gains, the question is how many. I personally believe it will not be due to any campaign or issues but happiness. It seems voters vote based on who they are upset with at the time, not with who they believe in. That is a sad sad reality but seems to be the basic truth.

I believe it because it is true. The GOP, particularly with its Tea Party component, simply does not represent the needs of an increasingly younger and darker American population. Americans as a whole are more upset with the GOP and the Tea Party then any sadness about BHO who stepped us his game the last week.

Either the GOP faces and accepts reality, or it will remain in the minority, representing no more than 30 to 35% of America.

The majority of Americans still hate the GOP for what it did to our country under the Bush years, and there has been no apology for that.
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The title of this thread is quite correct- though the column utilized to cite the issue is misguided.

There is indeed a division growing from within the Democrat Party - both at the state and national level. Moderate Dems are PISSED OFF, and running scared - and their anger is being increasingly directed at the far left wing of the party that has enjoyed far greater control in recent years. That control has come at great cost to the Democrat brand name though, returning it to the era of ridicule liberalism had to endure post-Carter.

While some in the mainstream media have attempted to portray division within the Republican Party - moderates vs Tea Party etc., it is the deepening divide in the Democrat Party that is actually the far greater story. The Republican Party is growing more unified, while the Democrat Party is now breaking out the knives on one another.

Nancy Pelosi was so recently feared and respected on Capitol Hill by the rank and file. She is now feared and reviled. And while the liberal Democrats are still attempting loyalty to the Obama administration, the moderate Democrats are quietly moving away from Obama, hoping to escape the stench of his repeated failures in leadership. The similarities to the Carter administration are so similar as to make one feel someone has hit replay in the political DVD player.

If there is not some tangible and "feel it on Main St." economic improvement over the course of the summer months, November 2010 is going to deal a very hard blow against the Democrat Party and the Democrat brand name.
Sinatra is projecting the centrist portion of the GOP's angst at the Tea Party drones.

The Dems are in a happy place, the Pubs are not.
Sinatra is projecting the centrist portion of the GOP's angst at the Tea Party drones.

The Dems are in a happy place, the Pubs are not.

Sorry to dissapoint, but no - I love the energy the Tea Party has infused into the political climate. It is a grassroots movement that exceeded even my own high expectations.

The Republican Party is motivated, and mobilized now- more so than I have ever personally experienced.

And I assure you, the Democrat Party is far from happy. Oh my the gnashing of teeth. Folks are quitting - running for the hills. It's like hearing the drone of bombers coming from far away, knowing full well the shit is about to hit the fan, with the foxhole inhabitants now pointing fingers and crying at how they never should have joined up.

It's getting very ugly for the Democrat Party, and tougher times are coming...
The title of this thread is quite correct- though the column utilized to cite the issue is misguided.

There is indeed a division growing from within the Democrat Party - both at the state and national level. Moderate Dems are PISSED OFF, and running scared - and their anger is being increasingly directed at the far left wing of the party that has enjoyed far greater control in recent years. That control has come at great cost to the Democrat brand name though, returning it to the era of ridicule liberalism had to endure post-Carter.

While some in the mainstream media have attempted to portray division within the Republican Party - moderates vs Tea Party etc., it is the deepening divide in the Democrat Party that is actually the far greater story. The Republican Party is growing more unified, while the Democrat Party is now breaking out the knives on one another.

Nancy Pelosi was so recently feared and respected on Capitol Hill by the rank and file. She is now feared and reviled. And while the liberal Democrats are still attempting loyalty to the Obama administration, the moderate Democrats are quietly moving away from Obama, hoping to escape the stench of his repeated failures in leadership. The similarities to the Carter administration are so similar as to make one feel someone has hit replay in the political DVD player.

If there is not some tangible and "feel it on Main St." economic improvement over the course of the summer months, November 2010 is going to deal a very hard blow against the Democrat Party and the Democrat brand name.

Thanks for breaking into the food fight with something substantive to discuss here.

The Republicans certainly have their warts, scars, bumps, and bruises, but the Left is sufficiently afraid of the Tea Partiers that they are doing their damndest to discredit/destroy them as they do anything or anybody that gains popularity on the Right. If there was nothing else to assure me that the Tea Partiers were on the right path, that alone would convince me. And you are right that the themes the Tea Partiers are putting out there are resonating well with the Republicans, Independents, and moderate Democrats. All of them may not be giving the Tea Partiers the credit, but they are more and more agreeing with the themes.

And that is unifying the Republican Party though the GOP still has some idiots in power that are going to have to be reformed or removed.

But just as Republicans were repulsed and disgusted with their party leaders who betrayed the basic core principles of the party, the Democrats are now experiencing that same phenomenon.

President Obama has single handedly tanked stocks of big oil, banks, and insurance companies. And, given the mismanagement of the oil disaster and other other areas of crisis, one of our local pundits is recommending that we all invest in Iran because that will assure that the President will find a way to destroy it.

And, in the face of staggering frozen credit, staggering unemployment, hundreds of thousands more impending foreclosures, and no light at the end of the tunnel, House Speaker Pelosi moved into her new palatial San Francisco offices this week. The rent alone is costing us tax payers $18,000 a month. That kind of arrogance and insensitivity to the real problems of America drives so many of us absolutely nuts.

And because it is the Democrats calling the shots at this time, and so much of what is happening is absolutely indefensible, THAT is causing the divides between the far left ideologues and the majority who still think. But the Democrats do hold the power and therefore the ball is in their court.

If the Republicans get back in and blow it as badly as they did the last time they held the power, then they'll be just as liable for criticism, censure, and booted out if we can.
Democrats' Civil War: The Fight Within the Party - The Daily Beast

Yes, the GOP is certainly seeing grand divides among its ranks, with Tea Party supporters pulling in different directions, but now the liberal wing of the Democrats are beginning to show intolerance for the centrist direction of this administration....????? HUH?

obama is quite centrist. the left wanted single payer, he settled for a muddled private/public insurance deal. the left wanted gitmo closed, patrito act repealed, and iraq war ended pronto. none of that happened. left wanted prosecution of bush/cheney. that didn't even come close to happening. there are tons more examples, but Obama is quite centrist, he just looks far left after having GW around for 8 years.

What I find truly funny. Is how all the People on the Left assured us Obama was a super Wise man of superior Intellect, and now they refuse to consider that Maybe Obama didn't Close Gitmo, Repeal the Pat Act, get us out of Iraq, and Prosecute Bush because in his wisdom he realized none of those things were as simple or black and white as the left thinks and doing what they want was not in our best interests as a nation. It's One thing to say the stuff like he did when running. It is quite another to do them in the face of Daily intelligence briefings, and a clearer picture of this dangerous world we live in than just about anyone else could have.

Holy crap did I just defend Obama? LOL
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Democrats' Civil War: The Fight Within the Party - The Daily Beast

Yes, the GOP is certainly seeing grand divides among its ranks, with Tea Party supporters pulling in different directions, but now the liberal wing of the Democrats are beginning to show intolerance for the centrist direction of this administration....????? HUH?

obama is quite centrist. the left wanted single payer, he settled for a muddled private/public insurance deal. the left wanted gitmo closed, patrito act repealed, and iraq war ended pronto. none of that happened. left wanted prosecution of bush/cheney. that didn't even come close to happening. there are tons more examples, but Obama is quite centrist, he just looks far left after having GW around for 8 years.

What I find truly funny. Is how all the People on the Left assured us Obama was a super Wise man of superior Intellect, and now they refuse to consider that Maybe Obama didn't Close Gitmo, Repeal the Pat Act, get us out of Iraq, and Prosecute Bush because in his wisdom he realized none of those things were as simple or black and white as the left thinks and doing what they want was not in our best interests as a nation. It's One thing to say the stuff like he did when running. It is quite another to do them in the face of Daily intelligence briefings, and a clearer picture of this dangerous world we live in than just about anyone else could have.

Holy crap did I just defend Obama? LOL

Yes you did, but your observations aren't that far off target. Let's face it. Obama is not a manager or an administrator. He's a crappy organizer. He simply has no common sense when it comes to getting things done and has no instincts about who to put in charge of something to get something done. . . . OR . . . .

He's dumb like a fox and is intentionally sabotaging the country and any solutions that might be available for the problems it has.

We seem to be down to those two choices. Incompetent. Or evil. Right now, I'm leaning to the incompetent side and hope with all my heart that I am right.

But when it comes to some of the grandiose promises and pronouncements in the campaign, and then having to implement those things, even he is smart enough to see the potential for really bad consequences and really bad press if he followed through. And he can't afford to alienate ALL his supporters by bringing that kind of wrath and criticism down on them.

But for the life of me, I can't see how anybody drinks enough kool-ade to be able to say that Obama is a centrist when you look at all the radical leftwing extremists with which he has surrounded himself and when you look at how he looks to government to accomplish everything and is willing to leave absolutely nothing to the private sector.

I think many of these people don't know what being 'left' means.
Here is another example of the stuff that goes on almost every day anymore and it does drive thinking Democrats, as well as thinking Americans everywhere, absolutely crazy.

The primary reason we are in the current financial mess is because the government for too long has urged banks and lending institutions to make loans to people who traditionally would not have been qualified for them. That was made possible by Freddie and Fannie underwriting those loans. The increase in property acquisitions then drove up property values to dizzying heights which generated all manner of economic activity. Life was good. It was fairly responsibly managed in the Carter and Reagan administrations, but then began getting out of hand. The bubble began seriously building in the Clinton administration and continued all through the Bush administration until it finally maxed out, too many folks started defaulting on loans, and ultimately the whole house of cards the process had created collapsed in mid 2008.

So have our fearless leaders learned that maybe folks who can't afford to scrape together a down payment for a house and don't have any investment in it probably won't put a lot of priority on paying a mortgage if finances get tight? Have they learned that folks who can't afford a house probably shouldn't be encouraged to buy one?

No they haven't learned that.

Wed., May 12, 2010 4:14 PM ET

The Senate today rejected a proposal by Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., to impose a minimum 5% down payment for virtually all home mortgages. The amendment to the broader financial regulatory overhaul bill, which failed 42-57, would have required income verification and an assessment of borrowers’ ability to repay as well.

Corker’s proposal also would have stripped out a provision that required financial firms securitizing loans to keep a 5% portfolio risk.

Democrats then passed their own amendment imposing some underwriting standards, but no minimum down payment. . . .
Democrats Reject 5% Down Payment Rule
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Sinatra is projecting the centrist portion of the GOP's angst at the Tea Party drones.

The Dems are in a happy place, the Pubs are not.

"But if we say the DEMs are in disarray enough, we might create the illusion that they are!"

In a happy place? LOL they are already running for cover for 2010 the see the writing on the wall, why can't you. :)

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